Blogs from London, Ontario, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » Ontario » London October 4th 2015

"She says": As we sit here in a Flying J truck stop in London, ON I bought 24 hours of internet so I could start catching up on this blog. Ontario is a very interesting Provence. From lakes that look like the ocean to horse and buggy on the highway and beautiful fall colors. We went to Callander, ON to visit Jose and Pat who we met last year in Mazatlan. We spent 4 days with them and had a terrific time. They have a beautiful home and they welcomed us warmly. Breakfast with their coffee chums every morning and sitting on the deck watching the squirrels and chipmunks as Pat feeds them with peanuts. The weather was beautiful for most of the days with sunshine and not too cold. They took us to the park ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » London August 9th 2014

Welcome to the Blues Cruise of 2014. I will be starting tomorrow by visiting the closing day of the Kitchener Blues Festival. Monday, I depart on a road trip to deliver a car to my son in San Antonio. I figured, why not take my time and see some of the great music sites that I always wanted to visit. I hope to go to Jack White's Third Man Records in Nashville, spend a little time on Beale St. in Memphis, dig some history at the Delta Blues Museum in Clarksdale (near the Crossroads), get some more insight to the industry by going to the Music Office Co-Op in Shreveport (sponsored by the Tipitina's foundation), and then wind up down in San Antonio. I will post daily, and will be on the lookout for other variations ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » London June 16th 2013

This blog gets a special dedication to my mum (Anne), who graciously lent us her vehicle for while we’re around this neck of the woods. Without it a lot of what was done below would have been difficult, expensive or impossible. THANKS MUM! In a few short weeks in Ontario we managed to rack up an impressive number of sleeps in different beds. There was the madhouse of Bill and Sue’s which consisted of us, Bill and Sue, Val and Gus (Sue’s sis and bro in law), Dakota the puppy and for the first three days Lori (Kim’s sis). Lori crashed on the floor beside us, which meant copious amounts of laughter before every bedtime. We also got to fit in some quality time with their Mom, who was visiting London Ontario from Antigua. We had ... read more
Quick stop with the Munns in London
With Louie & Pudgy

North America » Canada » Ontario » London July 17th 2012

Well we left Thunder bay and after a along days drive we find ourselves at Batchawana Bay on Lake Superior just outside of Sault St Marie. Lake Superior is immense. Its like looking across a freash water ocean and beautiful. The campgrounds were right across from the lake so that evening we dipped our toes in and the water was very warm also the color of the carribean waters (makes me wonder why we leave our country to seek beauty elsewhere-oh yeah cold winters). After we left that area and entered Lake Huron districts the country side is beautiful. Small farms but lush green country side and Amish still farming with horse and wagons for haying. Ontario has so many lakes that they run out of names I think we came across Dad, Mom and Baby ... read more
Lake Superior
Lake Superior
Batchawana Bay

North America » Canada » Ontario » London July 2nd 2012

We are absolutely blessed, beyond belief! I woke up in my own bed this morning, after 36 hours of non-stop travel, having left Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, flying to Johannesburg with my colleagues, waiting at the airport for about 5 hours for our respective flights, and then Shanda and I boarded our flight to NYC - (and what a commotion when it came to security at the Johannesburg airport - Wow! - Shanda and I were again 'searched' before entering the departure gate area - very interesting!) Leaving the amazing Victoria Falls Hotel on Sunday morning (I think it was Sunday, LOL - I have totally lost track of time!) - some of our colleagues had already departed for their safari adventure - Darla, Kate, Ezra and Marli were off and running. I got up early ... read more
Sandy - of Hills of Africa Travel
Photo 3
Little bird at breakfast on terrace

North America » Canada » Ontario » London June 29th 2012

To really understand how difficult this last day has been, I need to rewind a couple months and explain how amazing the individuals I had the privledge to work with are. When I first broke the news I was quitting to travel, I expected frustration, sad faces and difficult times at work. I was pleasantly surprised by the encouragement I received! Everyone was really excited for me! Saying things like "you gotta do it now!", "I wish I did that when I was 25", "Can I come with you?" haha. After the initial shock, everyone was genuinely interested in what the heck I was doing; some people would just listen to my plans, others had excellent advice to share! It's been amazing and I can definitely say I left that place on a high note. I ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » London June 19th 2012

Our first stop is INDONESIA: Things we want to do in Indonesia: - Yogyakarta, find out what the Indonesian Java culture is all about - Gunung Bromo, aka Mount Bromo, see the breathtaking sunrise and walk along an active volcano - Bali, hit the beach - Gili Islands, chill in island paradise - Sumatra, this will be our first time in a jungle and we are hoping to touch orangutans - Sumatra, we also want to take a moment in the rainforest to listen to what a world with no people sounds like - Danua Toba, this island within an island is eons old. Ty said it was formed when the dinosaurs roamed the planet. Our main Indonesia goals: - Visit 10 islands - learn to surf - snorkel a coral reef Our next country is ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » London June 19th 2012

After today, there will only be 15 days before we leave. That is basically two weeks. Even more important than the fact that I'm leaving soon is the fact that it's my Brother's 22nd birthday in a few days. Actually one week today. Eric: I love you. I love you more than you know. It's really hard for me to leave you because all our lives, you've looked up to me. I helped you with homework, I went shopping with you when you wanted to look "cool", and I've been there to listen when you're going through something difficult. Even though I'm only leaving for a little while, it almost seems like I'm letting go a bit. Yesterday we used to walk to school together and now when I look at you, you've become this completely ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » London June 14th 2012

Frequently Asked Questions Aka “FAQ, I’m being asking this again?!” I’m hilarious, I know. This is a list of things that we often get asked and I wanted to clarify for our lovely friends and family J NUMBER ONE MOST ASKED QUESTION: Are you going to work along the way? Answer: No. We are seeing 6 countries in 8 months. We are rarely staying in one place longer than 5 days. Unfortunately that doesn’t leave much time for working or volunteering. We have both expressed interest in volunteering or somehow giving back to the impoverish community’s we will be going through, however if it happens, it will be a spur of the moment kind of decision. 2. Are you going to Europe? Answer: No. 3. Why not? Answer: Because that is what old people do. Okay, ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » London May 5th 2012

December 2010, there were 3 words that Tyler said that changed my life forever... "I'll miss you". At that time he and I had been unofficially seeing each other for a while. Neither of us wanted to get serious because HE was leaving and there were a few other things we don't need to get into. When he said he was going to miss me, I finally let myself give in to the emotions I had been feeling for him and let myself fall. Bad choice at the time because he was leaving for his SE Asian trip in like a week. Good choice for me in the long run because he got hit by a motorcycle a month later and now we are going to travel the world together. This week I said three words ... read more

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