Blogs from Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Newcastle August 11th 2019

Well, we have travelled south and the polar vortex has blown north and we have met up in Newcastle. It is extremely cold and windy today! We parked near the Surf Club at Newcastle Beach this morning and watched the surfers as we walked towards the Art Deco Ocean Baths. After taking far too many photos of the surfers, we continued heading out towards Nobbys Head via the Surf Club at Nobbys Beach. As we walked out we thought that we were seeing Fort Scratchley on the headland and the ‘lighthouse’ at the end of the breakwater. Very disappointing we thought, as it looked to be only a beacon. About halfway out, Cathy turned around and realised that we had walked around the base of Fort Scratchley and it was actually the lighthouse and associated buildings ... read more
Surfs Up
Between the flags
Nobbys Lighthouse

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Newcastle August 10th 2019

This morning we started heading down the NSW coast in earnest. Yesterday we did a down and back from Coffs Harbour to South West Rocks and back to Coffs so today we travelled straight down the Pacific Highway to Port Macquarie and had a closer (but not too close) look at the fire that is burning in Limeburner NP. Whilst searching for info about the fire(s) I discovered that there are 50 fires burning along the NSW coast! Hopefully most of those have been small outbreaks that have been quickly brought under control. There was a huge plume of smoke blowing out to sea from the fire north of Port Macquarie. Our first comfort break was at the Visitor Information Centre in Port Macquarie. Very posh! The info centre is co-located with the Glasshouse Theatre so ... read more
Shag on a pier, Port Macquarie
The smoke from the bushfire in Limeburner NP
Tacking Point Lighthouse from the car park

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Newcastle November 19th 2018

Nelson Bay is part of Port Stephens and is where our daughter bought a house a couple of years ago. It has a lovely climate and is a holiday destination for lots of Aussie families. The Brits have yet to discover this lovely place. There are multiple bays to explore all with great beaches. Daughter Helen lives near Bagnall Beach as this is the only one specifically for doggies so her dog loves it. However it is a clean beach and bags are provided for you know what and are expected to be used! Out to sea are a collection of beautiful black swans only to be found in Australia. This bit of the coast also has a large variety of flora and fauna so the mixture of different trees makes the place more interesting than ... read more
Bagnalls or doggie beach
Black Swans on the sea
A walk through the woods

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Newcastle September 23rd 2017

Thanks to some of my fans, I got feedback on my last blog and decided that due to privacy policies and the internet nowadays I will now be referring to my 2y.o. as my 'little beast' and my 6 y.o as my 'bigger beast'. Although a little reverse because let me tell you two is TERRIBLE. But, if anybody else has constructive criticism I'd love to hear it! (Thanks dad for correcting my spelling error in my 1st sentence of my 1st ever blog! - I haven't changed it because I think it creates little personality and character ;) ) It has been pretty hectic in my household lately. Last week, little beast got sick and of course it spread through the whole house. Bigger beast was home three days from school, which means I get ... read more
6 years!!
Little beast

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Newcastle September 16th 2017

Written while *Big Beast* and I 'play' pickup sticks **photo included of what playing pickup sticks with a 5 year old entails** G'day Mates! So as you have noticed I decided to take my 'blog' off of email and too the big dogs.. Let's see how this goes. It's a pretty neat website and it's actually teaching me some codes like how to Bold , Italic , etc . Practice makes perfect but be a little patient because I'm still testing these things out. Ya know, my parents are pretty good at computers and such but that must skip a generation... This week was a week filled with.... 'happy accidents' as Bob Ross would say (look him up on youtube if you don't know him- great to fall asleep to). We keep finding bum nuggets (trying ... read more
Afternoon Tea
Emmie with her Sporty Kids Award

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Newcastle December 18th 2016

Less than a month to go until South Africa - we've had a bit of a wobbly last week and we're a little concerned about the trip at the moment. The spouse decided to hang himself by his wedding ring at the warehouse last weekend and (in the Doctor's words) "partially amputated and completely de-gloved" his ring finger.. This happened last Saturday and Sunday he had surgery to basically put his finger back together.. He has a metal rod inserted in the bone to keep it straight whilst it heals and that needs to be removed after 6 weeks. That means that it will still be here for the trip which is concerning. It means he can't surf which is a big bummer for him - but not necessarily a deal breaker, but the risk of ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Newcastle November 22nd 2016

The countdown is on.. In approx 6 weeks Christmas will be over and it will be time to hurriedly pack and take off for our next adventure.. The boys have had it reasonably easy with regard to travel in the past but this one will be different. They have been lucky enough (kids these days!) to travel to some amazing places - Australia wide, USA (LA, Vegas, Phoenix, SF, SD), Fiji, Maldives, Hawaii (Oahu, Maui, Big Island), Singapore and do some amazing things.. BUT.. we have been hanging to take them somewhere where it's completely different to home - where they can gain a sense of "difference" in the world.. They both have a love of animals and we as youngsters backpacked South Africa so the decision was made that the Bridgeys would tackle that for ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Newcastle January 9th 2016

After more than five years I finally got to travel to Australia again! My friends Scott and Virpi from Newcastle had spent the weeks around Christmas with Virpi’s family in Finland and travelled back to Australia via Berlin on 30 December. This meant we could fly to Australia together! I had not seen them since their wedding in June 2013, way too long, and I had not met their little girl Lily yet, who is 18 months old. We met at the departure gate in Berlin and it was so good to see them, and it was nice to meet little Lily. Our journey took us to Sydney via Abu Dhabi. We had tried to get seats next to each other, which proved to be impossible Our first flight was an AirBerlin flight, where you can ... read more
Robbing the beehive II
Robbing the beehive III
Lakes Entrance I

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Newcastle February 13th 2015

2nd January-So I was up at seven to get ready to catch my shuttle to the airport and do you think I could wake Lauren up with my facebook messages so she could have my bag for me? Erm no! So I just had to take them with me and the shuttle ended up being late and we had to change shuttles around the was all very odd. So I could've repacked my bags properly after all but instead, as I wasn't going to do it in the middle of the airport, I just paid to put two bags through even though the weight limit was what they weighed together, but you weren't allowed two bloody bags...I hate bitchy check in ladies! Pfft! So I get myself all settled on the plane and wonder again ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Newcastle January 31st 2015

Hi travel followers. Nearly two weeks have again disappeared and we reluctantly moved on from Mark and Mel's (plus Tahlee and Kiara) place to Mardi/Wyong and ended up staying two weeks at our great friends "John and Lynn's. It was fantastic to catch up on old times and join Neil and Ros for Ros's 60th birthday. Sorry Ros, I just had to say it. We also caught up with just about all of our Central Coast Happy Camper friends at Chris and Deb's place at Pearl Beach for Australia Day celebrations. See photo. What a great time it was. We will have to see if we can be in the area at the same time next year. We also thought we would take the opportunity to get some medical and dental check-up's done just to make ... read more
Newcsatle Harbour Tug boats
Stockton Beach
Happy Campers Aust Day get together.

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