Blogs from Iran, Middle East


Middle East » Iran » South » Shiraz March 14th 2021 13th March - Old Vakil Bazaar, Old and Historical Market in Shiraz. Karim Khan Citadel was constructed in 1697 when the Zand Dynasty was ruling the country. When Karim Khan Zand selected Shiraz as the capital city, lots of significant changes were made. He invited the most professional architects and artists to Shiraz and asked them to build this really amazing structure. Karim Khan Citadel has had various functions in different historical eras. It was the living place of Karim Khan Zand in the Zand Dynasty, the living place of local rulers in the Qajar Dynasty, and prison in the Pahlavi Dynasty. For now it is transformed into a museum. In 1972, Karim Khan Citadel was registered in the National Heritage of Iran. The dominant material used in this structure is stone and stucco. One ... read more

Middle East » Iran » South » Persepolis March 11th 2021 11th March - Persepolis, The Ancient Persian Empire PERSEPOLIS WAS ONCE THE RICHEST city on earth - the glittering capital of the Achaemenid Empire. At the heart of the city lay the royal palace - a wonder of gold and silver, ivory, and precious stones. From there, Xerxes planned his war against Greece - and the treasure of a vast empire piled up in the store-rooms. In 330 BCE, Persepolis was captured by Alexander the Great. Before he left the city, he ordered the palace burned to the ground - whether through drunken malice or sober calculation, it is impossible to be sure. The ruins lay buried until the 17th century when they were identified as the once-great royal city of Persepolis, but professional excavation did not begin until 1931. It was declared a UNESCO ... read more

Middle East » Iran » South » Shiraz March 10th 2021 10th March - Paradise on Earth, Persian Garden and Mansion - Shiraz The garden and mansion of Narenjestan, named after the many citrus trees planted in the garden, was built in 1870. During its prospering days, in the Qajar era, Narenjestan was the meeting place of nobles and dignitaries. In the Pahlavi era the Qavam family lost its high status and the governmental positions it had gained during the rule of Qajars. At this time, Narenjestan was donated to the University of Shiraz. It is now a museum. As we entered the domed ceiling was just a glimpse of what was to come. In the courtyard the painted panels on the walls depict the servants serving food, and above them, some episodes from The Book of Kings. The typical Persian garden design I had remembered ... read more

Middle East » Iran » North » Tehran April 12th 2020

Horror stories abound these days, due to the corona virus. For example: A recent article by url= Guardian revealed the terrible conditions that Australian citizens who are reentering the country are facing as they are placed at the Sydney InterContinental, a five-star hotel that’s been turned into a government quarantine center. Instead of hand-crafted, Instagram-worthy meals for in-room dining, citizens are receiving meals that are barely edible and that don’t take their dietary restrictions into consideration. Instead of being able to, at the very least, enjoy the stunning views of Sydney that the hotel is known for, those in quarantine aren’t allowed to leave rooms with windows that don’t open. Other Australian citizens being quarantined at ... read more
On Wings

Middle East » Iran July 10th 2019

Na iran som bol riadne nazhaveny co som cital cestopisi a stretol par ludi. Vraj velmi priatelsky ludia a nadherna krajina. Hovno, ludia vo vacsine pripadov samy odrbavac, cest par vynimkam pri stopovani ci pri ceste do mausoleh busom. Pozitivne prekvapenie prislo ked mi jeden chlapik dal svoju platobnu (?) Kartu s prednabitym kreditom (vyuzil som to len na mhd) Ono takychto falosnych ojebavacov som ozaj nezazil ani vo vietname ci indii. Tam ked cloveka ojebali aspon sa netvarili ako najlepsi kamosi na svete. No a co ma najviac dojalo, bola majitelka (?) V hosteli v esfahane, ktora to ospravedlnila touto vetou. Ludia nemaju peniaze tak klamu turistov. To jak keby povi, ludia nemaju peniaze preto zacnu kradnut. A nezabudla k tomu pridat priatelsky usmev, miesto toho aby to odsudila. Pristal som v teherane skoro rano. ... read more

Middle East » Iran » West June 23rd 2019

Na ubytku pohodlna postel, uz len ranajky chybali. Vonku ziadne otvorene jedlo. Nakonec nachadzam jednu pekarnicku, kupujem dva plnene chleby, take placky. No nez sa do nich pustim, vidim kopu ludi v malej miestnosti ako do seba nieco tlacia. Omeletu. Hned teda objednavam. Cakacka kym sa uvolni miesto, potom cakacka na pochutku. Prinasaju mi ju v malom hlinennom hrnci, k tomu chleba. Chut genialna, som si spomenul na maroko tam to bolo rovnako dobre. Napraskany pochodujem k severnemu bus terminalu (asi 5km). Minam istanbulsku branu. Nic extra. Taktiez nic extra po ceste. Akurat sa ku mne pridava mladik, co tlaci tacky. Na nich dake lahke mechy. Ang nevi ale co som vyrozumel pozyva ma na disco kde je aj alkohol a kurvy. Tez sa nemohol zjavit vcera. Furt cestou mele to iste, disco, znazornuje tanec. Velebi ... read more

Middle East » Iran June 22nd 2019

Po polnoci uz sme to valili po dialnici, tak ziadne spomalovace. Trochu som i pospal. O 4.15 prichadzame na juzny bus terminal. Nasledujem par ludi a vo velkej modernej budove sa ukladam na sedadla. Za hodinu prichadza sbs ale ludi nechava na pokoji, len pusta 4 tv, na kazdom iny program, to by nevadilo ale hlasitost je na maxime. Este sa prechadzam po terminale. Vsetky bus kancelarie pozatvarane. Obliekam mikinu, bundu a pesibusom asi do 5km vzdialeneho mesta. Vonku riadna kosa. V buse ukazovalo vonkajsiu teplotu okolo 20c. Okrajova cast cinziaky a ulice ludoprazdne. Obchodiky skoro rano pozatvarane. V bruchu mi uz dost vyhravalo, bo chuj som si nedal na odpocivadle veceru a este jeden problem, chce sa mi curat. To nakoniec vykonavam na nadchode nad cestou. Sa vodici mohli cudovat odkial prsi. V pekarnicke kupujem ... read more

Middle East » Iran June 21st 2019

Na ranajky dnes vynechavam vajco, predsa len budem cestovat 8hod busom. Recepcny chce este foto pred hotelom, tak zrejme budem na neakom letaku. Vchadzam na okraj bazara. I ked je piatok dost prevadzok funguje (ovozel). Zacinam si do sacku nakladat jahody, dobehne predavac, to sa nesmi. Ukazuje na lopatku, tak ja ukazujem 50k a za taku sumu dostavam jahody. Asi tak pol kila, kilo. V dalsom stanku som uz mudrejsi a hned ukazujem 50k nech mi daju za tolko ceresne, opat okolo kila res polkila. Idem rovnakou cestou na bus terminal ako som prisiel. Pri terminale velke parkovisko s kopou aut. Je to jeden velky bazar. Ludia kupuju a predavaju auta Samozrejme pod dohladom policie. Na terminali kupeny listok, bus mi odchadza o 20.00, mam 10hod casu. Ono keby ide viac spojov, vklude to kupim hodinu ... read more

Middle East » Iran June 20th 2019

V noci som dako nemohol zaspat. Rano ma budi vykrikovanie zpod okna. Hotel susedi s bazarom. Na nom predavajuci vykrikovali aby upozornili na svoj tovar. A kricali vkuse, s tym sa stretavam v irane prvy krat. Ranajky ako vsade inde. Chleba, uharky, rajciny, maslo, syrova natierka, vajco na tvrdo a caj. Net nesiel. Ostavam tu dalsiu noc. Dnes si dam mensiu turu v oblasti ganj nameh. Recepcny ma posiela na ulicu shariati pri centre (kruhac pre pesich). Share taxi ma stat asi 50k r. Prichadzam k zltym taxikom, hovorim destinaciu. Cely taxi za 120k ak chcem cakat na dalsich ludi tak za 30k. No pockam si teda (0.8€ vs 0.3€ za cca 8km) Dost tu predavaju ceresne a jahody, neskor musim kupi. Po chvili prichadzaju dvaja ludia. Zrejme predajcovia z fastfoodu, bo do kufra nakladaju kvanta ... read more

Middle East » Iran June 19th 2019

Na izbe som mal nove baby ale na irancanku nemali. Ta bohuzial odisla vcera. Ranajky si davam tentoraz v podzemi kde sa podavali. Robim check out, len nechavam kluc od skrinky. Recepcna ma vola spat ale na jej prekvapenie som tu nemal pas ako depozit. Ziadne velke lucenie ako s inymi ubytovanimi. Asi sa novinka, ze nemam rad ojebavacov rozniesla medzi celym staffom. Rovnou ciarou na metro. V tomto skurvenom meste nechcem ostat ani minutu. V metre sa snazim s peniazmi v ruke odchytit cloveka, ten asi nechapal. Druhy za pomoci pokladnika uz chape a pipa svoju kartu pre mna. Peniaze mi vracia. Chlapik robil v rusku, tak trochu po rusky na mna. Vyskakujem na stanici kaveh kde je bus terminal. Nakonec som si to rozmyslel a predsa sa zastavim v hamedane. Bus zo stanovista c.2 ... read more

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