Canadian Rockies Day 6

Published: July 9th 2015
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Day 6
Well, another night in a National Park Lodge and now we know the "business" of the folks in the room next door! Geez, just paper thin walls. oh well, still a great view and it was nice and cool and got a decent nights rest anyway. Rented kayaks for an hour and cruised the lake enjoying the spectacular scenery before getting back on the road. We stopped at a world renown place called the Cattle Barron Supper Club and had lunch. Supposedly this place was on the travel channel. Had a buffalo burger and was pretty good. Arrived at Waterton National Park in Alberta around 2 or so and got all checked in to the hotel where we found wifi and a tv with 3 channels! We are living large! Next we headed to the Prince of Wales hotel and had a nice chat with a couple from Florida and the bartender from Austrailia. Oh, and we had a couple drinks to quench our thirst. Back to our room to relax a bit and then we headed out for some dinner at a pizza place called 49 degrees (I believe Canada is on the 49th parallel?) anyway, pizza was good. I had a pizza with buffalo and Saskatoon berries, and Janet had a pepperoni and banana peppers. Back to our room for some rest as we have a long day tomorrow as we head to Banff.

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9th July 2015

wow!!! looks like fun kayaking!!! did mom fall in?? hehe i hope you didnt see any sharks as it is shark week!!! looks like you are having fun! ilysm!
9th July 2015

Elk vs Buffalo
Now that you've had both burgers, which do you prefer? The photos are beautiful! I'm very proud of Janet handling the kayak on her own. Seems like she's getting brave out in the wilderness. Getting ready for the next season of 'Naked and Afraid?' :)

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