Blogs from Cockatoo Island , Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania


Every Sunday morning he'd come in and I'd give him a Vincent's Powder and a glass of water to wash it down...marveling he could consume the pink powder...the foulest elixir known to man...the painkiller for housewives and rock stars...a muso seeking path to the latter...both then youths...ultimately attaining the pinnacle of rock stardom he did. Left his heart and sweat on stage the previous evening...needed 'a mother's little helper' to reenergise his at his request I helped him along. His name is Iva Davies...then of the band 'Flowers'...better known as the lead and inspiration of 'Icehouse' of our favourite bands. Their song "Great Southern Land" featured every Australia Day for decades now. Ride on. Jump to 2022...Covid had killed the live music scene for the last two years...our bums on seats to help musos survive ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Cockatoo Island March 15th 2018

Sans doute url=,15700021,15700105,15700124,15700149,15700168,15700173,15700186,15700201&usg=ALkJrhge9HxEduVuKp6bYbemZx4Oadi0swl'artiste contemporain et dissident le plus connu de Chine , une grande partie du travail d'Ai Weiwei existe dans l'espace entre l'art et l'activisme, brouillant souvent les frontières entre les deux. Au cours des dernières années, Ai a axé sa pratique sur la défense des droits humains des réfugiés, documentant les expériences et les conditions rencontrées par des millions de personnes qui ont été déplacées de force de leurs foyers. Né en 1957 à Pékin, Chine , Weiwei vit et travaille à Berlin, Allemagne Dans le ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Cockatoo Island February 13th 2014

Thursday 13th February, 2014. Cockatoo Island, Watson's Bay, Bondi Beach and Walk, Sydney, NSW, Australia After breakfast we caught the bus to Circular Quay where we caught a ferry to Cockatoo Island. Cockatoo Island, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site on an island located at the junction of the Parramatta and Lane Cove rivers, in Sydney Harbour. At 17.9 hectares (44 acres) it is the largest of several islands that were, in their original state, heavily timbered sandstone knolls. Cockatoo Island rose to 18 metres (59 ft) above sea level and is now cleared of most vegetation. Called Wa-rea-mah by the Indigenous Australians who traditionally inhabited the land prior to European settlement. Between 1839 and 1869, Cockatoo Island operated as a convict penal establishment, primarily as a place of secondary punishment for convicts who had re-offended ... read more
9. Military Guarhouse - Cockatoo Island
28. M at Watson's Bay Lookout
33. Bondi Beach

Ok, this is the last of this weeks uploads and hope you're all not getting too fed up of the blogs but trying to share as much as possible with family and friends:) It is a bit heavier than normal days out but hopefully still worth a read. As the title suggests, Sydney holds this event every other year. This year its running from 27th June -16 September and is titled 'all our relations'. From one write up I saw, the works aim to 'directly address current local and global issues, such as migration, contamination, corruption and coercion' presented 'in a way related to our senses, rather than in the negative and critical way we have become accustomed to'. 100 artists are exhibiting overall with the event being spread over different venues: The Art Gallery of ... read more
Old Bubbler
Old beams
Hylozoic Series 2011

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Cockatoo Island December 24th 2011

We took a ferry across to Cockatoo Island with Andy and Jess, in search of an open air bar that they have on the Island over the summer. Unfortunately we arrived to discover that they had decided to close on Christmas Eve without telling anyone! Fortunately this proved not to be a problem as there was plenty to see. With a cider in hand from the other Island café to cool us down, we set off to explore the Island. It’s quite a spooky place in some areas as it was where they used to send the convicts and the place looks like it has just been deserted with all the prison cells/ cafeteria/ exercise areas/ officers’ quarters/ even a girls school all fully in tact – it looks a bit like all life has ... read more
Will & The Harbour Bridge
Views of the City
Arriving at Cockatoo Island

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