Blogs from Lithuania, Europe


Europe » Lithuania » Klaipeda January 24th 2024

One of the reasons that I came to Klaipeda was to visit the Curonian Spit. However, after doing some research it seemed like it would be rather difficult to do in winter. The ferry didn’t go to the main town, Nida, during the off-season. None of the museums or attractions nearish to the ferry would be open on the day I planned to visit. I could only find limited information about the bus that traversed the spit and it was very infrequent (and rather expensive) in winter and it didn’t seem to link up with the ferry well. I thought about just taking the ferry and going for a bit of a walk along the Curonian Spit as then at least I could have visited it, but as I woke up early to the wind howling ... read more
Blacksmith's Museum
Blacksmith's Museum
Blacksmith's Museum

Europe » Lithuania » Klaipeda January 23rd 2024

I was up earlyish and headed to the bus station for my bus to Klaipeda. I was glad I didn’t have to far to walk with my stuff. The bus station was well organised and I found where my bus was leaving from and when I saw it had arrived I headed out to board. The journey to Klaipeda was a couple of hours or so and uneventful. It was cold and miserable when I arrived. My accommodation was a good 20-30 minute walk from the bus station. The first part was through a housing estate and the path there was pretty dicy. I managed not to fall on the ice. All good! Then it was along the main streets, which were ice free. I was able to do an early check-in at my accommodation and ... read more
Tempura Roll
Tempura Roll

Europe » Lithuania » Kaunas » Kaunas January 22nd 2024

I was slow off the mark this morning. I was enjoying the warmth and my coffee too much. I’d had a bit of a fail when trying to plan what to do today as all museums in Kaunas (maybe Lithuania in general) were all closed on a Monday. This was slightly annoying as I was looking forward to spending some time indoors to escape the cold. I set off and took a different route from yesterday to reach the Old Town area. This route was more straight forward and through the town. I walked past a couple of pieces of street art on the way so stopped to photograph those. The first was a mural on the side of a building on Kestutis Street of Leja Goldberg, a poet and scholar, which was accompained by text ... read more
Nebeprisikiskiakopusteliajantiesiems Meets David
Nebeprisikiskiakopusteliajantiesiems Meets David
Hotel Britanika

Europe » Lithuania » Kaunas » Kaunas January 21st 2024

I don’t think I slept a wink as I was too nervous about waking up early. I got up around three and was out the door by four. I was staying just a couple of minutes walk from the airport bus stop so headed there. I thought there might be some drunken revellers about but the streets were quiet. I didn’t have to wait long for the bus and the journey itself was quick. Deposited in front of Edinburgh Airport, I made my way into the terminal and headed to the luggage self check in. That was straight forward apart from figuring out how to actually attach the label. A nice member of staff helped me out. I haven’t checked luggage on Ryanair in years, and the last time I did it they still had people ... read more
Arriving into Kaunas
Nemunas River

Europe » Lithuania October 18th 2023

‘Trucdrivers?’, I ask, while I make some moves with a imaginary steer, to make clear what I mean. In front of me sit two shaggy, massive men with big heads and enormous bellies. I am sure they are trucdrivers and that they speak Russian, like all shaggy, massive men with big heads and enormous bellies here on the Victoria Seaways. We sit on deck in the warm sun. The Baltic Sea is everywhere around us. I guess we are near the coast of Poland. The two trucdrivers stare down at me, like boxers do. ‘Trucdrivers? Nein, wir sind Bauern. Wir kommen aus Deutschland.’ I ask what they are going to do in Lithuania as German farmers. ‘Hunt. We are going to hunt. On deer and moose.’ They are laughing friendly. Farmers? Hunt? Deer and moose? Terrible, ... read more
Waiting for the ferry to the Curonian spit
Thomas Mann speaking at a congress, disturbed by the SS.
The lagoon near Nida

Europe » Lithuania » Marijampole June 14th 2023

Et nous voici en Lituanie... premier pays des P. Baltes que nous traverserons. Ici aussi nous aurons la surprise de ce que des campings annoncés ouverts sur leur site soient fermés... Marijampolė, ville du sud de la Lituanie, c'est le centre de la région traditionnelle de Sudovie. Sa population en fait la septième ville de Litua Marijampolė est proche des frontières de la Lituanie avec la Pologne (au sud) et avec l'oblast de Kaliningrad (à l'ouest), enclave qui fait partie de la fédération de Russie. Elle se situe à environ 60 km du lac Vištytis. Elle est divisée en deux par la rivière Šešupė, qui est enjambée par six ponts. La ville a été créée en url=... read more
comme en Pologne, des travaux et encore des travaux...
mais aussi des camions et encore des camions !

Europe » Lithuania » Kaunas » Kaunas June 8th 2023

petite erreur dans le blog précédent si cela n'a pas été corrigé car déjà publié : Trakai et Vilnius se trouvent bien en Lituanie et pas en Pologne !!! Nous voici donc à Kaunas... J'arrive à situer le camping à JJ les yeux fermés !!! il ne s'en souvient plus mais pas grave car je le mènerai bien à l'arrêt du trolley bus qui nous mènera en ville... Là grande surprise car nous nous trouvons directement dans le bain d'une fête que j'appellerais folklorique... la fête de la tradition. C'est ainsi que les gens chantent, dansent, etc... dans leurs plus beaux habits nationaux... de petits stands vous offrent les produits du pays. Je vous laisse revivre avec nous cette fête car les visages souriants (enfin !) de ces gens faisaient plaisir à voir...... read more
le chateau de Kaunas
à la découverte de leurs traditions

Europe » Lithuania September 18th 2022

Vcera este pred spankom som kontaktoval ubytko co s platbou. Dnes mi pipla sprava, ze od 8/00 tam bude recepcna. Zbavujem sa trenok a sup ho do kuchyne, tu uz recepcna zo spanielska. Prave sem prisiel mexican, planuje tu ostat 3tyzdne. Fakt nevim co tu tolko chce robit. Vyplacam ju a nechavam jej tringelt 0,1€. Noc ma teda vysla 13€ V kuchynke hadzem do seba mini klobasky co som vcera kupil a mozem vyrazit smer zel.stanica Listok na vlak som kupil uz cez web litovskych zeleznic . Slovenske zeleznice by si mali zobrat z nich priklad, uplne jednoducha kupa, bez zbytocnych milion potvrdzovacich sms-iek, ktore pridu len na svk cislo. Vonku rano riadna kosa este, som rad, ze vlak bol vyhriaty a nie vyklimovany ako cestou z kaunasu a to vonku zadne letne teploty. Dnu skoro ... read more

Europe » Lithuania September 17th 2022

V januari na narodeniny som dostal od svojej drahej krasny darcek, priepustku na jednu noc. Tak som zacal hladat letenky kam sa da letiet na vikend. Ostali mi tri moznosti, londyn, litva alebo malorka. Londyn som zavrhol kedze tam som uz bol, i ked ma lakal navstivit oxford, no po kuknuti ubytiek tato moznost zanikla, rovnako ako malorka, tam mimo ubytiek boli dost drahe aj letenky. I ked mna by jeden smer vysiel nula euro, vdaka cachrom so studentuniverse. Keby vim, ze sa tato nulova akcia este raz zopakuje, tak by som zobral malorku, no nakonec som zobral litvu. Letenku za 0€ som mal z vilniusu do brem, cul mi ostalo cihat na let tam. Crtali sa mi dve moznosti. Skoro rano v sobotu s ryanairom do kaunas resp poobede z dortmundu do vilniusu s nespolahlivym ... read more

Europe » Lithuania September 17th 2022

V robote nakonec koncim o 22/30, plan bol o 15min neskor ale uz som tam toho chaozu mal plne zuby. Som zvedavy ako mi odpocitaju nadrobene hodiny, zrejme budem v minuse neake tie drobne. Celu cestu z amazonu domov prsalo, paradne teda zacina moj vylet. Doma davam rychlu veceru, beriem batoh aj ked by mi uplne stacila len mala igelitka na jednu noc. Ic-ko z brem meska len 5.min, sadam a moze sa vyrazit. Kontrola prisla rychlo, snazim sa pospat si ale len tak driemem. Nakonec naberame meskanie asi 20.min, to ohrozuje moj prestup. Vzdy ked sa zvysilo/znizilo meskanie mi deutsche bahn poslal email. Potesil email, ze nadvazujuci spoj v koline na mna pocka. Ono i keby ho nestihnem, mam v rezerve este sbhan, nuz ale cakat o 4/00 na pochybnej kolinskej stanici, kde si neni ... read more

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