Blogs from Queensland, Australia, Oceania


Oceania » Australia » Queensland April 1st 2024

The Pandemic was finally over, the ships had started their long journey home, and Friday 17th November 2023 was the date we officially booked our ‘14 Night Queensland cruise from Melbourne’ with the Grand Princess. But it didn’t start there. You see, in 2020, we were originally booked to fly to Sydney to meet my Aunty, and Uncle to board the Majestic Princess (my dream ship) for a ‘ten night Queensland cruise until it was devastatingly cancelled when the COVID Pandemic occurred which put the International cruise industry on pause for over two years. Now that the International borders have reopened, all the restrictions have lifted, and cruising his back where it belongs; it’s time for the ‘take two’ of the Queensland cruise. THE PRINCESS MEDALLION: Because of COVID, a lot of things have changed in ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Noosa March 21st 2024

Oh dear, today’s blog is not very interesting, because the day has not been interesting…. I guess that, like me, you have to take the good with the bad! This morning I was woken up by noises at the side of my cabin tent! It was way too early because today is sleep in day! I went out to be met by three kangaroos. As I peeked around my cabin tent corner, and obviously, I interrupted their play, they all looked up at me, as if they were in trouble! Then they hopped away! This done, I was now fully awake! Although, I did get back into bed to finish the film that I fell asleep watching last night! It was rubbish, maybe that’s why I fell asleep last night! I got showered and dressed to ... read more
Be aware of koalas
The drive to Noosa
Over the river

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island March 20th 2024

Oh now that wasn’t the easiest rise and shine! My alarm went off at 5:30. I think I finally opened my eyes at 5:35. That’s harsh! I got into bed early to prepare for this, but by the time I’d finished uploading the blog stuff, it was 11:30 …… aarrgghh….I only had one bar of signal on my phone. Apparently, I’m doing the well to get that. We can get WiFi in the bar and reception area, but not in the accommodation! I’m here, all present and correct, I have my Costa coffee mug and muffin in my hands, so alls good. Here we go on the day ahead! I was greeted by a couple of kangaroos near my door this morning. It’s crazy, yesterday, I had never seen a kangaroo in the wild. Now, I ... read more
Pine forest
More pine forest
On the ferry over to the island

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Noosa March 19th 2024

This morning… I was actually taking my shower when my alarm went off!! I know, it was a shock to me as well. I think that after a month, I’m finally getting used to the early mornings! It’s now 8:30am, I’m sitting on the porch having my last cup of coffee, my Hydralites are ready to go into my water bottle, my day bag is sorted, and I have extra croissants and an apple for on the bus, my case is on the drive! It’s only about a three hour drive today. Today is bittersweet because Johanna is leaving our tour. We are being joined by a new guide for the rest of the tour. We are stopping off in a town called Maryborough which is the birthplace of P. L. Travers. Maryborough is a city, ... read more
Final journey with Johanna
Going to Maryborough
Loved this lorry at the Servo stop!

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Bargara March 18th 2024

A great night sleep, I did have a run in with a bug! I sprayed it, then thought, I’ll collect it in the morning! I woke up to the alarm at 8:30. Well relaxed, and ready for the day. I pottered for a while, made a cup of tea, then sat on my porch. I sighted a few dragon beard lizards passing by! I went to collect my breakfast from reception. I had oats cereal, with apple, yoghurt and apple, then a cereal bar. Not what I would usually eat, but I do tend to just eat, and enjoy what I am presented with. It’s a self catering place, so our guide, Johanna, brought our breakfast in! At about 9:30 Angelika came round for a cup of tea and a chat. We spent about an hour ... read more
Morning visitor
Morning visitor
Same one!

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Bundaberg March 17th 2024

I had a solid sleep last night. I think that knowing that the bugs have been exterminated, and that I have complete suitcase organisation, has cleared my mind affording me a restful night. It’s the little things in my life that maintain my happiness! I was awake just before my alarm set off this morning, at about 6:20! I just had to put a couple of final bits into my suitcase, get a shower, then I’m good to go. Today for breakfast I had Vegemite on toast. I love it! I do eat marmite at home, it’s very similar. I had a coffee with my breakfast, then another one after too. The whole group were up and around, making good time for the leave at 7:45. We have a long journey today. We are driving about ... read more
Leaving Airlie Beach
Airlie beach to first stop near Mackay

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach March 16th 2024

o first, and foremost, my room is getting sprayed today! Hopefully, they will exterminate the beetle/cockroach thing, and also get the couple of lizards that are also squatting in my space! So my sleep was ok, but intermittent! The rain was crazy overnight! i heard it beating on everything it landed on! I got up to check my washing, but it was all good as it is well sheltered in the covered in balcony. I woke up to my alarm at 7:15, got a quick shower, arranged my handbag, and I was off for the day. I had pre-arranged breakfast with Angelika to meet at 7:45. Perfect timing, we met on our way into the restaurant area. I had a simple continental breakfast today. Just changing things up from eggs! I was amazed to see the ... read more
Cows blocking the road
The tractor train
The long drop dunny

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach March 15th 2024

I was up at 7am for the early leave today. I had a rubbish nights sleep last night. I was tossing, and turning until about 3am…. And for absolutely no reason! That’s annoying! I still got up on time. Breakfast was pre-ordered, so no long wait today. I had an omelette today, which wasn’t my best decision. It had floppy bacon in it, which I don’t eat, so after pulling that out, it was quite a cold, sloppy option, but it still met my need! Obviously, that was chased down with a cappuccino. We left for the public bus at 8:45, which will take us to a the ferry terminal. Our timing has been spot on today! As we arrived at the terminal, we were straight on to the ferry. It’s another beautiful day, so the ... read more
Leaving Maggie Island
Hello Mainland
Bruce the bus, and trailer

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Magnetic Island March 14th 2024

After a late-ish night last night, I slept until 9:00am this morning. It was weird going to sleep last night because of all of the strange bird noises that I’m not used to hearing so close! But eventually, I went over. I did wake up at about 3:30 as I was so cold and it’s A/C on, so I turned it off, and took the opportunity to go to the loo, seeing that I’m up already! I soon fell back to sleep though! I went to the shower block, got shifted, dressed , and went off for my breakfast. The rest of the group were already there when I arrived. It was quite busy, so there was quite a wait! But my scrambled eggs with toast on the side took a while to arrive, I’m not ... read more
Outside my cabin
A wild koala, not far from our cabins!
Inside my cabin

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Magnetic Island March 13th 2024

I was up at 7:00am as today we are leaving Cairns. I had the scrambled eggs with beans and toast, followed by coffee and water this morning. I’m all packed so I brought my stuff down when I went for breakfast to save me going back to the room. At breakfast, I spoke for the first time, with Sarah for the first time today. She is a French girl living in London. All done, and everyone has arrived with their luggage to the minibus. We were all done and ready to leave at 8:15. We have our day bags on the bus with us, and the rest of our luggage is in a lock up trailer. This is because we are parking the bus up, and leaving it behind for a couple of days whilst we ... read more
The Great Dividing Range
Entering the rain forest
Walking through the rain forest

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