And as i leave Europe

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Europe » Czech Republic » Prague
September 26th 2023
Published: September 26th 2023
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Well here I am in the airport in Prague waiting for the flight to JFK . It has been a wonderful 3 days here after a quite miserable bus ride from Budapest. It is a 700k journey which should take 6-7 hours that ended up being 11 hours . Traffic , two accidens and construction all slowed us down . I did not envy the bus driver . Needless to say we were miserable when we finally arrived . Fortunatly Vedran , our guide worked extra hard , definately more than required to make our time in Prague informative and enjoyable .

We started our first morning with the panoramic bus tour and then stopped at the Castle . Theresa our local guide was excellent . She explained who peoples were , the eas in which buildings were constructed , the origin and artists of the windows ...she was great ! St Vitas Church is a marvel built in 3 stages that included the 13th century as well as the 19th-20th centuries . Looking at the ceiling she pointed out where each had been connected . I was fascinated.

We continued our tour in old town with more information . As it was Sabbath we did not enter the oldest synagogue or the graveyard . Fortunitly we had been able to visit the Jewish area in Budapest that I had missed your on the last trip .

After a liunch of beef goulash with potatoe dumplings and a radler we continued tour with Verdan but I can not for the life of me remember what we saw . I will need to check my photos later . Got it , it was on the Charles Bridge . That evening we ate at a Czech restaurat called the 3 pigs ...pork appears be a favourite here .

The next morning we set out for a tour titled Noble Prague . We toured the castle of the Lobokosk(?) Family , had a lovely lunch then a concert in their music hall . One of the pieces they played just stunned me . It was titled "Grave" by a composser I had never heard of Johann Georg Benda . It was a solo for viola . Do check it out on Youtube .

Day 3 was speNt in and around Wenceslas Square and a returned to Mucha's Gallery .

That's it ! Theybare boarding our flight . See you soon !


26th September 2023

This all sounded quite wonderful. Happy you enjoyed it. Great to be with Dorina, a treat for both of you.

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