Blogs from La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America


For the second year in a row, we escaped the snow at the end of the ski season by flying south to La Paz, Mexico. Leslie and I spent the fist week in a condo at the Paraiso del Mar resort relaxing by the pool and walking for miles on the beach populated only by herons, seagulls, and pelicans. We were joined for the second week by Adrienne and Ian on Manta, a 44 foot catamaran. Adrienne and Ian both attained their American Sailing Association certification while Leslie and I relaxed as passengers. During the week of sailing in the Sea of Cortez, a pod of 50-60 dolphins enjoyed riding our bow wave. We motored by Los Islotes, the home for over 700 seals and pups in a protected rookery. One afternoon after the wind had ... read more
Heron wading

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » La Paz April 18th 2022

After a 4.5-hour flight, we left the minus temperature and snow in Calgary behind to arrive in La Paz with a temperature of 30-degree C. A departure delay and then arrival delays, resulted in us arriving in La Paz just in time for dinner so provisioning “Rukba”, a 41’ Beneteau, had to wait until the morning. The crew went into town to buy provisions while I had the chart briefing and boat orientation. As soon as the provisions were on board, we would be off, I thought. Not So! Apparently, they were unable to buy alcohol until 2pm as it was election day. The crew threatened mutiny if there was no beer nor wine onboard, so we delayed our departure until 3pm after the beer was in the cooler and the wine cellar was stocked. After ... read more
Isla San Francisco
Sea Dog at the helm
Doug and Susan

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » La Paz January 21st 2020

Hi and welcome back. This is the first of my blogs from Mexico. We set of on 14th January, getting the train from Murcia to Madrid. A 12 hour flight to Mexico city and an overnight stay before a short hop to Baja California. Our trip is six weeks and we hope to have some encounters with whales in Baja, visit friends in Nayarit, see colonial Merida and some Mayan ruins and a week to chill on Isla Mujeres at the end. Mexico city was only a transit point and we were in an area to the west of the Centro antiguo. We wandered around a bit but it was fairly rundown , although there were streets and streets of shops with wedding dresses. We got very little sleep as our room was above reception and ... read more
Heading across the bay
Whale shark
And his friend, he swam under the boat

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » La Paz February 24th 2019

Trip goals: Speak Spanish all day, every day √ Swim with whale sharks √ Solo road trip across the desert with the music turned all the way up, singing in Spanish at the top of my lungs √ Unplanned bonus: Swim with sea lions √ Discover what a great town La Paz is √ For a short trip with simple goals, I got way more than I had even hoped for. When a cheap flight direct from Seattle to San José del Cabo popped up, I bought it, knowing only that Baja California has much better weather than Seattle in February. The briefest of research about Baja California Sur made me decide to drive from Cabo up to La Paz to swim with whale sharks. With only three full days in Mexico, not counting my travel ... read more
Whale sharks!!!!!
Sea lions!!!!!!
Baja Beauty

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » La Paz May 18th 2018

La Paz is the main city in Baja California Sur and we find it has a rehab institution, but not of the sort you might expect. It’s a reptile park that takes in sick and injured reptiles and then works to release them back into the wild. The park is on the outskirts of the city and we feel we can walk there (and catch a local bus back) even though it’s reasonably hot here in the middle of the day. The park, though small, is very good and though an online comment, suggests that it’s expensive at 150 pesos ($11usd) but that isn’t too bad compared to many other wildlife parks. Inside there are plenty of snakes, a few spiders and quite a number of iguanas. There are also a few birds; parrots you can ... read more

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » La Paz January 17th 2018

This blog entry is a little dedication to our sweet Goldie, whom we put to sleep on the 11thJanuary when her tumour had reached the point that it was causing her unnecessary pain and suffering. We weren’t sure whether to write an entry like this, but decided that she was such a big part of our lives, and indeed this trip, that it would be wrong not to. Ken rescued Goldie from the roadside in Puerto Rico back in 2007, when she was just a little pup, but she soon made herself at home with him and ended up spending the next 10+ years by our sides. From then on she led life at only one speed: full on! From chasing tennis balls or squirrels to swimming in lakes or scampering up mountains, she was always ... read more
A favourite snuggling pose
One of her many bizarre positions!

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » La Paz November 28th 2017

La Paz 2 November - 2 December 2017 The ferrry crossing from Topolobombo to La Paz went smoothly although for us the challenge was staying awake to wait for embarkation. It is necessary to arrive at least two hours before departure time so we were delivered by the Baldarrama driver at 9.30pm to wait for the midnight ferry. It is the only time the ferry leaves and then only a few times a week. On arrival there were people everywhere and it all seemed chaotic but in true Mexican style, without any fuss or histrionics, it all gets sorted. Luggage was taken to the hold and passengers climbed aboard just before midnight. I went to collect the cabin key to find that dinner was included in the price for all passengers. We did go to the ... read more
The Marina end of the Malecon
Sunsets are always stunning.
Town beach

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » La Paz May 18th 2017

We had a great time sailing out of La Paz a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to share a few pictures of our sail week on Sea Sueno. Check out the flying Ray. Keith... read more
La Paz mermaid
Hammered in La Paz

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » La Paz February 3rd 2017

Hi everyone, Happy New Year. Although by the time I have sent this, it will probably be the end of January, all your New Year’s resolutions will have already been thrown out the window or forgotten, and the countdown to Easter will be well on its way. Anyway I hope you all had an excellent festive season. Our run up to Christmas was pretty chilled; in fact so chilled we could have so easily let it pass us by. Considering most days we have trouble knowing what the date is and the hot sunny days are a little distracting it was hard to get a festive mindset on, particularly with no TV adverts and Sound of Music repeats to remind us. So, Graeme was in his element with absolutely no Christmas shopping required. After all, what ... read more
New Years Eve
Mr Green did it....

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » La Paz February 24th 2016

The most easterly road north of la Paz right on the coast line. From El Califin, Kioal El Sauzo san de Lacosta Mexicos very prosperous phosphate mine.... read more
From the monument
The monument town overlook

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