Blogs from Sequoia National Park, California, United States, North America


Off to an early start today as it’s about 4 1/2 hours to Sequoia National Park. Can you image driving that far to go for a walk in the woods and look at trees? Sequoia is home to the largest trees in the world by volume. The General Sherman is 102.6 feet in circumference and and stands at 52,508 cubic feet tall. The General Grant is the second largest tree. It’s tomorrow now because I didn’t get a chance to finish this blog last night. Canada needs to take some lessons on how to make our 400 series highways a little more attractive and interesting. The medians and side ditches here are planted with multi coloured oleanders. Private homes have flowing bougainvillea vines trailing over walls. There are miles and miles of orchards which I assumed ... read more

Dear All Wahey! My California Road Trip 2024 has officially begun! On a Wednesday morning, I said goodbye to my cosy Lawndale motel and picked up a hire car near LAX Airport - a black Nissan SUV. I faced the dreaded LA freeway system, and found that despite a bit of slower moving traffic, it wasn't all that bad. After around 30 minutes of urban sprawl, driving north through Hollywood and Burbank, the surrounding landscape turned to curvaceous and sparsely vegetated mountains, as the highway passed through Angeles National Park. While I loved the places I visited in LA, the city as a whole wasn't my favourite, and I was glad to be leaving. I think it was a combination of unfriendly people and massive urban concrete sprawl that just didn't do it for me, and ... read more
Me, General Sherman Tree
Local Deer

So, today we’re off to see some forest for a change. We left the hotel in Bakersfield and went on our way to Sequoia National Park. It took a couple of hours, but then we’re used to two-hour drives first thing in the morning by now. Our first stop was as we were driving up into the foothills up to the national park. We stopped for a rest and a snack at Slick Rock Recreation Area. There’s plenty of parking and a short walk down to the river’s edge. We explored the rocks and boulders in the river, enjoying the quiet, cool air and the spectacular view. Seeing green all around is a welcome change. Tamar took off her shoes and waded into the river to explore a little more. She says the water is wonderful! ... read more
Slick Rock Recreation Area
A Slick Rock resident
Slick Rock Recreation Area

Having stoken the fire high the night before & topped it up just before 2am it had still gone cold by the time we woke in the early morning! The free tea & coffee (available 24/7) helped us warm up as we packed, then after breakfast we loaded the car & set off to Sequoia National park in the sunshine. We parked at the Giant Forest Museum to hike the Moro Rock - Cresent Meadow trail. The Cresent Meadow Road was still closed for winter so we were hoping it would be fairly quiet over there. There was a small stream of folks visting Moro Rock, we took a brief detour up to Hanging Rock to admire the view, which was good in spite of a lot of low cloud, but the altitude of the park ... read more
Sequoia girth
Moro Rock views
Into the mist...

We left our campground near Yosemite a little early to make sure we'd have enough time to connect up the RV before heading out to Sequoia National National Park. Snow was forecast for Yosemite on the day we left and snow again in Sequoia starting on the 13th; which would give us two days of great weather to see Sequoia and the surrounding area. It was bright and sunny up on the mountain when we left Yosemite RV Resort, but the time we hit the switchback curves on CA-120, we could see a lot of low clouds in the distance. It was pretty looking at the low clouds nestled in the valley until we arrived in the fog, luckily it was Sunday so there were not too many people on the roads and the fog only ... read more
Mike Next to Unamed (Smaller) Tree
Low Clouds (AKA Fog)
Typical Central Valley View

Second blog of the trip...I'm already running late, but trust me, it's only going to go worst! Smile! We left Bakersfield north to the Sequoia National Park. This is a first for me. The idea is to do a huge loop around the park before driving to LA before night fall. I stopped at the Ranger Station to find out we don't actually need the pass to go into the park with our itinerary. I wanted to buy the yearly pass covering all National Parks. We'll need it later on, and it's only 80usd for everybody in the car. Sadly they run out of them more than 2 weeks ago. The ranger told us, the place to stop and walk is the Trail of 100 Giants. We did and spend some pretty cool time there. There ... read more
The little car was pushed...a little...
These trees are insaly huge...
Tanya in the big tree....she had to queue....after the numerous excited kids...

Après San Francisco, il a fallu redescendre un peu en Californie (environ 3 hres de route) pour voir ces arbres géants. Avec toutes ces montagnes sur la côte Ouest, aller d'Ouest à Est demande parfois de grands détours pour passer au nord ou au sud de gros sommets. Le détour valait la peine car ils nous ont bien impressionnés. Bonne visite.... read more
Sequoias Géants
Sequoias Géants
Sequoias Géants

I spent a week and half in California again on my way back to Washington. Last spring I did not get the chance to visit Sequoia/King Canyon National Park or Yosemite so that was my focus this time. I stayed in Visalia which is close to Sequoia National Park and I lucked out when I found out they had just opened the road between Sequoia and King Canyon that day so I was able to do the whole loop through both. The trees in Sequoia are amazing to see along with the mountain scenery. It is interesting to see the Sequoia as they change from young trees to the huge elder trees. King Canyon still had quite a bit of snow and the views were well worth the drive. I next went to Midpines which is ... read more
Sequoia National Park
Sequoia Tree
King Canyon National Park

Geo: 36.5077, -118.575There's really not much to say of the last day, other than that I took an incredibly cute picture of Chris and Arya sleeping in the same positions. It's funny how kids mirror you. We also stopped for coffee in downtown Fresno (I wasn't aware there were nicer parts of Fresno to be honest).We ate breakfast, packed up camp and headed back home. All in all, a great trip. Zumwalt Meadow is gorgeous, Moro Rock was an incredibly awesome short hike with crazy views and the swimming hole was the best part.... read more
Staying Cool in Fresno

Geo: 36.5077, -118.575Today we got up, ate breakfast and packed up to set out on a roadtrip to Kings Canyon in the far northern part of the region. I had heard the valley there paralleled Yosemite Valley so I was excited to see it.It ended up being an all day drive. Our first stop was at a small lookout with a view of the Kings Canyon range in the distance. It had a neat quote at the info podium-"We simply need that wild country available to us, even if we never do more than drive to its edge and look in. For it can be a means of reassuring ourselves of our sanity as creatures, a part of the geography of hope." - William Stegner.It reminded me of my upcoming backpacking trips. I'd never backpacked before ... read more
View of Kings Canyon
Awesome Quote
Hume Lake

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