Blogs from Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, Europe


After two days exploring the Causeway Coast and Glens we drove down to the city of Belfast. Straight down the A44 to the A26 then around Ballymena on the M2 before picking up the A26 continuing south. North of Antrim we connected with the M2 again heading west towards Belfast Lough. We drove along the lough into the Titanic Quarter of Belfast where we parked the cars under the Titanic Experience building. We had made excellent time arriving at about 10.15am. We purchased our tickets with a 10.40am time stamp but were allowed straight into the exhibitions. The Titanic Experience only opens at 10.00am and already it was busy! The Titanic Experience is located beside the Titanic Slipways, the Harland & Wolff Drawing Offices and Hamilton Graving Dock – the very places where Titanic was designed, ... read more

Today we started at the National Trust operated Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge. Free entry with our Australian National Trust cards saving us £31.00!! Swinging 100 feet above the sea the bridge is made up of planks strung between wires. The bridge allows you to cross a 60-foot chasm – the mouth of an ancient volcano - to the island of Carrick-a-Rede. For hundreds of years salmon fishermen strung a net from the island in an arc to a boat to catch the fish swimming around the island. In those days they crossed to the island to tend the nets and land their catch on a single rope strung across the chasm. A much easier crossing today. Out on the island there are hundreds of sea birds nesting and bobbing around on the ocean at the foot of ... read more

I forgot to record last night that our room had a surfeit of power points and … dried flower arrangements. No fewer than ten power points and four floral arrangements! We’ve had a few rooms on this holiday suffering from being filled with way too much stuff. Sometimes in a hotel room or B&B less is more. I’m sure I’m not the only traveller who would prefer fewer cushions and less bric-a-brac reflecting the taste (or lack thereof) of the owner? But the power points are good. We haven’t struggled for power points to charge all of or electrical devices at all on this holiday. Reflecting on our itinerary again over the last couple of days and wondering if we could have been more efficient? On the map the distances between our accommodation destinations seemed so ... read more
St Eugene's Cathedral
St Eugene's Cathedral
Guild House

This morning we pulled out onto the N15 and inserted ourselves into a convoy of vintage Citroens beetling along the highway. We were in the middle of a group of four of them for a few kilometres before coming aside a layover where they started to pull in just as the leading members of their group, who we presume had been waiting for them, started to pull out. Aargh! Vintage Citroens going everywhere. Thank goodness that soon after they decided to pull out onto a local road. It’s always a bit awkward getting caught up in groups travelling together. That goes for caravan convoys crossing the Nullarbor and the 2CV6 Club on tour in Ireland! Today we are going over road already travelled again. We thought we were heading from Sligo to Letterkenny and we are ... read more
Gweebarra River viewpoint
The Bristi
Bristi Cliffs

We are in Northern Ireland. We came via a night in Donegal, that included a visit to Donegal Castle and some fun picture taking. We left Donegal first thing in the morning to go to Derry and the UK. Derry's a city I was really interested in experiencing and did that. Spent 2 hours on a walking tour with a survivor, Jimmy Toye, of Bloody Sunday. He relived that day, more than 50 years ago, moment by moment, taking us to the spot where the British soldiers stood when they fired at the young Irish protestors, and where each of his friends had fallen. It was very moving and intense, too much for some. I learned a lot...the connections with the civil rights movement in the 60s is a strong one. The civil rights issue here ... read more
Street in a Derry where the trouble started
Derry murals
Derry murals

Thursday, we went to our next new country Northern Ireland. We woke up in Belfast. Our tour was supposed to be later that day. We went down to the shore excursion check-in and got on an earlier excursion. The guide for our tour was very knowledgeable and explained the history and unrest of the area. There is still unrest today but it’s more between the people that want a united Ireland vs the people that are loyalist to the crown. Sections of town have peace walls separating the neighborhoods to keep others out. In some areas there are gates that are closed in the evening and sometimes on weekends with a no-mans land in between. He explained how the murals seen on many walls show the political leanings of the area. We heard about when Queen ... read more

Up plenty early due to jet lag or body clocks, all of us were ready in plenty of time for our 8 am breakfast. It could have also been the hot room and uncomfortable beds, but who knows. Kyle had kindly booked for 3 of us the night prior, but surprisingly Alex joined us too so we purchased one more. Our day was filled with a tour all-around the coast of Northern Ireland. We headed one block over to check in with our tour and were promptly lead to the busses. Good thing we were early as it allowed Carl, Alex, and I to pick near to the front seats to limit motion sickness. A good choice because the roads were narrow and winding which caused a passenger in the back to get sick. Alex informed ... read more
Dark Hedges

Well rested from an early to bed night, it was easy for the crew to rouse themselves. Carl and I feasted on the hotel buffet, Alex lounged, and the others visited the grocery store for provisions. Hustling to leave at 9 to get to the station for our train ride to Belfast, the front desk had some confusion on the outstanding bill on our rooms. Quite odd as we paid before AND were told we received a €50 refund due to the late room availability. She noticed our agitation and let us go to catch the train with the promise to call if she couldn't resolve it. Laura guided us on our walk to the Connolly train station not too far away. As I returned to the group with our tickets from the machine, we realized ... read more
Robinson's Pub
Titanic Museum
Biggest Disco

We said farewell to Malaga/Estepona on a warm, bright sunny morning and took a 2 1/2 hour flight to Dublin where we were greeted with a windy, coolish day but some sunshine. With our car rental, it was a smooth exit from the airport for the 2 hour drive to Belfast along the M1 highway. A quick Hotel check in and a Steak and Guinness pie dinner capped off a long day. Our hotel didn’t have a restaurant, however around the corner, we found a Tim Hortons and had an Egg McMuffin, hash brown and Coffee. In addition to breakfast, I negotiated with my dietician a donut but discovered the cost was equivalent to $3.50 CDN versus about $1.20 at home, so no treat. The “black cab’ tour of Belfast covered mostly the divided neighbourhoods of ... read more
The wall separating the Catholic and Protestant neighbourhoods.
Wall murals throughout the Catholic and Protestant neighbourhoods in Belfast
Views along coastal drive north east of Belfast.

Europe » United Kingdom » Northern Ireland » County Antrim » Belfast October 20th 2023

Belfast is Northern Ireland’s capital. It was the birthplace of the R.M.S. Titanic, which famously struck an iceberg and sunk in 1912. This legacy is recalled in the renovated dockyards' Titanic Quarter, which includes the Titanic Belfast, an aluminium clad museum reminiscent of a ship’s hull, as well as shipbuilder Harland & Wolff’s Drawing Offices and the Titanic Slipways, which now host open-air concerts".― Google And that's the guided bus tour availability in a nut shell.... Its the Titanic or the Giant's Causeway or O.M.G. the Game of Thrones filming sites. Once these... in your face attractions. ... read more
Castle from Game of Thrones

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