Blogs from Johnston Canyon, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » Alberta » Banff National Park » Johnston Canyon September 14th 2017

We have been here before, at this particular Castle Mountain overflow campsite, many times. It is our favourite hangout destination in the Rockies, although we have certainly ventured to other areas in Alberta and British Columbia over the decades. We have travelled to the mountains before children, with children, and now return, full circle, just the two of us again. We have cycled through the mountains, climbing the daunting Roger's Pass not once, but twice. We have motorbiked from Saskatchewan through the Rockies to the west coast; we have hiked Banff’s Sulphur Mountain at least a dozen times, as well as taken on the far more ominous challenge of hiking Castle Mountain. We have canoed the mountain lakes and attempted to kayak the swift flowing streams :) We have not been short on adventures. But the ... read more
Castle Mountain
The foothills
Follow that bike

We were staying in the Johnston Canyon campground on the Bow Valley Parkway just down the road from Johnston Canyon. For most of the day, (like most days) the parking lot and road at the trail head was cloged with vehicles, so we decided to hike the canyon later in the day. It was a good time to go as most of the crowds had left, and it was cooler. (Temperatures were in the upper 20 C to lower 30 C range.) Johnston Creek tumbles its way down the canyon in a brilliant display of blue, green and white waters. I’ve been on this trail several times, and today, David and I both saw a small fish try to launch itself up one of the falls!... read more
Johnston Canyon Fall
Johnston Canyon Fall
Johnston Canyon Fall

We didn't really do all that much today, but we enjoyed what we did. After a good breakfast we left Canmore for Johnston Canyon. Our plan was to hike up the canyon, but when we got there the trail was closed due to a tree that fell across it right at the beginning. Bummer. But we found a park ranger and asked his advice, and he told us of another way to the upper part of the canyon, on what is known as the Moose Meadow trail. Why it's called that I do not know. We saw neither moose nor meadow the whole way. We did see lots of forest, a couple squirrels, butterflies, the most beautiful flowers, and we reached the upper Johnston falls not long before they closed those off too. A couple of ... read more
Johnston Canyon
Lake Louise

I was lucky enough to see two spectacular places that are just an easy drive out of Calgary. I had been told that Johnson's Canyon Ice Walk was a nice place to see and a 'must do' so I decided to go on my own adventure and see this amazing place. Little did I know that not far from Canmore a place called Grotto Canyon would be another one of mother nature's spellbinding sights that would have me captured under her spell. ITS A NEW CAR Last week end I caught the train nervously with $2700 in my back pack, my evidence of registration and my international drivers license. I wasn't nervous because I was carrying $2700 in my bag and on the train with the odd shifty character around the place. What would be so ... read more
2003 Grand Prix Pontiac
Ice skating for the first time
Some how balancing for the photo

Johnston Canyon and Moraine Lake Twinning The National Parks people and the government of Canada know that one of the major draws to the Canadian Rockies and the national parklands is the chance for people to see wildlife. So it's a worry that the reproduction rate of some of the big animals has been dropping. In response, there are efforts to buttress up the wildlife habitats and educate people on staying away from critical areas during spring calving and the autumn rutting season. On the highway between the townships of Banff and Lake Louise, the policy of “twinning” is being put into effect. This means high and secure fencing all along both sides of the road, to keep the animals and cars from colliding, which is usually to the detriment of all concerned. This restriction is ... read more
Johnston Canyon petrified salmon
Johnston Canyon Falls
Johnston Canyon Falls

Needless to say heads were sore after our big night out in Banff, Ricks decidely so. Scott pushed through it and went out for a second day on the slopes. Tina, Nic, Rick and I decided to go and have a look at Lake Louise. I'd seen it in the summer months, so wanted to see the transformation, they usually have ice sculptures on it and all. As we drove out though the worst snow storm I have ever seen swept into the valley, making visibility terrible. We would have seen barely a few feet in front of us so went for plan B a walk at Johnston Canyon. As we drove towards it I was interested to see bridges over the road that seemed to go to nowhere. As it turns out they are for ... read more
Johnston Canyon
Johnston Canyon - Eating snow
Johnston Canyon

I’d been living in Toronto for the better part of a year and had failed to get out and explore the rest of Canada in this time (bar halloween in Montreal and a weekend in Uxbridge), so I figured it was about time to head west and check out the rockies. My roommate James and I did a bit of quick research and discovered we should plan our trip based on our experience (can put up a tent), equipment (will buy) and fitness (played soccer 3 years ago). We settled on a 7 day hike through Badger Pass, carrying our tent, gear and food with us for the entire 77km hike. I set about spending my entire savings on a sleeping bag, mat, boots, freeze dried food, bear bells, waterproof matches, travel toothpaste and other necessities. ... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Banff National Park » Johnston Canyon February 17th 2008

I can't believe we can finally use a geographical description that isn't Lake Louise!!! The level of excitement I'm feeling about that seems a little sad doesn't it?? Anyway, the reason we are able to use a description other than Lake Louise is because we are now mobile! Yes, that's right, we've taken the plunge and bought a used car. Not sure whether the plunge component relates to purchasing a car, or having to deal with used car salesmen. My guess is the salesmen, particularly as the one we ended up buying from was missing more than one tooth, and had the appropriate grin to match. Everyone knows buying a car can be difficult, slightly scary, time consuming.... Our purchase was all of those things, and more. Firstly, we had to get to Calgary to buy ... read more
Johnston Canyon
Johnston Canyon
Johnston Canyon

My daughter loves horse riding, so it was an extra-special treat to go on a horse riding trail. What a fantastic way to see the Rockies! We did cause a bit of confusion when we asked for some riding helmets. It must be a Brit thing, but then when was the last time you saw a cowboy in a helmet. It wouldn’t exactly go with the hard-man image, so we had to do without. We were a bit worried about our six year old daughter high-up on a full sized horse which she couldn't really control and with no helmet. Afterwards we went to Johnston Canyon, which is not far from Banff. There are a number of walks to various points in the canyon, including the lower falls, the upper falls and the rainbow pools. We ... read more
Johnston Canyon
The Hoodoos

Johnstone Canyon lies between Banff town and Sunshine Village. Its a narrow valley that runs for about 6km which has frozen waterfalls, caves and huge trees. An extremely impressive sight in Winter. We even saw a fox with his deer kill and came across some ice climbers. I wish I could have done it myself after doing it in NZ but everything is far too expensive here with respect to activities. Overall an amazing valley that I recommend to anyone in the area. ... read more
Looks nice and warm eh?
Michelle, Dustin and Nate
The upper waterfall

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