Blogs from Mount Robson Provincial Park , British Columbia, Canada, North America


We took Finley on a day trip to British Columbia. The border is 1 hour drive from Jasper. Highlights were Mount Terry Fox and Mount Robson. The tallest mountain in Canada. Haze in photos is due to smoke from wildfires burning in British Columbia... read more
Mount Terry Fox
Mount Terry Fox
Mount Terry Fox

This park’s reason for existence is massive Mt. Robson – the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies. The peak is often obscured; however, as we drove up the highway towards our first glimpse, there it was, jutting out from the clouds! This is one of the more unique mountains I have seen. It reminded me of a temple with a spiral staircase leading up to its peak. Kinney Lake Trail – This is a marvelous trail that leads up to a beautiful lake at the foot of Mt. Robson. The weather was perfect with barely a cloud in the sky making the top of the mountain totally visible. We hiked the 12 km round trip and headed back to our campsite to have a tasty steak dinner. Over the years, David and I have had some ... read more
Jewel at the foot of the mountain
Kinney Lake

Finally we made it out of Vancouver! It has been pretty wet over here and along with the spring thaw, the result is all the rivers etc are swollen and flooding which has made all the waterfalls extra spectacular. HOPE Our first stop out of Vancouver was a little township called Hope. We only stopped here to check out the Othello Tunnels in the url= Canyon Provincial Park. These are old rail tunnels which were part of the Kettle Valley Rail system which is no longer in use. The five tunnels were a remarkable feat which most people claimed would be impossible to achieve. The walk through the canyon was very dramatic and picturesque. This is the area where parts of Rambo First Blood was filmed and is still a popular s... read more
Spahat Creek Falls
Dawson Falls
Black Bear

When: September 2nd - 5th Where: Mt.Robson Provincial Park Highlights: Camping, float trip, hike, BC. Friday, 2nd September We were so dead, both of us that we thought we would just pull over & catch up some sleep. But somehow(read G took over) & we reached Jasper by 2pm. I fell asleep 1 hr into the drive & S slept when I was half way through it. So, it was break time for all of us at Jasper. We witnessed rain & a bit of snow on our drive & Jasper was still cold & windy. But we enjoyed being outside so much. Even S did not mind the cold. It was only a short 1 hr drive to Mt.Robson and we reached there early enough to set up camp and check out the visitor center. ... read more
Bridge where Kinney Lake becomes Robson river
Green Robson river
water flowing down as Robson river after Kinney Lake

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