Blogs from Bulgaria, Europe


Europe » Bulgaria » Vidin Province September 16th 2023

Woke up this morning to rainy weather and a time change which made sleeping in very easy . Both Dorina and I are tired so a day sailing will be lovely . Our first major stop was in the city of Ruse . We chose to do the optional to Veliko Tarnovo the capital from 1186-1394 . It was a 2 hours bus through the country side and the commentary along the way was interesting . Bulgaria has suffered a huge brain drain since their independence. The population has dropped from 8M to 6M . They have the lowest a average income in the EU . . They are a well educated people having 57 universities with tuition in the hundreds compared to Our thousands. Many of the students go to the UK (before Brexit) and ... read more

Europe » Bulgaria » South September 15th 2023

Tom made noises about a late night swim when we returned from dinner but I think it was more bluff than reality. We woke the next day and prepared ourselves before breakfast in the pool cafe from 8am. At 8am there was nothing happening in the pool cafe and in fact no one there. We waited another 10 minutes before I went looking for someone. Eventually I found the manager and they said we could order from the menu and it was not included in our room fee. We weren't happy. First we had waited around to 8am for breakfast, second it wasn't included in the room fee (althoughwe're sure we saw it advertised that way) and third, there went our lunch plans! We eventually left Hotel Afrodita (Hungry!) at 8:30am. We had 75kms to travel ... read more
Scenery from today
Scenery from today
Top of the one hill we had to climb

Europe » Bulgaria » South September 14th 2023

We had a great time in Plovdiv and our apartment their was great. We left Plovdiv at 8am heading for Dimitrovgrad some 75kms away. Today we were basically on main roads all day. While there was a constant stream of traffic going past, it was consistent. It meant a couple of things. First we weren't able to just amble along chatting amongst oursleves stopping as we wished at the drop of a hat to take a photo and second it meant that we rode in close formation for the whole of the day. This made the ride quicker, but definitely not quite as relaxed as normal. The scenery changed a bit during the day. We saw a lot of open fields that are starting to brown up a bit. A big contrast from the lush green ... read more
I think I want one
Apartment Building down the Spine
Central Square in Dimitrovgrad

Europe » Bulgaria » South September 13th 2023

It still amazes me the amount and variety of food my riding buddies can put away at a Buffet Breakfast. They would consume more than I do in a day (well, almost). We got away at an acceptable 8:15am with 75kms to travel to our next stop, Plovdiv. Not being a very big town it didn't take us too long to get out of town and begin our only real climb for the day. It was only in the vicinity of 70m and it was done and dusted after 45 minutes riding. From here on, it was all down hill with just a few undulations as it flattened out towards Plovdiv. The majority of the day was perfect. It was a cloudless sky, the temperature was warm without being too hot, the road surface was good, ... read more
Making Hay While the Sun Shines
Town nestled in the hills
Great Scenery

Europe » Bulgaria September 12th 2023

We have combined two days worth of riding into one because we couldn't find any accommodation at Smolsko. This means we have just on 100kms to do today and there are 3 significant climbs we'll have to negotiate. We're anticipating a long day in the saddle. We aimed for a 7:30am leave but time got away from us a bit as we were still trying to tweak the route to see if we could make it any more efficient. We were on the road at 7:45am and right in the middle of peak hour traffic in Sofia. We have about 5kms in the city where there are plenty of cars and we need to be cautious. We then get to the outer city which was even worse as the road was much narrower and the roads ... read more
View back to Sofia
I think this was a resort???
A dam part way up the first climb

Europe » Bulgaria » Sofia City » Sofia September 11th 2023

With no real plans for today we decided on a walking tour of the city. A 10am start allowed us to have a lazy start to the day and still arrive outside the Palace of Justice with time to spare. Kris was our guide today. He is a native of Sofia who studied in Germany and then chose to come back to Sofia to live. Kris had a great knowledge of the city and to be honest by the end of the tour all of the fact and dates that get crammed into the two hours get muddled by the time it comes to writing the blog. Some interesting facts that I can remember. As I mentioned yesterday, Sofia is the 3rd oldest capital city in Europe behind Rome and Athens, it's original name being Surdica. ... read more
Orthodox Church
The Lion is the National Animal EMblem of Bulgaria
The Palace of Justice

Europe » Bulgaria » Sofia City » Sofia September 10th 2023

A pretty easy distance of approximately 50kms into Sofia today. No need to leave too early and we've lost the hour by changing time zones so we settle on an 8:30am leaving time. It's nice and cool and a clear sky, perfect riding conditions. We head off from the hotel around the soccer ground and we're already on a crushed rock road (1), following our route, we're led onto a single track dirt track (2) before being directed onto nice newly laid bitumen (3) which lasts for about 150m before turning into cobblestones (4) and we're less than a kilometer from the hotel. This road is right up against the motorway and a car pulls up and a guy gets out and tells us we can't use the road we're on because it's blocked for road ... read more
Pool at our Restaurant last night
Vintage motorbike at our restaurant last night
On the Motorway

Europe » Bulgaria » West September 9th 2023

At dinner last night we decided that instead of travelling 25kms to Dimitrovgrad, we'd travel 50kms to Dragoman into Bulgaria, making the following day to Sofia much more manageable. It was also the fact we couldn't find any available accommodation in Dimitrovgrad which helped force this decision. We had breakfast at the hotel and left just after 8am. We had to ride the 25kms to Dimitrovgrad and then there were two climbs similar to yesterday to negotiate before coasting downhill into Dragamon. Well, part one of ride to Dimitrovgrad was plain sailing and easy riding. As we left town and started up the hill that are route was indicating, an old bloke sitting on his porch said the road we were on stopped just up ahead. We had a dilemma. We decided we'd ride along the ... read more
Pretty street in Dimitrovgrad
Between borders
Climbing in Bulgaria

Europe » Bulgaria » Veliko Tarnovo Province » Veliko Tarnovo September 7th 2023

On Monday, 4th September I woke not feeling the best. We decided to skip the morning tour as we had an optional one booked for the afternoon. We had arrived in Vidin, one of the oldest riverside towns in Bulgaria. I opted for a late breakfast and a rest. Fletcher went for a walk into the town and saw the town square with a war memorial as well as an interesting mall. Next to the ship was a memorial to those who died during the Communist era. After lunch I was much better so we joined the excursion to the Baba Vida Fortress and Dos Alamos winery.We first were driven through the town to the Fortress. This was built in medieval times and used to have a moat surrounding it, the remains of which are still ... read more
Moat wall and towers of the Fortress

Europe » Bulgaria » Veliko Tarnovo Province September 6th 2023

On Saturday we arrived in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. This added a new country to our tally. In the morning we joined the Panoramic Belgrade tour. This first took us to the Fortress which overlooks the Confluence of the Danube and the Sava rivers. Belgrade means white city and it derides its name from the Fortress which has a white tower. It has been there for centuries but the remains now are mainly from the 18th century. Most of it now is a public has great views and a Military museum, also the zoo is located within the park. After exploring many aspects there we were driven around the city to see many of the sights of this now modern place. We went then to the large Orthodox church of St Sava. This is ... read more
The White Tower
Confluence of the Danube and Sava rivers
Part of the Military museum

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