Blackwater Castle

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Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Mallow
August 21st 2011
Published: August 25th 2011
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Our home for a week -- a castle! Really! A real castle -- large, cold, grey, old .... If one is looking for a 5-star hotel, this is not the place. However, if one is looking for a truly unique experience, this is it. The oldest part of the castle was built in the 12th century and has been added to over the succeeding centuries -- I don’t think they had home renovation shows back then. There’s even a place in the tower that houses a pagan fertility rock where women would go to ask the Gods to bless their union with children. I think Karen is booked for an appointment with the rock.

So many things to do, so many things I to write ... no internet at the castle, and there is that wedding. Photos to come, probably when we’re on the ferry to Wales.


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