Blogs from Beyoglu, Istanbul, Marmara, Turkey, Middle East


Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul » Beyoglu April 25th 2024

We left our guide with that warm fuzzy feeling of something that had been extremely enjoyable . Sometimes you can do something and say it was not long enough/too short/could have been better /was the best thing since sliced bread . We both agreed that our trip on the boat had been one of the best things we had paid to do whilst in the city. It had delivered on every count . It was just long enough without becoming boring . It had been an experience we would remember after the memories of the city began to fade . Our next stop was to head up to the business /shopping part of the city . High on the hill Taksim Square was the place to go if you wanted shops . We expected it to ... read more
The closest we got to the monument

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul » Beyoglu October 11th 2023

As I write this post, I am looking out the window of our beautiful cruise ship, at the setting sun over the Marmara Sea. The Star Legend is a small, 200 passenger vessel in the Windstar Cruise Line. It provides all the amenities of the larger cruise lines, minus the crowds. We sailed out of the harbor at precisely 5pm, waving goodbye to the Istanbul coastline with its striking minarets and ancient coastal history. The sea is calm and skies are clear which should make for a peaceful night of sailing. Before we boarded though, we had one last highlight of ancient Istanbul to explore, the Galata Tower. As I previously mentioned, it was the highest point of the Genoese walled city. Built in 1453, the Genoese could watch the strait for uninvited ships. Sounding an ... read more
Our ship in the harbor viewed from Galata Tower
View across the river from Galata Tower
Fisherman on the bridge

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul » Beyoglu October 10th 2023

Back in Istanbul but this time on the “newer” side. Istanbul is divided on two continents, Europe and Asia. Where we stayed last time was the Europe side where the original capital of the Roman/Christian, world was seated. Constantinople, now known as Istanbul, was founded by Emperor Justiniani then built up by Emperor Constantine who wanted Constantinople to become the Christian capital of the world. Later, after the Ottoman Seige, it would be seated in Rome. The newer side, where we are staying now was the site off the Genoese (Italian) walled city called Galata. In ancient times, the two sides were connected by a massive iron chain that sat on the bottom of the Bosphorus Strait. When under attack, they would pull the chain from both sides to raise it high enough, but just below ... read more
Istaklar Cadessi (street)
Istaklar Cadessi
Döner stands - Taksim Square

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul » Beyoglu May 14th 2016

Saturday: Arrive at the docks at 6:00 AM. The view coming in – with the sun rising over the Bosphorus bridge – was wonderful, lighting up Topkapi and the Sultanamet mosques. We exited the ship and transfered to the Pera Palace Hotel where we dropped off our luggage and went out into the surrounding Beyoglu District. After a few hours we returned to the hotel and sat for awhile waiting for our room to be ready. As we sat on the veranda John managed to spill an entire glass of ginger ale on Peggy, leading to a change of clothing prior to getting into the room. We had an unremarkable lunch near the “tunel” cable car that comes up the hill from the Galata Bridge and the Sulanamet street trolley. Upon return to the hotel we ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul » Beyoglu April 10th 2016

We decided not to go to the Princes' Islands today, partly because we got a late start, partly because of the State Department warning about docks, and partly because of the weekend crowds... Instead, we walked, and walked and walked....down to the water from our apartment, along the Bosphorus, up the hill to the Museum of Innocence, back down to the Museum of Modern Art, along the water the Dolmabahce Palace, up hill again (and down and up more times than I can count) to get back home! Our first stop was the amazing Museum of Innocence, a creation of the Nobel prize winning Turkish writer, Orhan Pamuk. He used his prize money to painstakingly create the Museum described in the book of the same name. I've been reading the book, but sadly didn't finish it ... read more
Head scarf fashion shoot
Police station
Some of the groups playing Turkey

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul » Beyoglu April 7th 2016

Last night we ate in a restaurant on a street up hill from our apartment. It was full of young tourists from all over, but no Americans that we could see (or hear). This area is interesting: downhill from our apartment are many, many electrical supply shops. Most are very small. Up the hill from us, there are mainly guitar shops with young hipster clients. On streets adjacent to the guitar shops, there are trendy restaurants and boutiques. We seem to be right on the transition line! This morning we walked down the hill to the tram station and traveled across the Golden Horn to the Blue Mosque and the Hagia Sophia. The first terrorist attack was in the square there, so there are many police and security checks to get into the mosque and museum. ... read more
Where we ate last night...
Galata Tower at night
Ruins mixed with new buildings all over Istanbul

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul » Beyoglu April 6th 2016

Well, we survived a 24 hour travel a few short naps in along the way, but it was so good to get into bed last night! The whole trip went smoothly..all the connections problems with lines or wait times in any of the airports. British Airways from Seattle to London was a treat: great food and service. We had arranged an airport pick-up from the apartment owners, so getting here was easy too... The host (part of the family who rents several apartments that they have remodeled for tourist stays; the company, which we highly recommend, is called Stay Istanbul) was welcoming and helpful. But the conversation took a sad turn when we asks about the effect of the terrorist attacks on business. He teared up and said they will have to give up ... read more
Suleymaniye Mosque from our window
Looking down our street
Galata Tower

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul » Beyoglu April 4th 2016

We fly today from Seattle to Heathrow and then on to Istanbul, arriving tomorrow afternoon. We are staying in a beautiful apartment near the Goleta Tower. The recent acts of terrorism have taken a bit of the excitement away from this trip, but Istanbul awaits, with its history spanning so much of modern times, and its unique position straddling Europe and Asia. The original plan was to take a cruise ship (a first for us...) from Istanbul to Venice, but the cruise company cancelled the Istanbul portion, so we are flying from Istanbul to Athens to pick up the ship and continue through the Greek Isles, to Croatia, and then to Venice. We next travel in Italy and Sicily for 3 weeks....and then to Connecticut to celebrate my mom's 85th birthday... We leave behind our beautiful ... read more
Last time on the water for awhile...
A visit from Luke and Alannah
On our beach

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul » Beyoglu December 22nd 2015

Maybe it will happen when you are standing on the Galata Bridge. The bridge crosses the Golden Horn from Karakoy to Eminonu where the Ottoman Sultans ruled for more than 500 years. The bridge will be busy, as always. Throngs of pedestrians mingle with fisherman and vendors for space on the wide sidewalks. Boat traffic of every size and variety vies for the narrow space below as they have since time was recorded. Occasionally a fisherman will have luck and pull a sardine sized fish from the gray waters below. Vendors sell steamed mussels and small bait fish to all who pass. Rising up from the bridge on either side, the hills climb sharply from the water. At the base of the hill on the “old” side of town several gaudily decorated and heavily rocking boats ... read more
Hagia Sophia Mosque
The Blue Mosque
Istiklal Tram

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul » Beyoglu October 5th 2015

Nach langer Vorbereitung ist es soweit - meine Reise nach Osten, soweit der Osten reicht, hat begonnen. Und welcher Ort wäre passender für den Übergang von Europa nach Asien als Istanbul, der riesige Schmelztiegel am Bosporus (Platz 23 auf der Liste der größten Metropolen der Welt), der sich über beide Kontinente erstreckt! Es ist nun bereits mein fünfter Tag in der Stadt, und bereits jetzt kommt es mir vor, als würden mich Welten von meinem alten Leben und der alten Heimat trennen. Es wird also Zeit auf die ersten Tage zurückzublicken, während ich auf der Dachterrasse meiner Unterkunft im Stadtteil Beyoglu sitze und Chai schlürfe. Tag eins begann mit der Ankunft auf dem im asiatischen Teil gelegenen Flughafen Sabiha Gökcen. Und mit IM meine ich, daß die Häuser bis zur Landebahn reichten und die Dächer bei ... read more
Blaue Moschee
Alte Bim
Hagia Sophia

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