Blogs from Seville, Andalusia, Spain, Europe


Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville May 20th 2024

I decided to take a blog break to enjoy my last leg of my trip in Seville, where I studied during grad school. It’s been 10 years since my last visit—way too long. I had the stroke, then the pandemic, plus skating priorities led me to take longer to return. I can’t wait that long again!! My first day in I was pretty exhausted after being up late the night before switching accommodations. It was a pain but necessary and ended up being cheaper in an Airbnb than the planned hostel. Totally cool with that. Just 4h sleep isn’t much when traveling and immersing oneself in another language! I had enough time to drop my stuff off and clean up before heading to my host family’s home for a birthday celebration for my host mom with ... read more
Plaza de España .
Plaza de España
Park across from Plaza de España

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 31st 2023

Well rested, but sore from my fight with the wall and sight walk, our last day would also be our only full day of experiencing Seville. Before I begin, I failed to mention when we came back from dinner last night the hotel had left us a bottle of sparkling wine, I have no idea why, but it was a very nice touch, even if it was Italian and no Spanish. The alarm went off at six, thirty minutes of snooze time, and I was in the shower, I can barely lift my left arm above my neck, so the shower was an experience. My knee is quite purple, and my ring finger also managed to sustain an injury and is a bit swollen, Jerry is stuck with me now, since the wedding ring is not ... read more
Alcazar Court Yard
Pork In Tomatoes
Spanish Comfort Food

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 30th 2023

The long day yesterday, humidity and pretty much nonstop moving, finally caught up with us. I Jerry started feeling it a couple of days ago, but thought it was allergies, but know a light head cold got us both. Last night we already had modified what we were going to do today, but when we woke up, we scraped it all together. What we missed was our Cathedral tour, lunch at the central market, the bull ring, Iglesia Del Salvador (another small church) and the Flamenco Museum. What we have managed to do today so are; Jerry got the laundry to the laundry service down the street, we had breakfast (more on that in a bit) and slept. We are still planning on making our evening events a Flamenco Show and dinner. Breakfast was the standard ... read more
The Finale
The Cast

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 29th 2023

This morning started at 4:30, thankfully the one good thing about technology is our phones automatically adjusted for daylight savings time, so we stayed on schedule. Our train for Seville left at 6:58 so we would have not time to have breakfast at the hotel. Again, they were kind enough to pack us a picnic breakfast for the train. It was much better than what we provided in Tarragona. The comparison would be the free lunch you get at grade school compared to the lunch your mom makes you to take to school. The hotel called us a taxi and we arrived at the train station in plenty of time, but for some reason it still seemed as if we were rushing to get on the train. It seems that our car is always the furthest ... read more
Jewish Quarter
In the Jewis Quarter
Casa Pilato

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville August 3rd 2023

Travelling back into Spain, although I bemoaned that Portugal did not say ‘hello’ when we drove in it certainly said goodbye and thank you for visiting! We’d loved our travels there. Seville was next on our agenda, we were rather dubious because of the heat, but it was less than 2 hours driving, and right on our route so we dived in. At times our travelling may seem glamourous with all the sights we are so fortunate to see, but travelling by camper is certainly tricky when visiting cities. We’d found a safe secure parking place with good bus access to the city...fab! downside was it was basically a warehouse. We were persuaded to camp inside due to severe heat, but boy was it hot in there! Not wanting to sit in a car park, we ... read more
Real Alcazar- Patio of the Maidens

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville May 16th 2023

Seville, yet another beautiful city on my trip through Spain. A quick train ride from Cordoba, Seville has the narrow streets, requisite cathedral, and bustling tourist service industry of the other areas, though has its own flavor as well. Flamenco appears to be what most people know of this area, well besides the biggest cathedral in the world and the fact that royalty can stay here at times in the Alcazar. I am about churches out, so even if I could get tickets (they are sold out), I'm not sure I could have gone inside and another tour through Catholic iconography, even though I've been very happy with my visits in the past. The streets are narrow and the everyday ornamentation is the area makes it fun to walk around. The orange trees are interwoven throughout ... read more
Serendipitous art work is the best
The seducer of Seville, Don Juan

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 27th 2022

We both slept in today, til after 8. At around 9:30, I went for a short walk to find a sports store, as I hadn't thought to bring workout wear, and wanted to get some exercise clothes. When I got back, we did an exercise video, had lunch and headed out. We had thought about renting kayaks, but thought we'd wander around first. We ended up just walking everywhere, by the time we headed back to the river it was already late afternoon, so decided to skip the kayaking. Some beautiful spots around the city, and we got to watch some women dancing flamenco at Plaza de España. On the way home, we stopped at a little cafe for tapas and a drink. We took a bit of down time, and then headed back out for ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 15th 2022

Its 5.30am and the alarm is buzzing annoyingly. Oh well at least its buzzing. I have had another disturbed night dreaming that we missed the plane because I couldn’t find anywhere to park our hire car? What! that was returned a week ago! We get up for a breakfast if our left overs…coco pops, choc au pain and orange juice! We are only 15 minutes walk from the bus station which has a very efficient airport bus. In fact all the Spanish buses have been very efficient. If only we could replicate this in the UK people just might start using public transport. Over the cobbles we go…we are again cursing the ‘never to see the light of day again’ suitcase that loves to jump all over the place. We have opted for the 7.50am bus ... read more
Crocodile Door
Clear skies over mountain lakes

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 14th 2022

Today us our last sightseeing day, we’re in the morning flight home tomorrow. We don’t get up early as we could not secure tickets for the cathedral until 11.20am. I expect it will be thronging but it can’t be helped! A leisurely breakfast in the kitchen where I meet a couple of Danish people who arrived last night. they also had difficulty working out how to gain access to the building…so it wasn’t just us then! they are on their way to Marbella (can’t think of anything worse?). We set off and find ourselves at the cathedral an hour early. Unlike the Alcazaba there are strict queues so there will be no sneaking in early. We go for a wander around the shady streets of the Santa Cruz area. Ian is amusing himself mocking the tour ... read more
Cathedral roof
City view
Tomb of Christopher Columbus

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 13th 2022

The alarm buzzes annoyingly and we both turn over. But this wont do, we have 9.30am tuckers to visit Seville Alcazaba and we have been told to arrive at least 20 minutes early to clear security and to make sure that we don’t miss our time slot…if the clock says a minute after 9.50am we will be denied access with no refund on our tickets! We shower and eat a hurried breakfast then its off through the relative cool of early morning on the route we have come to know quite well. Passing the Cathedral and the Archive of the Indies, we arrive at Lions Gate at precisely 9am. We are the first to arrive, closely followed by a Filipino gentleman and his two American friends. We have started a queue. Hmmm, looks like we didn’t ... read more
Plaza of Handmaidens
Alcazaba tile work
Pottery Art

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