Blogs from Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada, North America


Yoho National Park & Field In 1886, the Canadian government reserved 10 square miles (26 square km) at the foot of Mount Stephen in Yoho as a dominion park. In 1930 a much larger area was declared a national park. The park was named after a Cree word meaning "wonder and awe”, an expression which perfectly describes Yoho National Park. Shaped by the forces of plate tectonics and erosion and sculpted by glaciers from the ice age, Yoho's steep slopes, flat valleys, and alpine peaks comprise a variety of unique habitats that are home to an incredibly diverse mix of plants and animals. An 1871 agreement to bring the province of British Columbia into the Confederation of Canada set the wheels in motion for the creation of the Field townsite. Crucial to the agreement was ... read more

9th April & 27th May with Yoho National Park lies on the western slopes of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Vertical rock walls, waterfalls and dizzying peaks draw visitors from around the world. With exceptional hiking and sightseeing, the park offers a unique glimpse of Canada’s natural wonders, from the secrets of ancient ocean life to the power of ice and water.Field has developed into a tight-knit family community of fewer than 200 people from all corners of Canada, many of whom arrived in the area with skis in tow and couldn't bring themselves to leave. The village artisans, whether their medium is sound, clay, food, or film, have found Field to be the perfect place to hone their craft. An 1871 agreement to bring the province of British Columbia into the Confederation of Canada set ... read more

Mid-winter excursions are made more exciting by the weather demons! Even signing up weeks in advance for the Skrastin's Outdoor Club day at Emerald Lake , I said to myself, "I hope it won't be the coldest day of the year!" It was. Arrival temperature was in the region of -27C! My wimpish self and a few others who were not embarking on a day of skiing or snowshoeing headed straight to the Emerald Lake Lodge for coffee. With great empathy, they dispensed coffee for free - hot and in finger-warming glass mugs. Warmed, Candace and I repositioned our many layers and took our cameras into the visual paradise of snow-covered forests and lake. Fully overcast, the sky emitted pale light, rendering the scenes in natural black and white. The wind had sculpted... read more
Reflections of snow sculptures
Towering peaks
Emerald Lake

Um kurz nach fünf ging unser Wecker und wir machten uns auf den Weg zum Yoho-NP. Da wir leider keine Bestätigungsmail aus dem Visitor-Center erhalten hatten, waren wir etwas verunsichert, ob wir heute wirklich zum Lake O'Hara kommen würden. Um 8:30 fuhren die Busse, die uns zum Lake O'Hara brachten. Wir waren pünktlich da und konnten vorab alles klären. Es war alles gut, der Mann vor Ort hatte bereits unsere Daten und alles war geregelt. So ging es dann mit dem gelben Schoolbus zu unserem Ziel. Man könnte eigentlich auch zum See laufen, aber die Strecke ist sehr langweilig und dauert zu Fuß drei Stunden. Auf ca. 2.115 Meter Höhe angekommen, suchten wir uns einen schönen Platz für unser neues Zelt aus. Der Campingplatz war super schön, es gab ein Lagerfeuer und eine Feuerhütte mit einem ... read more

Takakka Falls is loosely translated from a Cree expression meaning, “It is wonderful.” And it is! This is one huge waterfall! At 302 m it is the 4th highest waterfall in Canada. Yoho National Park is not far from our home in Calgary, but we’ve never stopped at these falls. I’m not sure why. I’m just grateful that we did stop today. To get to the falls, we had to unhitch the trailer and leave it in a parking lot as the road up to the falls is steep with tight turns. However, it's not a long drive, and the walk into the falls is short. This also means there are a lot of people at these falls. I suspect that we will be back to see these falls on a future trip in the spring ... read more
Takakkaw Falls
Takakkaw Falls
Truck with canoe

We were now leaving Alberta, Canada late in the evening and traveling as far as possible through the chain of three provincial parks along Route 1 in British Columbia towards Seattle Washington. The three parks were, in order, Yoho, Glacier and Revelstoke. Shortly after entering Yoho, we saw a sign with a graphic of a mountain goat on a cliff, then several cars pulled to the side. It indicated a rocky salt lick that extended to the road itself and astonishingly we then viewed a family of goats at eye level, gnawing at the rock face to obtain whatever trace minerals it offered. As it was very late in the evening, we basically had the scene to ourselves and a other few lucky observers and I was able to take quite a few photos. It was ... read more
Driving through Yoho
Adult Goat and Child
Elder Mountain Goat on cliff face

When:12th - 14th July 2013 Where: Lake O'Hara, Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies Highlights: back country camping, hikes to beautiful glacial-fed lakes, showerless 2 days, lived with 30 other families that are allowed every day in the area. Lake O'Hara! How does one come up with a name like that? It does sound mmm... exotic! I looked up and here's what I found. The area is named after Colonel Robert O'Hara, an Irishman from Derryhoyle, Galway who heard about the area from J.J. McArthur, a government surveyor. Useful Info: Information on getting there You need not be filthy rich to stay url= read more
Lake Oesa
McArthur Lake
Lake O'Hara vicinity

After a quick overnight pit-stop in Lake Louise I was all set to spend the next few days hiking in Yoho National Park (Yoho being the native Cree word for 'awe') on the other side of the Great Divide in British Columbia. My initial intention had been to cycle the 30kms from Lake Louise to Field (in the centre of Yoho NP), first climbing over Kicking Horse Pass and then turning off onto the Yoho Valley Road to tackle the steep climb up to the HI wilderness hostel opposite Takakkaw Falls, where I had booked a dorm bed for two nights. This idea I had chosen to abandon when I saw the amount of construction being done along the Trans Canada Highway between Field and Lake Louise when I passed by on the Greyhound bus on ... read more
Meeting of the Waters
Somewhere between green and blue
It is magnificent

There are a ton of photos that I never had the chance to upload due to time constraints, so here they are! Enjoy! Much love, Streets. x... read more
Jimi Hendrix statue in Seattle.
First day of Mountie tour... on our first little hike.
Merrit, British Columbia... Canada's Country Music Capital :P

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Yoho National Park September 13th 2009

Lake O'Hara!! My uncle, who traveled much around the world and was an avid hiker, described it as the "most beautiful place on earth". I found some support for the notion. Lonely Planet's "Blue List, 2006-07" for example, lists the Canadian Rockies as #1 in the world in the "Most spectacular natural attraction" category. And, within the Canadian Rockies, one could easily choose the Lake O'Hara area as it's crown jewel. So, as a hiker, I'd long desired to go there and see for myself. For several years my brother Wes and I had chatted about it. This year we decided to do it. Now, that's not as easy as it sounds. Lake O'Hara is 11 km. from the Trans Canada Highway, just west of the Alta/BC border (the Great Divide). You can either hike in ... read more
Lake Oesa
The stair-step lakes
All Souls Prospect and Lake O'Hara

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