Cam Hill


Cam Hill

Two months on a cross Canada tour

North America » Canada » Ontario » Woodstock July 31st 2021

Day 30. 8475Km. I’d hoped the weather forecast would change but when I got up Saturday morning the rain was on it’s way as was forecast to continue for 33 hours. I didn’t unload the bike the previous night in anticipation of leaving so my options were to unload the bike so I could sit inside for a day and a half watching tv or sit outside under the awning. I had pretty much decided on Friday that if it was going to rain I was going home. I could watch TV at home and be more comfortable than in the trailer and since I’d been on the road for a month anyway cutting it short by a couple days was no big deal. I cooked the half package of bacon I had left in the ... read more
Back in storage for a month.

North America » Canada » Ontario » Parry Sound July 30th 2021

Day 29. 8135Km. I don’t know if it’s my age or just moving around so much but some days when I sit down to write this I have to stop for a second and think about where I was when I woke up. I do remember I had peanut butter on toast and yogurt with raspberries and nuts since it was a travel day. I also put a bunch of water in the holding tank so I didn’t have to connect a water hose at my new location. It’s supposed to start raining tomorrow morning and last about 33 hours so I may just leave early and head home which sucks because it’s a long weekend and a beautiful campground. Probably the nicest I’ve ever stayed at. Not to mention it’s a nice area to ride ... read more
Serpent River
New cuts

North America » Canada » Ontario » Sault Ste Marie July 29th 2021

Day 28. We had quite a thunderstorm last night. It came in waves from about midnight through six this morning so I kept getting woken up or maybe I would have woken up anyway. In any case I stayed in bed till 9:20 by which time things were drying up half decent. I dried of the bike which despite being parked under the awning got wet. Have a cover for it but it’s such a paid to fold back up I only use it if I can’t have the bike covered otherwise. Bacon, eggs and toast started the day off and by the time I finished up the dishes it was about 11:30 so maybe that made it brunch instead. I changed into my riding cloths and took off for Hwy 129. If you’ve ever heard ... read more
Mississagi River

North America » Canada » Ontario » Sault Sainte Marie July 28th 2021

Day 27. 7651Km. There was dew on the BBQ and other things this morning. I hadn’t seen dew since… well maybe not at all on this trip. Certainly none out west where it was so dry. I don’t remember if there was any the first couple of mornings when I was leaving home either. Maybe it was too warm? Another long drive but better with scenery today. I believe this is the fourth time I’ve driven across the top of Lake Superior but it’s the first time I’ve done it from West to East, not that it makes much difference. Maybe some day I’ll ride it but it’ll have to be after I get a bike with more range or carry extra gas because my bike only goes 200Km before I switch to reserve. I think ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Thunder Bay July 27th 2021

Day 26. 6963Km. This won’t be entertaining or informative. It was just 10 hours of driving 744Km. A few construction delays, a police lane closure after an accident I imagine and at least four stops for fuel, maybe five. I woke up a bit before six but stayed in bed with my eyes closed in the hopes I’d catch another fifteen minutes of sleep. Of course that didn’t happen. I had my usual yogurt with raspberries and nuts then started the BBQ to toast a hotdog bun and warm some bacon I’d cooked a few days back to make a sandwich of sorts. I had so much fresh water in the holding tank from when I was resurrecting the water pump that I didn’t connect the water hose last night which meant I didn’t have to ... read more
A little smoke outside Thunder Bay
Thunder Bay KOA

North America » Canada » Manitoba » Winnipeg July 26th 2021

Day 25. 6219Km. What a difference a province makes. While Saskatchewan seems to be wide open COVID wise, Manitoba still has warning signs on the highway stating you must quarantine for fourteen days for face a six hundred and something dollar fine. Either they are slow to remove the signs or it’s referring to those who aren’t fully vaccinated because the day I entered Manitoba headed West about three weeks ago the rules had changed that anyone fully vaccinated no longer had restrictions. It appears masts are still mandatory though. I got up at six with the intension of getting on the road early. It’s a bit of a hike as the saying goes from Moose Jaw to Winnipeg. Speaking of which, I’m a little surprised at how many people I see on bicycles on the ... read more
I caught it this time
KOA Winnipeg West

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Moose Jaw July 25th 2021

Day 24. Since I was staying put today the day began with bacon, eggs and toast. I cook bacon and eggs ever Sunday at home but a little more often while camping. I rarely ate eggs in the past 55 years but it’s another source of protein and cooking them over easy still let’s me dip my toast in the yoke like I did as a child with a soft boiled egg that mom would prepare. I still don’t enjoy egg whites to be honest. Without toast I don’t think I would eat them. When I unloaded the bike yesterday afternoon I figured I’d ride into Regina to go to the gym but things are always changing right? Since I got a case of Diet Pepsi Lime in Sicamous when I was there I’ve been looking ... read more
Water pump success
tonight’s fire

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Moose Jaw July 24th 2021

Day 23. 5459Km. I was up at six and it was six degrees this morning in Cochrane. I started to wonder how many days or months I’d slept. I had a slice of toast and some yogurt again to make a quick exit. I really should have looked at the route the GPS was taking me on because I went right through Calgary since the Trans Canada Highway is a main street. I came into Cochrane from the South and I should have left that way too but there was very little traffic that time of morning on a Saturday so the delay was minimal. I’d received a Subway gift card last year on my birthday and finally used some of it today. I usually just pack a bit of cold meat, cheese and crackers for ... read more
Just 652
A bend!
This amazes me.

North America » Canada » Alberta » Calgary July 23rd 2021

Day 22. 4729Km. Cochrane, Alberta I didn’t sleep well last night. I’m sure my subconscious was going over all the things left to do in the morning despite my best efforts to pack up as much as possible before bed. An easy breakfast of PB on toast and a dish of yogurt with raspberries makes for minimal dishes left in the sink for the evening. Water hose, electric cord and drain the holding talks was about all there was to do but I still think it was 7:45 before I got on the road. The Trans Canada Highway to Calgary offers some spectacular views leaving BC for Alberta. Again the smoke ruined all of them but I snapped some photos anyway. The smoke did lighten up the further I got into Alberta allowing for some clearer ... read more
Nice rock cut

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Revelstoke July 22nd 2021

Day 21. My time in BC has come to an end. I just finished loading up the bike which means just about everything else is stowed and ready to roll in the morning. That’s one nice advantage of a pull through site, I can drop the ramp and load the bike without pulling onto the road like most back-in spots although I may have mentioned my site in Cranbrook was deep enough to unload on the grass behind the trailer. I got up shortly after eight again and had a banana and a bacon sandwich. I cooked the whole pound this time so I have some I can microwave on a travel day. When I passed through Sicamous on my ride about noon the smoke was so heavy it was difficult to see exactly where on ... read more
Another great road
Armstrong Ice Cream shop

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