Blogs from Lefkara, Cyprus, Middle East


Middle East » Cyprus » Lefkara April 13th 2024

Super day today with some beautiful Cypriot scenery and a gorgeous village, Lefkara. Then a monastery, Agios Minas.My nose will forever be filled with the scent of the lemon trees which pervaded the village followed by oranges at the monastery and glorious flowers everywhere. I did get berated by the lady in the Lefkara church for wearing shorts and not covering my legs with the skirtsprovided ...( Which I didn't see as I went to the right and they were in the middle ). Bob's bare legs were acceptable.And the sound of the bees in the monastery was amazing.. they were swarming into a hole in one of the buildings. We bought a jar of their honey and it is absolulely delicious..And I should mention that we were not best pleased with our Tomtom which decided ... read more
240413 Cyprus (11)
240413 Cyprus (12)
240413 Cyprus (40)

Middle East » Cyprus » Lefkara June 26th 2016

Day 154 Monday 20th June 2016 – Yerevan to Larnaca (Cyprus) Leaving Asia behind today and moving onto Europe, maybe not Western Europe, but the fringe. We would have loved to have had an afternoon flight so we could have arrived fresh as a daisy at Cyprus but instead we had to get the very early morning flight at 5am. Up at the completely unnatural time of 2.00am for a quick shower and then coffee in the hotel kitchen, the staff also offered us yoghurts. All the staff have been wonderful at the Hotel Kantar and after the first 2 nights the noisy guests moved out, so it has been a good (and eventually quiet) option. Arrived at the airport at 3am got through security quickly, well I (Shelley) did, Scott got a new ... read more

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