FIGHT CLUB...Kangaroos Fighting

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sussex Inlet
October 7th 2022
Published: October 7th 2022
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FIGHT CLUB...Kangaroos Fighting...never thought I'd see it...but now I have...oh my!!! In 2009 Denise and I returned from Patagonia...driving south in a 4WD from Bariloche in Argentina down gravel dirt Ruta 40 in and out of Chile...through volcanic plug wildernesses... needle peak mountains... iceberg laden glaciers...fresh and soda alpine lakes...rushing rivers...the Most Beautiful Place in the ... Read Full Entry

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After a fight...After a fight...
After a fight...

Only a scratch will do

7th October 2022

Watching them fight is pretty cool. Your intro makes me want to go back to South America.
7th October 2022

Kangas fighting definitely has a Wow factor MJ. Their claws are like knives so their skin must be incredibly tough. Patagonia's pristine National parks not only was 4WD Heaven but led to many lazy Sunday afternoons with neighbours...priceless at every angle.
7th October 2022

with that many pictures it is almost like a video. As for neighbors, we got to know our when we all plowed snow from our driveways one not so lazy afternoon.
7th October 2022

I agree Bob. Luckily I took heaps of pics so that I could portray the action notwithstanding I was so engrossed I didn't think of videoing. As for snow on your driveway...your house surrounded in snow was a highlight for us...pity you have to clear your driveway, I reckon it'd be backbreaking having to do that daily in Winter but with the help of neighbours...maybe a way of bringing you all together! May the song remind you of that.
12th October 2022

Rare site for us in the west!
Great to see the cuties fighting or hugging each other. Tried to be friendly to a bunch while I was traveling in the boonies from Perth...the gang leader came to warn me with a not-so-friendly attitude that I am in the wrong territory...I backed off. Always loved them, you are fortunate. Also learned some Patagonia tips from you...will visit there in May.
12th October 2022

Rare site for us in the west!
Great to hear from you Tab, I presume from Calgary. The kangas weren't hugging but I agree portrait pics may appear so! A certain amount of wrestling and headlocks with sharp claws maybe but frequent sitting on their tails and hind feet being aimed at stomachs appeared to be the nature of the contests. It all started when one leapt at the other. Both seemed to get frequent kicks in but nothing seemed to be an aftermath of the battles as when it was over they gazed together without further flareups. I wonder how many females were aware but the other kangas seemed totally disinterested! Looking forward to what you have planned for Patagonia. We did a self-drive which I totally recommend.
15th October 2022

Didn't a man got beaten to death by a kangaroo?
Kangaroos can hit people. It happened to a friend of mine. He got punched in the chest when he angered one. It wasn't a very hard puch but enough to make my friend loose his balance. Also I think I recently read that a man in Australia got beaten so badly by a kangaroo that he died. From what I understand that's quite rare though. /Ake
15th October 2022

Didn't a man got beaten to death by a kangaroo?
Hi Ake. I doubt you would see this in Sweden. Kangaroos are wild animals and usually mind their own business eating grass, do not interact with humans unless they are pets and usually hop away if approached too close. But some like big reds or greys can grow to about two metres tall and weigh about 90kgs. If their territory is threatened or they are provoked or are used to being fed by humans, can become aggressive. We had one south coast NSW holiday where one entered our cabin demanding food and others were snatching food from our children outside the cabin which was quite alarming. I understand the only human deaths from kangaroos were in 1936 and another was reported this year, both from stomachs ripped by their hind feet. Serious attacks on humans are very rare. The fights in my blog are the first I have seen. Very aggressive and lasting for several minutes, the power of the kangas was very much on show. Then they stopped as if nothing had happened and the others seemed disinterested. Go figure!!!
30th December 2022

What luck, the stars are with you...and you had your camera at the ready. I enjoyed it and lucky you for such a friendly neighborhood and good friends.
7th January 2023

Kangaroos Fighting
Thanks Linda. Lucky I had my camera ready but what appeared before me was a surprise indeed.

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