Blogs from Monument Valley, Arizona, United States, North America


North America » United States » Arizona » Monument Valley September 21st 2022

Woke up to a cloudy morning and reflected on how the Pink Jeep tour experience yesterday would easily rate in the top 10 experiences of our USA travels to date without doubt. We just had a yoghurt on our balcony with some OJ and then hit the road at 9.20am for the first leg to Flagstaff. But just before we jumped in the car we had a quick game of Cornhole next to the carpark. We both eventually landed the bags but no-one got a bag in the hole. The road climbed in altitude and the temperature dropped accordingly and it was 16 degrees when we arrived at our designated breakfast spot the Galaxy Diner on the old Route 66. It was really interesting how all the cactus trees disappeared once we rose to the frost ... read more
Fry Bread Chalupa
The view when we arrived from our balcony
This could be my money shot ?

North America » United States » Arizona » Monument Valley August 16th 2022

12th August, 2022 Another early start this morning as we had a lot of miles to cover. Had breakfast of pancakes at the hotel and we were on the road by 7am. First stop was Glen Canyon Dam. This is the sister dam to the Hoover Dam and still a bloody big place. Joe dropped us at the start and we could walk the length of the road over it and take pics and picked us up at the other end. While we were taking pics, a truck towing a very large houseboat came across the bridge. You could feel the vibrations and bouncing of the weight of it. Not a very nice experience. On the road again to Anteloupe Canyon. Another wow moment. I didn’t realise that photos of this place are used as Microsoft ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Monument Valley January 11th 2020

Well, with the last three days in Sedona, the Grand Canyon and now Monument Valley, the camera’s panorama and scenery functions have almost melted off. Our last day in Sedona started with a Pink Jeep tour of the Broken Arrow Trail. Apparently made famous by Western movies, it’s now the location for some serious off-roading, sometimes feeling like we were heading almost vertically, down, up and around places like the Devil’s Staircase and Chicken Rock. We got some interesting lessons in the history, geology and biology of the area and the girls got some excitement as we bumped over it all, all delivered at the hands of a very entertaining guide. A cowboy lunch in Sedona, enjoying some of the local delicacies - fried prickly pear chips dipped in the sauce of its fruit - followed ... read more
Wintery Grand Canyon
Scenery shot - you were warned!
Lots of scenery shots all stuck together

North America » United States » Arizona » Monument Valley August 5th 2017

Here we are, it's Monument Valley time! This is a second visit for me, 5 years after bringing the kids on the first few days of January 2013! This time is Tanya time, and we have a way cooler car to ride the adventure! I have to apologize, I may have abused slightly my HDR Landscape mode with the camera, but I must admit, the exercise is truly fun! It's also an opportunity for me to get out my new little tripod that I bought for close to nothing in Bangkok few months ago. Back in January, we had snow, temperatures way below minus 10 degrees...and if i remember correctly, we may have seen 3 or 5 other cars. That was it. I was a little bit scare of visiting this place in the middle of ... read more
It's double fun when the roof is open!
Last time I was here, there was snow...
Have you seen Forrest Gump?

The sun is out this morning and I head out early to drop the car off for an oil change. I’m surprised to see that we have already traveled over 3,000 miles despite being less than a third of the way across the country. We have clearly been taking the scenic route. The hotel has free bikes and I cycle the mile back from the Garage to eat breakfast. Antonio and the kids have already begun and we enjoy our third and final buffet at the hotel. After we eat, I walk with the kids back across town to pick up the car, giving Antonio time to pack. He’s bought a bigger and improved tarp but its enormous! We fold it approximately four times and make a suitcase burrito. I threaten to cut it but he ... read more
Arizona Vista
Lake Powell in the Distance
Monument Valley 2

Greetings all We took a detour from our Utah adventure to head into Arizona for a few day to check out some of the amazing natural scenery that state is blessed with. First stop was Monument Valley setting for a thousand westons, car commercials and hollywood blockbusters. I have always wanted to visit but was slightly worried that it would not match the westerns or be a bit touristy but I was wrong it was amazing. Keeping in with our vow to camp where ever we stayed we found a deserted camp ground on the reservation and setup for the evening. We were the only ones camping that night and it was amazing, there is little electricity on the Navajo reservation so the night sky was truly stunning. You alway think of Arizona as a hot ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Monument Valley April 23rd 2016

We traveled on to Monument Valley and stayed at Gouldings RV Park. This area was right up in the red rock cliffs and had lots of history regarding the first owners the Gouldings who started a trading post there in the 1920's. Goulding was also responsible for bringing Hollywood there to film many movies especially those with John Wayne. The original trading post is now a museum and there is also a restaurant, grocery store, gas station, and craft shop. I had really good green chili there and Bonnie had a Navaho taco on fry bread. I did not get to take a balloon ride there as the Navajo are no longer letting the balloonists fly in the valley. We took an evening tour of the monuments. Our driver was a Navajo guide and was really ... read more
Monument Valley
The Mittens

North America » United States » Arizona » Monument Valley February 22nd 2016

After seeing the grandeur of Horseshoe Bend it felt like we'd already seen enough for one day. It was only 8am though and full day of exploring awaited us. We dashed back to our motel for a hurried breakfast of waffles, syrup and coffee before heading out again, this time for the Arizona-Utah State Line. Our destination for the day was to be the Navajo Nation, to see the famous Monument Valley. I suspect that there are few people who have never seen Monument Valley... since it's first movie appearance in John Ford's Wild West films, staring John Wayne, it has come to define what most people think of as the American West. Its incredible landscape has played a supporting role in many films including Back to the Future III, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Forest ... read more
Monument Valley
Monument Valley
Arizona Sunset

North America » United States » Arizona » Monument Valley January 20th 2016

Chaque matin, une nouvelle étape est prévue... Comme il fait très froid on s'attarde en premier lieu après le petit déjeuner à gratter le pare-brise de la voiture (moyen pratique du voyage : utiliser la carte de la porte d'entrée de la chambre...) Ces idiots de loueurs nous ont laissé le réservoir de liquide du lave-glace complètement vide.... Vite fait d'y mettre de l'eau chaude et un peu de savon de vaisselle car nous ne sommes pas intéressés du tout par l'achat d'un bidon de 5 L pour encore quelques jours de voyage... Notre appétit n'a rien de fameux... on se sert donc de quelques cookies en guise de repas de midi et nous pourvoyons de toute l'eau nécessaire... Le soir on avise à chaque étape... mais c'est surtout notre lit qui entre en appétit... et ... read more

Monument Valley n'est pas un parc américain, mais une réserve indienne : celle des indiens Navajos. Le gouvernement américain leur a cédé cette petite portion du territoire dans les années 30. Dans la réserve, il y a un hôtel touristique et il est possible d'y camper. C'est le plus beau spot de camping que nous ayons jamais fait ! Et pour cause, nous étions nez à nez avec ces imposants et majestueux blocs de roches rouges, que l'on dirait sortis de nulle part. C'est également tout l'imaginaire du cinéma qui s'impose, puisque l'on reconnaît d'emblée le décor de nombreux Westerns. En particulier ceux de John Ford et de John Wayne. Anna et Caroline y ont découvert John Wayne... Il est vrai que ce genre cinématographique est "mort" depuis les années 70, mais ces paysages hors du ... read more
Notre promenade à cheval
Un vrai cowboy de l'ouest
Notre guide, Logan

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