Blogs from California, United States, North America


North America » United States » California May 30th 2024

Here we sit in Santa Rosa airport waiting for our boarding time. Hurry up and wait. I give a huge thanks to Jane and Bobbi for my time dealing with a broken ankle. Jane gave her arm as my support until I could get a cane and looked after everything for me. Bobbi drove me all over trying to find a clinic that was open on a late Friday afternoon. I am forever grateful to my friends who always are there for you whether you need them or not, and this case I surely did need them. THANK YOU!... read more

North America » United States » California May 29th 2024

In case you didn’t notice there was no blog yesterday. It was a down day because we’ve been on the go so much the last 2 weeks. We did go out for supper last night to Cattleman’s. Wow - that was a good choice. I had a big thick rib eye, a football sized baked potato with about an half pound of butter, unlimited salad and warm bread. Buurrrp! Oh yeah, and a big cold marguerita. OK enough about that. Safari West is a private 400 acre wildlife preserve near Santa Rosa. It boasts approximately 800 animals and the best way to see them is by a small jeep tour. Our vehicle held 10 people including 4 up on top over the driver. The tour is two hours by jeep and another 30-40 minutes of walking ... read more

North America » United States » California May 27th 2024

Look out Snoopy - here we come! The Charles Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa has preserved and displayed the comic art of the Peanuts characters that are so well loved. Vibrantly coloured statues and wall murals abound not only on the property and in the gardens but also throughout the city of Santa Rosa. For 50 years Charles Schulz featured children facing everyday challenges, most of which he suffered through as a child. He had the ability to make these problems seem funny. The museum not only features his comic strips but also displays a timeline of his life including his enlisted time in WWII. A recreation of his studio where he spent most of those 50 years is on the second floor. A great way to finish off the museum tour is light lunch in ... read more

Tubby’s is a great place for breakfast - take my word for it. Two French toast with syrup, 2 eggs sunny side up, 2 pieces of bacon and endless coffee. I may not have to eat again until tomorrow! A relaxing stroll in Armstrong Woods should work off some of those calories. The grove is a living reminder of the magnificent primeval redwood forest that covered this area before logging destroyed much of it. This park preserves stately and magnificent Sequoia sempervirens or coast redwoods (cypress family) which are the tallest living things on our planet. They can live up to 2,000 years and grow 27 feet wide towering 350 feet in the air. If you want to feel insignificant in this natural world, stand in this grove and look up and around. Exiting the car, ... read more

North America » United States » California May 25th 2024

Time to head back to Rohnert Park. We’ve explored Yosemite as much as we can. Parts of it are still not open as there are 8” snow drifts still in the mountain passes. We were lucky to be able to explore Glacier Point because there are still high snow banks on the road sides left from recent plowing. The goal upon arrival in Rohnert Park (besides finding some groceries for our dinner) was a trip to the urgent care clinic. We had to drive to Santa Rosa because the clinic in Rohnert Park was permanently closed. We arrived at 4:30 at the urgent care clinic and were treated like royalty through the whole process. It was a total of four hours including driving time to Santa Rosa - I was admitted, examined, x-rayed, fitted with a ... read more
Sonoma vineyards

North America » United States » California May 25th 2024

Up early to go to Santa Rosa for breakfast at Louie’s with Bobbi’s friend Jean. I love meeting her friends because they are awesome just like Bobbi. I had a huge breakfast of Belgian waffle with strawberries, bacon and eggs. Three hours later we finally said goodbye to Jean and went for a small shopping spree. There’s a Skechers outlet that had to be visited and Bobbi found a pair of shoes. A quick stop at Walmart (where I found my favourite Mounds bar) and a short stop for some tomatoes, then back home for a lazy afternoon. Bobbi has fruit trees in her backyard. She’s lucky to have loquats and figs that hang over from the neighbours. She has pears, plums and apples but, of course, none of those are anywhere near to be ready. ... read more
loquat tree
Loquat tree at the neighbours
loquat pits

Last night when we arrived back at our motel I went over to the office to get coffee for the morning. On the way back, I had to go down 3 steps to get to our room. My foot twisted on the second step and I went down like a bag of bricks. I got back up with the only apparent damage of a sore ankle. Back to my room with a little limp but not feeling too bad. Well, during the night things changed and when I got up at 3 am to use the bathroom I could hardly walk. And by morning it was a mess! After hobbling to the lobby for breakfast we headed to the nearest pharmacy to buy a tensor bandage and a cane. Our planned day was to go into ... read more
Pacific dogwood tree
Pacific dogwood

North America » United States » California » Los Angeles » LAX May 23rd 2024

Over the years, about four to five decades, I have traveled on business or pleasure. These are the few places I have been. Floret, Sea-Tac Airport: It’s time to taste! Take a sip and think about the flavors that hit your tongue. How do they compare or contrast to the smell? What do they remind you of? Remember, it’s okay if what you taste is different from what others taste. It’s also okay if your wine preferences aren’t the same as those around you. Either way, this is your opportunity to identify the tasting notes and to decide whether or not those characteristics are to your liking. The menu changes seasonally (another factor that makes this place stand out among airport dining options) but typically includes fresh, zingy Mexican-inspired dishes like quesadillas, tacos and avocado toast ... read more
The Salt Lick, Austin
One Flew South, Hotlanta

Off to an early start today as it’s about 4 1/2 hours to Sequoia National Park. Can you image driving that far to go for a walk in the woods and look at trees? Sequoia is home to the largest trees in the world by volume. The General Sherman is 102.6 feet in circumference and and stands at 52,508 cubic feet tall. The General Grant is the second largest tree. It’s tomorrow now because I didn’t get a chance to finish this blog last night. Canada needs to take some lessons on how to make our 400 series highways a little more attractive and interesting. The medians and side ditches here are planted with multi coloured oleanders. Private homes have flowing bougainvillea vines trailing over walls. There are miles and miles of orchards which I assumed ... read more

North America » United States » California » Clovis May 20th 2024

I was watching some tournament tennis on TV the other day. The announcers were talking about some of the current greats, like Rafa Nadal, Djokovic, Roger, and Serena Williams. Other sports too. One of them mentioned that all great players must reach the end of the road at some point. The other one said, "Father time is undefeated!" It reminds of many great athletes who should retire now, like Nadal, Tiger, Klay Thompson, Lebron, others, of course. But it also reminds me of many who stayed beyond their time, like Mickey, Roger, Brady, Carmelo, And I guess it applies to non sports people as well, like Warren, Sleepy Joe, Rudi, RBG, Which brings me to myself. I first retired 15 years ago. But somehow, I am unable to stay retired. But after some surgery and two ... read more
Please retire!
I have a few more miles to go!!!

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