Blogs from Salmon Arm, British Columbia, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » British Columbia » Salmon Arm August 15th 2018

I spent quite a bit of time early this morning just staring … staring out at the lake, calm as calm, the opposite shoreline and mountains hazily visible through the smoke, and coming to the realisation that this ‘life-style’ journey that Jane and I have been on, is drawing to a close … at least here in BC. We have been more than fortunate to have had so many friends from yesteryear support us in our joyous journey: Mary and Rob, Wayne and Lori, Al and Barb, ...Ken and Joanne, Al and Robert, Gary and Linda, Deirdre and Peter, Georgina and John, Michele and David, and the many, dare I say it, facebook friends, who have followed and made comments about our posted experiences as well as the communications from back home plus the numerous friends ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Salmon Arm August 15th 2018

Flow varied from 10kph to over 30kph. A grading of 3 for river rapids. Highest grade is 6. Total fun and awesome scenery despite the smoke haze.... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Salmon Arm August 15th 2018

“B.C. Wildfires 2018: Feds offer air power, troops to help battle nearly 600 blazes” That is one of the headlines here in BC. 90 of those fires have been started deliberately by humans! The others by lightning strikes. The images on the net show that virtually all of BC is ablaze. Firefighters from Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and other Canadian provinces have arrived to fight the fires. Where we are, smoke has enveloped us all. For people coming to visit ...“Beautiful British Columbia” as it is known, it would be impossible to see; impossible to appreciate, due to the smoke. Our day today has been completely different from yesterday. Apart from a drive into the smoke covered and enclosed small town of Chase for supplies, activity for us didn’t begin until we hit the smoke surrounded ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Salmon Arm August 13th 2018

My day began with me arising early and after making Jane a cup of coffee I headed to the jetty as the mist was low and overcast and I could only faintly make out the opposite shoreline and mountains. I stood and sat out on the jetty for approximately an hour and a half … and … was rewarded with a Canadian Beaver swimming past with a stick in its mouth, ignoring my presence, as it continued on its way. I captured it on video which made me pretty happy. We all... have heard of the term, “Busy as a Beaver”, I’m sure. 2 Otters fished another 30m off-shore. There was no other human about. It was as silent as a vacuum. It was cool around my hairless head so the hoody was used. Over 30 ... read more
The Olympic competitors

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Salmon Arm August 12th 2018

It was up early to the great news that the West Coast Eagles had ‘stolen’ the valuable 4 points, breakfast and drive courtesy of our wonderful hosts and new friends, Gary and Linda, to Dukes Point, south of Nanaimo, for the “Coastal Inspiration’s” 2 hour ferry to Tsawwassen. Bus to the airport, very quick baggage-drop and a good relaxing break before the 1 hour flight to Kelowna where we were picked up by Lori and Wayne in their ‘new’ vehicle which guaranteed us a very smooth ride onto their place on Shuswap Lake where we had begun our BC visit. It was good to be back in beautiful, familiar territory with close friends. A healthy dinner prepared by L+W was enjoyed by all. Followed by 12 sets of vigorous table tennis between Wayne and myself definitely ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Salmon Arm July 16th 2018

France win the World Cup. West Coast Eagles still waiting on definite prognosis of Nic Nat’s right knee. Trump says the Queen is beautiful … inside and out. The sun is still shining strongly on Shuswap Lake. So, from that intro, one can see that we had a totally replenish-the-energy-batteries day. Lori drove us into see the town of Salmon Arm where the longest wooden jetty in North America stands. On the return to the lake Jane and Lori spent hours out on the pontoon talking and sunbaking (not good) while I hung out the washing (very good) and dozed a little. Wayne played in a pre-arranged golf tournament. Compared to many of our previous days, today was a slow day. Tomorrow will be very different!... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Salmon Arm July 15th 2018

Want relaxing or activities or both? Well, we’re at the perfect setup. It has it all for activities from extreme to recreational to doing nothing to doing as you please to mixing everything together. So, today for us it was watch the unfinished Men’s semi-final from Wimbledon, followed by the Women’s Final, before setting up on the jetty to soak in the sunshine, lazily swim, try paddle boarding, sail the Hobie cat, eat goodies and float around on the boa...rd. For a little excitement we travelled to the Chase Canyon for the thrill of zip-lining. We ziplined 30-100m above a roaring river and waterfalls through the canyon on 3 different lines varing in length from 100 to 200 metres. Unreal but too, too quick. We finished the day with dessert and then fast tubing behind a ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Salmon Arm July 13th 2018

The early mornings, anywhere in the world, particularly in nature, are definitely the best times and this morning paddling on a calm Shuswap Lake again vindicated this belief. No humans. Silence … and then … the 2 otters popped their heads up and sped past me. Nature gives me another one to one experience. It was a beautiful lazy day for both of us. Lazing on the jetty soaking in the sunshine whilst talking with Lori for 2 hours again was an example of friends just continuing conversation from where they left off those years ago. Lunch came and went and we headed into the village of Chase which is located downstream from Shuswap Lake at the outlet of Little Shuswap Lake. We did a little shopping for necessities, visited the beach on the shore of ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Salmon Arm July 12th 2018

I rose very early which has been quite normal throughout our time away. It was a beautiful, still and slightly cloudy and the sun had not yet risen. I made a cuppa, went down to the floatable jetty and in-between stretching and sitting on one of the chairs available, waited for the sun to rise. With no one about I had the silence to myself. I stayed well after the sun rose to face the mountains behind our accommodation so as to watch the mist and cloud that had enveloped them and their cedar tree covering, rise and evaporate. This was a special part of the morning for me. With Wayne at the helm of his bow rider, Lori, Jane and I hit the water for a few hours on the lake, firstly making our way ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Salmon Arm July 11th 2018

Ladner, where Wayne and Lori’s home is located, is a small suburb of Vancouver and is part of the Municipality of Delta. It began as a fishing village and is named after two Ladner brothers who began large farming and fishing operations in the area in the middle 1800’s. However, the highlight of today was that we travelled with Lori to Shuswap Lake, where they have their ‘holiday’ house, which reaches right into the waters of the lake. It is a sensational place. Before I rave more about our abode for the next 9 days it must be said that the drive through the cloud and misty covered mountains, the deep valleys, along the many lakes and the powerful, fast flowing Fraser River, brought back many memories of our time in BC in ’86, 32 years ... read more

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