Blogs from State College, Pennsylvania, United States, North America


North America » United States » Pennsylvania » State College October 25th 2018

*For a definition you will have to read to the end.... Here in America 2017 merely confirmed our worst fears and I simply couldn't find the motivation to reflect. This year has not seen a miraculous turn-around, but at least - selfishly - shortly we will no longer have to witness the debacle first hand. It has been and is bad. We've experienced family rows and friends turning on friends. We've seen the nepotistic orange troll deliver on his reverse Robin Hood promises, take babies from their parents (and then lose them), gush about his really great (really great, really very good - he does have all the words) relationships with foes (who merely see him as an easy mark), denigrate loyal institutions, and, most recently, support the totally unsuitable. And yes, actually we do have ... read more
Ali and Laura at Mike and Zoe's wedding
Sunset over Yellow Creek
Sketching at dusk

North America » United States » Pennsylvania » State College January 11th 2016

And so a further year passes. Really? Our Swiss landlords that were are not millionaires... yet. They returned from California's Palo Alto in December 2014 - their failed start-up jettisoned. It won't be their last. We handed back their abode that still retained the majority of its wine cellar, bade farewell to Wilson the cat, whom we still miss, and headed across town. Our new home is, by State College standards, an ancient old dwelling: a cabin-like house whose spacious pine and spruce lined plot - complete with a multitude of squirrels (grey and red), chipmunks and rabbits, a groundhog and a skunk who vie for dominance of shed-side, and one witnessed (Ali really was sober) passing bear - belies its diminutive size and convenient proximity to town. Indeed it was built by our basement-dweller's grandfather. ... read more
John teaches Mike how to shoot a Mongolian bow
The new gaff
Amish children

I'd be lying if I said we noticed anything remarkable on our approach to State College. It was 4am, we'd been on the go since 7am; in short, it was dark and we were tired. Alison and Yeti mercifully collected us at 4am and we headed straight to bed! Later that day, after a few hours of precious sleep, the exploring began. First, we hit the local shops and they didn't disappoint. These included a sports wear store selling a variety of guns and several supermarkets severely lacking in alcohol, which is sold almost exclusively at designated stores. Wandering around, we noted the strange names Americans give to their produce (Zucchini, heavy cream or meat free beans anyone?) and the strange flavour combinations. We won't be trying Caramel and Cheese Popcorn anytime soon... As we navigated ... read more
Amish brothers
Joyriding Amish style
Carp carpet

North America » United States » Pennsylvania » State College November 10th 2014

Pennsylvanian winters are typically harsh and that of 2013 didn’t disappoint. I took over chez Salathe (aka The Bistro) with just Wilson the cat for company, work commitments preventing Ali from joining me until late January. Whilst the snow fell and I bemoaned the bizarre, inefficient, ceiling-wired heating, we spent our evenings curled up together on the bucket chair with Sierra Nevada’s Winter Fest beer or the odd snaffled schnapps by our side. It was like an early Spring when Ali did finally arrive. On returning to the UK after our 20 months in southern Asia I had, miraculously, been invited to rejoin the excellence of The Read Group back at Pennsylvania State University, here in the good old U.S. of A. So, at least another year – maybe to be extended – of malaria research ... read more
Watkins Glen, New York state
The office: Millenium Sciences Complex, PSU
Shawnee fishing

February 2008 – Three years and some. This was meant to be a transient experience, purely for the purpose of gathering funds. But, things just kinda slipped.. Saying that, living and working somewhere just isn’t like travelling, it really is - for better or worse - a deeper, more visceral, immersion. This entry could get me lynched. State Collegians, residents, alumni, and current patrons of the University alike all simply adore the place. State College, home of Penn State University, is situated in central rural Pennsylvania some four hours from the nearest city (sorry, the State Capital of Harrisburg doesn't quite count), equidistant from Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and New York. Here it squats between two folds in the upper reaches of the Appalachians in an area popularly known as “Happy Valley”. The heathen have been known to ... read more
Sunset over Raystown
Autumn (errr, Fall) in NY State
Beaver Stadium and Bryce Jordan Centre, State College

I am getting ready for my trip with Rick. I am looking up everything that we will be doing. I will upload some stuff now just to test out this site. If it is reliable, I will use it to track what Rick and I are doing in May, and where we are. I will post entries, pictures, and videos!... read more

North America » United States » Pennsylvania » State College October 24th 2009

Right this is read by my parents so this is obviously the edited version of events so as to protect their innocence as i obviously dont drink to excess, am still a virgin and go to church every sunday. If you want the details (not that there are any mum, dad i love you) feel free to ask me questions! So i left on the tuesday night for lukes by gettin the bus from madison at half 2 in the mornin, always a joy i love sleepin on coaches, gives you that neck ache that makes it easier to go to sleep! I got to chicago airport about 6 and got a few more cheeky hours sleep before my flight, had to transfer in washington then got to lukes about 2 in the afternoon, ready to ... read more

North America » United States » Pennsylvania » State College October 10th 2007

It's been a long week. At the start of this week the new Spring 2008 "Courses Taught in English" at Uppsala brochure came out. Obviously, because it only just came out, I had to base my course selections and approvals on the 2007 brochure. Apparently it's changed. Now the course I wanted (and the only one I can do) is no longer taught in English. Because of my double degree and lack of electives, that course (which in the Swedish semester is a full semester load) was my only hope. I was a little disappointed when I found out, having planned to go to Uppsala for over a year. But it's OK, because I can just go across the straight to the University of Copenhagen, which would be just as good, cheaper and in the city. ... read more

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