Blogs from Upper Austria, Austria, Europe


Europe » Austria » Upper Austria August 12th 2023

As has become the norm, let me flip back to yesterday. Dinner was at an Italian restaurant (pizza) and then, at Jeff's suggestion, we went back for another crack at the Go-Karts. I had tried to convince him for another round when we were there earlier in the day but it obviously took a bit of time for the "fun factor" to sink in for him and want some more. This time we were on the track with two others which makes for a bit more manoeuvring on the track. We both improved our lap times from the afternoon and it was just as much fun as the first time. Back at the hotel we made use of the sauna and as we returned to our rooms we heard fireworks outside being let off over the ... read more
The fireworks display
Not sure what they are doing???
Nice Building #715

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Linz August 11th 2023

I'm getting used to rest days. No early start, a hearty breakfast at our hotel and, most importantly, no having to pack up everything and lug it back down to the bikes. I wasn't quite sure what to do today as I had looked around town for a couple of hours last night. In the end I started by going to the one landmark I didn't see, and that was the Linz Castel. It currently houses a technology, culture and art museum. It sits high up on a hill (of course) and there are some old fortifications around it. Some great photos of the Danube and surrounds. After the castle I made my way to the Botanic Gardens. I find it strange coming from Melbourne that you have to pay to get into the gardens. It ... read more
View from the Linz Castle
Roman Wall around the castle
View from the castle

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria August 10th 2023

Yes, I'm a Beatles fan and that title track came to mind as the day's weather unfolded. Nice to see you after you hiatus Mr Sunshine. Breakfast wasn't available until 8am so we got another sleep in. We were ready to leave about 9am. On the way up to the hotel yesterday afternoon there was some very aggressive and down right dangerous driving going on. Jeff felt we should take an alternate route back to the Danube for today's ride. This meant completing the climb we had started all the way to the top of the hill and then back down the other side via much quieter roads to the Danube below. So that's what we did. What we didn't realise was just how steep the 100m meters we had to climb was at 13%. Again, ... read more
Crops and farmland on top of the hills

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria September 7th 2022

Today was World War II history day as today we are visiting the sites of Nuremburg. Jody was particularly excited as she has been reading a lot about Hitler and the Holocaust, and we heve both been watching a lot of WW1 and WW2 documentaries lately. The included tour was a visit to old town Nuremburg, bu we were both looking forward to the optional tour to the Nazi Rally sites and the Nuremburg courtroom where the Nazis were charged with war crimes after WW2. We began our tour this morning by meeting our local tour guide who’s name we missed, but she was a lovely elderly woman who was originally from Minnesota and who had moved here for love when she was 18 and has never been back to the states. She was very knowledgeable ... read more
Zeppelenfeld - Main Podium
Kongresshalle - Across the Lake
Kongresshalle - Interior View

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt July 18th 2021

Un peisaj de poveste. Cu o cazare scumpa. Dar si o locatie turistica scumpa si vizitata. Dorita de oricine. Un proprietar englez mutat aici datorita predominarii zapezii si pasiunii sale pentru ski. Foarte aproape de pensiunea sa exista si funicularul sus la pestera de gheata renumita Dachstein. Poti ajunge si in centru pe jos la o distanta de 30 minute. Poti merge si la un restaurant aproape de locatie. Am primit o camera frumoasa, la parter unde trebuia sa te descalti de fiecare data cand intri. Camera cu ventilator, smart tv pret 120 euro/noapte si am stat 2 nopti. Dar privelistea din balcon merita banii. Micul dejun s-a servit la etaj. O alta priveliste cu ceata intermitenta si picaturelele de ploaie. Vremea a fost superba, se ridica soarele si te intampina la pranz. Ne-am plimbat si ... read more
interior camera
pe fereastra

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt June 14th 2020

Letzten Sonntag bin ich nach einem wieder guten Frühstück von Hallstatt aufgebrochen und zunächst nach Bad Ischl zur Kaiservilla gefahren. Dort konnte man nicht alles besichtigen, aber man hatte von außen einen guten Eindruck. Danach bin ich am Wolfgangsee vorbei in Richtung Grenze. Dieses Gewässer ist aber nicht so schön, wie das bei Hallstatt. Am Übergang bei Salzburg musste ich etwas warten und auch sonst war leichter Stau und Regen angesagt. Daher habe ich keinen Abstecher nach Bad Reichenhall gemacht. Abends bin ich dann endlich in Stuttgart angekommen.... read more
Die Kaiservilla in Bad Ischl.
Vorbeifahrt am Wolfgangsee.
Vorbeifahrt am Wolfgangsee.

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt June 13th 2020

Letzten Samstag habe ich wieder mit Cornflakes, Brötchen, Ei, Kaffee und Orangensaft im Hotel am Ufer gefrühstückt und bin zur Schiffsanlegestelle, um eine Rundfahrt auf dem See zu machen. Zum Glück habe ich außen und halb im Schatten einen schönen Platz bekommen und es ging bei schönen Wetter pünktlich los. Das Schiff war gut gefüllt und viele trugen Masken. Nach der Fahrt bin ich mit der Zahnradbahn auf den Berg mit Aussichtsplatform und zur Salzmine gefahren, wo ich an einer 2-stündigen Tour teilgenommen habe. Auch das war sehr sehenswert. Was meine Füße betrifft, war ich da dann aber schon an der Belastungsgrenze und nach etwa funfeinhalb Stunden unterwegs bin ich zurück zum Hotel. Das Beinhaus und das archäologische Museum habe ich mir damit gespart. Abends habe ich Saibling (gibt es auch in diesem See) und Topfenstrudel ... read more
Rundfahrt auf dem See.
Im Salzbergwerk.
Im Salzbergwerk.

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt June 12th 2020

Vor einer Woche am Freitag hatte ich zuhause in München Home Office und bin am späten Nachmittag nach Hallstatt gefahren. Eigentlich hatte ich diesen Sommer eine mehrwöchige Reise nach Japan geplant und hätte vorher das 1. Mai-Wochenende in Hallstatt verbracht, aber durch Corona gab es eben Änderungen. An diesem Anreisetag gab es drei Herausforderungen. Die erste war die Grenze. Die war offen. Die zweite war der Parkplatz. Beinahe hätte ich in Hallstatt etwas außerhalb parken und zurück laufen müssen, aber es wurde gerade einer frei. Die dritte war mein Zimmer. Als ich am atemberaubenden Ort und See angekommen bin, habe ich mein Hotel leicht gefunden und dort hat man mir gesagt dass mein Zimmer storniert sei. Normalerweise buche ich über Hotel Reservation Service und das hat eigentlich immer geklappt, aber wenn das nicht ging, habe ich ... read more
In Hallstatt.
In Hallstatt.
Blick auf Hallstatt.

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Linz January 11th 2019

Let's be honest now, the Austrian city of Linz hardly springs to mind when you begin to list out all of the places and cultural facets for which Austria is best known. That said, Linz is the nation's third-largest metropolis, so on that level alone, it would appear that there should be something of interest to capture the tourist's attention, at least for just one full day, as was the quota of time set aside within which to unravel the various threads of Linz and see how the whole package fared. Landmarks here are fairly plentiful, and the key area from which all other orientation can be measured is the main square, with its detailed monument and colourful, stylish buildings flanking it. The variety of churches and cathedrals within the city's confines is impressive enough, and ... read more
The main square, Linz
The old town, Linz
Prominent church, Linz

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Linz October 7th 2018

Woke up this morning in Brandstadt near Linz, back in Austria. Easy breakfast then Kelly & Dalyse going on the Open Air Village Bavarian Forest. Displays of buildings from 1580 to 1850, oldest German primary school from 1666, old farms, chapels & mills. Farm gardens & animals, also farmhouses furnished as they would have been. Pio & Rob stayed on deck as weather miserable. Back for lunch then have to start packing up as tomorrow transferring to TM Diamond. Water is so low cannot pass through the locks so will transfer to Diamond other side of the lock. We will be busing to Nuremburg for visit & lunch then onto other ship.... read more
Brandstadt. Calm but rainy
View into courtyard

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