Blogs from Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada, North America


Emma and Michael have got wedding chores to attend to, not to mention sleepy heads and hangovers after last night’s other wedding, so the rest of us head down to Waterton Lakes National Park, an hour and a bit south-west of Lethbridge on the United States border. Issy and I have been there a couple of times before and were suitably impressed, so we’re keen to show Scott and Troy some real Canadian mountains. We’re also keen to show them the spectacular Blakiston Falls which readers of posts from earlier trips might remember are named after one of our direct descendants, the English explorer Thomas Blakiston. My mother was a Blakiston, and Blakiston’s my middle name (yes, really). First stop is the iconic 1927 Prince of Wales Hotel overlooking Upper Waterton Lake. We remember previously that ... read more
Prince of Wales Hotel
Blakiston Falls
Bear sniffing the flowers

Today we head south to the Waterton Lakes National Park in search of the elusive Blakiston Falls. Readers of entries from our 2019 trip might remember that we tried to get to the Falls then, but there were still trees down across the road from the massive 2017 wildfire, so it was closed. My middle name‘s Blakiston (yes really), and it was my mother’s maiden name. The Falls, Mount Blakiston and the Blakiston Valley are all named after one of our ancestors, the English explorer Thomas Blakiston, who came through these parts in the 1850s. I was embarrassed to go home in 2019 without seeing the Falls; I may have to stay here permanently if I fail again. It was in the high 20s yesterday, and we can’t help but notice that it’s about 20 degrees ... read more
Blakiston Falls
Yep, it’s a real live bear
Blakiston Falls

We stroll down the main street of Waterton Park looking for somewhere to eat breakfast, and wander into an establishment called Trappers. It’s all decked out in the sort of check that we usually associate with the outfits that lumberjacks wear. There are life sized models of foxes in the windowsill next to our table, and most of the breakfast menu is different variations of flapjacks and maple syrup. This place couldn’t be more Canadian if it tried. I was after some poached eggs but the menu says that they don’t make them because poaching isn’t allowed in national parks. Groan. We’ve been told that cruising on the lake is a must do activity here, so off we sail. Our guide tells us that the lake is nearly 150 metres deep at its deepest point, which ... read more
Upper Waterton Lake from the Prince of Wales Hotel
Upper Waterton Lake
Upper Waterton Lake

So we were a bit afraid of this hike. 10.5 miles and 2100 foot elevation gain. Took the boat from Waterton to the trailhead (15 minute ride). It took us 3 hours to get to the lake. I'm not going to lie, it was not easy. We are in our 50s and in decent shape, but we made it. Crawling through the tunnel and up the rock wall with the cable wasn't nearly as bad as all the rocky switchbacks getting there. The lake is beautiful. Spent about 45 minutes there then had to head back in order to catch the boat back. 2.5 hours back down. (there was only one shuttle time running this time of year, 10am with a pickup at 530pm.) Did get to see a helicopter dumping water on the fire across ... read more

We landed in Kalispell MT and drove 3.5 hours around Glacier NP up into Waterton, Alberta. The hotel is as quaint and charming as I expected. The staff is extremely friendly and helpful. Our room is small, but it has a bed and our own bathroom, so that's all I need. Views are spectacular. Had a nice dinner at the hotel (bison stew) then an early bedtime since we had been up since midnight Alberta time the day before in order to fly and drive there. Did manage to listen to a presentation by the bellhop about the hotel, Waterton, the park and the fires, which was interesting.... read more

Started off early at 730am. Could smell smoke in the air from the fires. Was chilly, too, in the 40s. Hiked to lower Berths Falls then on to Berths Lake. PERFECT WEATHER! Sunny and fairly clear. The scenery is just breathtakingly gorgeous . Got back into town and had a late lunch at the Lakeside Chophouse. Bison carpaccio and a bison Rueben. YUM! Back at the hotel for a nap, shower and light dinner. Great first full day here.... read more

Today we stopped at Prince of Wales hotel in Waterton. It was a gorgeous old hotel and the male staff wore kilts. After, we walked around townsite and finished Xplorer program and exchanged money. Drove to Banff. Saw two moose when stopped at Chain Lakes Provincial Park for lunch. We are staying near Lake Louise and I didn’t know the Lake Louise area was separate from “Banff”, about a 30 mile drive with not much in between:). This might explain why people asked if we were going to see Lake Louise when I mentioned we were going to Banff! We had dinner in Lake Louise village and stopped to see Lake Louise. Now I understand why it is so popular! It is a milky blue color and nestled among mountains and pine trees. Lake Louise Chalet ... read more
Waterton townsite from POW
Lake Louise

Bonjour à tous, De retour au Canada, la prochaine incursion aux US ce sera pour l'Alaska. Ma bonne nouvelle du matin, à été de lire les infos françaises sur internet, et de voir que Najat avait été dégagée du paysage. Je sais que nous sommes très nombreux à partager cette bonne nouvelle. Hier dans les plaines, la voie ferrée longe la route, arrivé à Havre, j'ai été attentif à ne pas choisir un hôtel trop proche, j'ai déjà eu de mauvaises expériences. Je me suis fait avoir, et en pire, un peu à l'écart des voies, il y avait un centre de maintenance des locos juste sous ma fenêtre. Ces locos sont bien sur aux normes US en diesel et particulièrement bruyantes. J'ai passé une sale nuit avec ces bruits. Ce matin je retrouve ma longue ... read more
Two Medecine Lake
pas assez de place pour tous
la route du matin

Today began with a loud gobble, repeated a few dozen times. The sound came from the woods behind our room and before long a big 'ol Tom came prancing out in the meadow. He was strutting big time for his lady companion but she didn't seem impressed. We have been fortunate to have daily visitors from the woods at the B&B. We have seen several deer, guineas and turkeys. That just adds to the charm of this unique place. We decided to head back to the east side of the park today with no real plan in mind. The west side is more of a hub for all the planned activities and is a bit crowded. Lots of bicyclists, boaters, tours, kayaks, group activities. The east side is more of the scenic side and less congested. ... read more
Canadian Border crossing
Panoramic view of Waterton Lakes
Mountain goat

You may have noticed that there are few photos of David in this trip (or maybe not -- go back and look, there's definitely more photos of me.) There's a reason -- and it's a story I can now tell. Well, actually, David's going to start this story; I'll set it up: Near the end of June, we went on our yearly pilgrimage to southern Alberta near Lethbridge where we attended the rocket launch at Rock Lake -- it's not a lake of water, but a "lake of rocks" -- a rock pit surrounded by miles and miles of prairie and rolling hills. (Rocket launches may be a topic I'll discuss someday, but not today.) It seems to be always hot at this event, but this year it was exceptionally hot (I got a nasty burn), ... read more
Perfect day on the lake!
You can see the bottom!

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