Blogs from Segovia, Castile & León, Spain, Europe


Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Segovia September 24th 2021

Not all those who wander are lost” ~ J.R.R. Tolkien It was simply bugging the hell out of us....we would talk about it, imagine it, even attempt to make plans in the hopes that we could travel....somewhere. We've somewhat mollified this urge by taking a few trips within the U.S., but we all know that the great thrill is to leave your own country and go visit one you've never seen before. That's the thing, right? We’ve spent each day for months longing for travel. Attempting to decide if it was safe, if it was the socially responsible thing to do.. …We’ve studied vaccination rates and we’ve studied the U.S. State department website until we exhausted all the information. In the end we selected a country where many residents have been vaccinated -- since we have ... read more
Cathedral in Segovia
Cathedral of Segovia
Views from the aqueduct

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Segovia August 10th 2019

Issy again asks me to steal some buttered toast for her from the breakfast buffet in direct contravention of the hotel’s strict rules about not removing buffet food from the dining room. The elderly guest who seemed to be awake to my scam yesterday is here again so I need a new tactic; I decide to go with sneaking the toast out hidden under my shirt. I don‘t think anyone noticed, but my shirt is now covered in butter. Issy says I’m being ridiculous. That’s easy for her to say; she’s not the one who's going to get locked up, although I suppose they could still get her as an accessory after the fact. Issy is happy to stay in our room munching on her contraband toast so I go out in search of more churches. ... read more
Cloisters, Iglesia de San Martin
Cloisters, Avenida del Acueducto
Avenida del Acueducto

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Segovia August 9th 2019

As I leave to go down to breakfast Issy asks me if I can get her a piece of toast with some butter on it. She’s done this a bit over the journey, and I’ve always complied with her requests despite the danger that this has sometimes put me in. This morning is no exception. There’s a large sign on the toaster saying that removal of buffet food from the restaurant is strictly prohibited. I can’t find a paper serviette to conceal the toast in, so I take a bite out of the corner and run out of the restaurant, on the pretence that I’m in too much of a hurry to sit down and finish eating it. I get a withering look from one of the other guests; I think she’s awake to my scam. ... read more
Statue, La Granja
Statue, La Granja gardens
La Granja

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Segovia August 8th 2019

After failing to decipher the mysteries of Segovian eating times last night, I enter the breakfast room at about what I would consider to be a normal breakfast time having no idea what to expect. There are people here eating breakfast, but if they’re staying at a hotel they’re probably not Segovians, so I’m really no closer to solving the mystery. Issy is a bit tired after a long day of travelling yesterday so I set off on my own for the Cathedral. As we saw last night, it is an absolutely massive and spectacular structure that towers over the main square and the rest of the town. I arrive just in time for a tour of the belltower. I’m told that the tour will be in Spanish, which is fine because I’m now an expert ... read more
The streets of Segovia
Segovia Cathedral from the belltower
View from the Segovia Cathedral belltower

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Segovia August 7th 2019

The 4am alarm disturbs our peaceful sleep, and we awake to prepare for a long day of travelling to Segovia in Spain. The man who checks our luggage in at the airport tells us that he has checked it right through to Australia, and we can pick it up when we get there. He then looks up to see our rather worried looks and quickly corrects himself. He says that his body is at work but his brain is still in bed, and that work at this time of the morning should be “illegal”. Our flight to Milan is nearly empty, so the doors close quickly and we start taxiing well before the scheduled departure time. An old lady in the row in front of us turns to us and asks “Milano, Milano?”. A flight to ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Segovia May 7th 2016

Wikipédia nous dit : l La vieille ville de Ségovie constitue un des ensembles artistiques et architecturaux les plus riches d'Espagne, dont la beauté est soulignée par la majesté du site sur lequel s'établit la ville : un promontoire rocheux faisant face à la Sierra de Guadarrama. La ville est sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'url=,_la_science_et_la_cultureUNESCO depuis1985. De l'époque romaine subsiste un aqueduc dont l'état de conservation est remarquable. Il s'agit de la construction de ce ty... read more
les couleurs de printemps sont fières de se montrer
et quand la neige apparaît au loin... on a bon dans Pollux !

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Segovia May 20th 2015

Large El Escorial Haunting Valley Of The Fallen Peaceful, quiet Segovia... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Segovia May 15th 2015

A quick 2 hour train ride through some very scenic countryside, you know, "the rain in Spain falls mainly in the plains" sort of stuff, we arrived at the new and ultra modern train station of Sergovia. Upon exiting the station we faced what appeared to be miles and miles of pastures full of cows! We read many travel logs about how "bus 11" would be there waiting to take you to town. Hmmmmm...we and the 200 other people that just unloaded off the train must have read the same stuff as we all looked at each other and said "where's bus 11?" or ANY bus for that matter....even a cab would suffice! One lonely cab arrived from over the horizon and was immediately mobbed...haha Half the people formed a cab line and the other half ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Segovia November 8th 2014

Eric used to ramble on about seagulls following the trawler and was very dismissive about the contribution of the water carrier. The Romans it seems were a bit more savvy about the need for water as the source of all things and demonstrated this with the imposing Aquaduct running through the town in Segovia. The structure is recognised as the greatest work of Roman civil engineering in the Iberian peninsula and dominates the lower town. It dates from circa 100 AD and the assembled 25,000 blocks of granite stretch over 800 metres across the valley without any mortar holding in together. The prospects of seeing anything had been somewhat remote a few hours earlier, as we left Avila in the driving rain. The Avanza bus ploughed on through the small towns and villages that were by ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Segovia November 16th 2013

Geo: 40.9494, -4.11921Today a visit to two towns in the Sierra de Guadarrama, about 80km north west of Madrid.El Escorial's main feature is a massive monastery/royal palace built by Phillip II in 1584. Nearly all Spanish monarchs from that time to the present are buried in the basilica, after their bodies spend 50 years in the Puridero (decaying place). We only looked at the outside, but the guide books indicate that many tourist treasures lie within.About 10km from Escorial is the Valle de Los Caidos (Valley of the Fallen) basilica and monument, built in 1959 by Franco to commentate the 40,000 casualties of the Spanish Civil War who are buried there. The huge basilica (it's crypt is bigger than the one under St Peter's) is wholly excavated into a granite ridge and on the rocky outcrop ... read more
Garden of the Friars
Valle de Los Caidos
Looking down the valley

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