Feliz Navidad! Merry Christmas and God Bless us everyone!

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December 25th 2010
Published: December 26th 2010
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Happy Holidays to you and yours. We had a good holiday with friends in the park here although I spent most of the 25th in bed sick w/ a sore throat. So it did not give me a lot of time to feel so sad about not being w/ family. Christmas Eve, we had a potluck dinner and later we went to our Mexican family's home for more celebration. They were thrilled that we would spend time w/ them.

Today, my friend Betty, included us in their holiday brunch--they have 6 guests for the week. Pancakes, bacon, fruit, mimosas. Then we headed to the beach to await Santa who was to arrive either on horseback or on wind sail. Since there was enough wind, Santa surfed on in on the wind sail all dressed in his Santa attire. It was pretty cool to see.

Other than that, I slept all day and hope to feel better soon.

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26th December 2010

Happy New Year to all
hi sorry to hear you're under the weather.. hope you feel better soon. We still have subzero here had -17C one night that's zero F to you..... pretty cold....So we're off to Spain for New Year !!!! take care catch up soon... love Issy n Dave xx
26th December 2010

Merry Christmas!!
I hope that you started to feel better, sore throats are no fun. It sounds like you had a busy, fun filled day - how fun to see Santa on a windsail!!
27th December 2010

sounds like you had great time even though you were sickly....all of the traikovich and smith family boys send their love. we had a nice conversation about chirstine,marcy and you........it was so fun. mrs. bulger......happy new year......snow in hotatlanta......3inches.....being MI we were thrilled.......love the adventure.....get well and lots of health and happy years ahead......love

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