Shit! The air conditioner.

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July 18th 2021
Published: July 19th 2021
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Day 17.

I actually slept until nine this morning. Not straight through but I kept falling back to sleep. It’s been about eight a.m. most days that I didn’t intentionally get up early to move on to the next destination. Yoghurt with raspberries and nuts and then a bacon sandwich chaser got the day going. I finally remembered to put the one gallon gas can in my saddlebag just in case. I also carry a five gallon can of diesel in the Jeep for the same reason.

I had a route that included some of the back roads highlighted on the map I got from the owner at the museum yesterday programmed into the GPS from the night before so off I went. The route South of Sicamous along Mara Lake is nice and I stayed with it until I got to Enderby where I turned East toward Ashton Creek. The narrow two lane road was good for several kilometres where the pavement ended. The gravel was hard packed and quite smooth so I carried on in the hopes it would change back to asphalt before long. On Google Maps it all looks the same. About 29Km later it did in fact turn back to pavement for the last three and a half kilometres before ending in Lumby where I took a break after getting gas and a drink.

Somewhere along those 29Km of gravel I remembered I didn’t turn the air conditioner on before I left camp. I did this once last week in Cranbrook and by the time I got back it was cooking in the trailer so I abandoned the rest of the route and just took the most direct way back to camp through Vernon. fortunately it wasn’t as hot this time though due in part to the fact I have morning shade and I got back by 2:30 to let the heat escape.

All that made for a fairly short ride and I only stopped twice for a picture, neither of which are anything special but I suppose it’s better than a blank page. Tomorrow should be better.


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