Blogs from Macedonia, Europe


Europe » Macedonia May 13th 2024

North Macedonia Friday 3rd May 2024 We left , Albania and then we drove through a seaside town, and we had to go across a bit of unmade road to get to the Border!! Got through in about ½ hour and Chris got his Green Card!! Our first stop was the Monastery Saint Naum. It had started to rain again so I don’t think we were able to give it justice! Even the peacocks were sheltering from the rain- the boat trips to see the Springs were still going though!! Walked across a bridge that was gushing water from underneath ( I can only assume from the spring!) into Lake Orhid. The monastery was established in 905 by St Naum of Orhid himself ,and he is also buried in the church! ( That explains why people ... read more
View of Lake Orhid from ur balcony at Villa Dea
The Church at Kaneo (1)
The Lift in our apartment

Europe » Macedonia » Ohrid July 22nd 2023

From Montenegro, I came to Skopje in North Macedonia. It was going to be one of the shortest trips I have done to a country, just 5 days, exploring two cities, the capital Skopje and Ohrid which is well known for Lake Ohrid. After reaching Skopje at an ungodly hour and getting some rest, I set out to explore the city, focusing on Macedonia Square, the Old Bazaar and the Fortress. The first thing that struck me about Skopje was the number of statues in the city. It's estimated the city has more than 500 statues, I must have seen about 50 in my short exploration. The most famous statue is that of Alexander, right at Macedonia Square. The Old Bazaar, with lots of jewellery and Filigree shops was an interesting place. What I loved most ... read more

Europe » Macedonia » Ohrid July 2nd 2023

I lie in today. I don’t sleep in because the hostel is noisy and about 930 they start hoovering and it goes on for a long time. Around 11 I get up, have a cold shower on my sunburn and head downstairs. There are a surprising number of people around. Emma from Australia and Essen from Finland are about to head for food so I join them. They want a view so I take them to where we were yesterday. We drink a few coffees and have a bagel and bacon. When I ask for mine without eggs he says they can do it but I won’t like it, weirdest response I’ve heard but at least it wasn’t a no. We sit chatting and eating for a while then we head for a wander around some ... read more

Europe » Macedonia » Ohrid July 1st 2023

I wake up having slept well and my headache had gone. I am going to do the boat today. I head downstairs and find the owner on the desk, she directs me to the pink atm and makes me a coffee. I stop and chat for a bit, there are lots more people. Mainly Aussies and kiwis, a girl from Honduras, a guy from London. It is a really friendly hostel but I have a boat to catch so I head off just before ten. I buy my ticket and go to the furthest boat where I get a seat in the sun. Nobody on my boat is very talkative but that’s fine by me. The boat ride across the lake is beautiful and the captain gives an interesting itinerary in between music from last of ... read more

Europe » Macedonia » Skopje June 26th 2023

I head out before work and have another go at getting fruit. I find the old bazaar and buy two oranges, two nectarines and some cherries. Back at the hostel I make an instant coffee and eat my cherries and work from the hostel room for the morning. The cherries are amazing again and I get a task done quite easily and the morning passes quickly. At lunch I change location heading back towards Macedonia Square to the bar we were at the night before. They recommend a flatbread which is okay but nothing special but I work and drink two cokes while getting my calls done. I catch up with Kerry and then around half six I head to the fortress. On my way I pass the corn seller from last night and give him ... read more

Europe » Macedonia » Skopje June 25th 2023

I am up at 8 and head out in search of fruit for breakfast. I can’t find anywhere open though so head back for my pick up. At 9am I hear a car horn beep and a man is waving at me from a black BMW. He is the hostel owners brother and after peja I am a bit wary but I have already committed and paid so I get in. He is perfectly pleasant but not overly talkative on the 30 minute drive to the canyon. He drops me off at the end of the road and gives me his business card which lists him as the hostel owner. He says his brother is the manager and I can text him whenever I’m done and he will come pick me up. There are restaurants all ... read more

Europe » Macedonia » Skopje June 24th 2023

I have plans around going to a bear sanctuary and a Serbian monastery but when morning comes around I opt for a lie in then I slowly pack my bags taking a very chilled start to the day. Once I’m ready I head to the bus station and as I’m looking for the bus I trip again. This time my leggings are split and my knee is cut. A woman tries to forcibly pull me to my feet but I have to stop her because I need a minute. She is trying to help but yesterday’s ankle is sore and I take a second to catch my breath before helping myself up. I find the Skopje bus and put my big bag under checking it is the right one and doesn’t leave until half 11. The ... read more

Europe » Macedonia » Ohrid September 28th 2022

We rented a car in Skopje which has proved a good decision. Driving here is very easy, although we did take care to avoid the mayhem of Skopje city by using the ring road. The quiet motorways charge tolls of €1 periodically and we haven't found any roads busy. Even the small roads into the mountains villages are paved and well maintained. Just an hour's drive south west of Skopje, we enter the Mavrovo National Park, 300 square miles of mountains, lakes and gorges dotted with traditional villages. Our first stop is at Mavrovo Lake, its beautiful, deep blue water edged by forests that are just starting to show autumn colours. The water level is low and the usually flooded church of St Nicholas sits high and dry just off the shore. A winding side road ... read more
Majik mountain village
Monastery church
Our Ohrid apartment view

Europe » Macedonia » Skopje September 22nd 2022

In 1963, a magnitude 6.1 earthquake shook Skopje, then a provincial town in Yugoslavia. Over 1,000 people were killed and 80% of the buildings were completely destroyed. Rebuilding took place throughout the '60s and '70s with the help of 78 donor countries and the result was a rather grey, utilitarian city. Our loft apartment is about 15 minutes walk from the main square, though we could catch the number 12 red double decker bus. We're in a building that survived the 1963 disaster and our loft is a rather wonderful space, full of eclectic furniture, pictures and fabrics. We have the choice of sleeping in a little corner room that has windows on every side or on a mezzanine 'shelf' in the roof. In 1991, Skopje became the capital of the country now named North Macedonia. ... read more
Our loft apartment
Being looked down on
Friendly lion

Europe » Macedonia » Skopje August 5th 2021

Bonjour à tous, Ce soir je commence cette page d'écriture en ayant une vue sur la maison natale de soeur Térésa. (que j'ai cherché pas mal de temps) Hier au soir Bitola, une ville de 40 000 habitants, le 3 quart devaient être sur les terrasses. La fille de l'hôtel, m'avait recommandée plusieurs restaurants, mais le seul dont j'ai su décrypté l'enseigne était Epinal, une terrasse de plus de 100 couverts, archi complet, une place mais à l'intérieur, tous les autres bars, restaurants, l'étaient également, et il y en a des dizaines, et de grandes tailles. Elle a été de bon conseil, car le tournedos était excellent. Même si je vois des mosquées à tous les coins de rue, gros changement par rapport à l'Albanie, déjà la mixité hommes femmes, du vin sur les tables, des ... read more
Porte de la Macédoine

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