Comng to an end of cruise

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Europe » Czech Republic
September 21st 2023
Published: September 22nd 2023
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I am amazed at how fast time pases . It's hard to believe we will be leaving the ship tomorrow morning and heading off to Prague . We certainly have seen and done a lot these 11 days . I better start writing where i left off with my comments on Serbia . Our next stop was at the Croatian town of Vokovar .

In 1991, during the Croatian War of Independance , the city was under seige for 87 days by the Yugoslav Peoples Army and the Serbian Territorial Forces. 36000 of them .

The city was defended by 1800 . . 879 died and 770 were wounded along with 1,131 civilians .An additional 550civilians went missing and are believed to have been buried in mass graves bruised. A massacre of patients lead to a trial for war crimes and covictions of 3 of the leaders .

Again , my opinion of Serbs aggression is reinforced .

Enough of that .

That day we had lunch in a Croatian home . Divided into groups of 4 and 6 we had home visits and lunch . Our host had made us soup , salad , zucchini sauted with apples , polenta and a minced meat roll . Dessert was either apple or pumpkin strudel . Very tasty.

And we sailed toward Budapest .

What a beautiful city. We were able to dock in the heart of it . Our cabin facesd Pest sothe view was of the Castle and St Mathias chuch . Amazing architecture lit beautifully a night AND equally amazing at sunrise . Loved it .

Okay i need to go to sleep . We arrived @7 here in Prague and have a tour at 8:30 in the morning .

Hope all is well . Stay in touch .


23rd September 2023

Happy Experiences in Prague
Hello. I hope that you and Dorina will have a wonderful stay in Prague . Fall has been glorious in Regina today. You haven’t mentioned the weather where you are,so, I trust it has been good.
23rd September 2023

The Budapest parliament buildings lit up at night are so beautiful. Tiles on St Matthias roof also.
Now we have shared memories...albeit we saw the same things at different times. Amazing to think of the history of that city with so much strife over the years when looking at those lovely sights. Glad your trip has been a success and know what you mean when you say time has flown. Will be wonderful to have the memories. Looking forward to your in-person report.
24th September 2023

Amazing to hear all the territory you have seen. Such horrible wars, and yet life goes on (for the living). Have a frosty Czech beer for me! I will be in Regina next Sunday, October 1st. If you’re home by then, will check in with you. Enjoy Prague!

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