Blogs from Southern Pacific Coast, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean


San Juan del Sur was our last stop in Nicaragua. We weren't really sure what to expect; possibly a ramshackle town full of partying surfers and backpackers with little to keep us interested for more than a day or two. They do still have their Sunday Funday but it seems much lower key than it once was. We ended up chilling out there for six nights! url=;checkin=2024-02-26;checkout=2024-02-27;dest_id=1908551;dest_type=hotel;dist=0;group_adults=2;group_children=0;hapos=1;highlighted_blocks=190855101_93047743_2_1_0;hpos=1;matching_block_id=190855101_93047743_2_1_0;no_rooms=1;req_adults=2;req_children=0;room1=A%2CA;sb_price_type=total;sr_order=popularity;sr_pri_blocks=190855101_93047743_2_1_0__6971;srepoch=1708988397;srpvid=b7baa1b5689d0062;type=t... read more
Revolutionaries as usal
A rural walk

Moyogalpa on the island of Omotepe was a great place to base ourselves for a few days. Our transfer from Granada took us straight to the port so we didn't have the hassle of the taxi drivers in Rivas who apparently use a minefield of rip-off tactics that you have to negotiate. We paid $1 foreigner tax each to enter the port and then bought tickets for a ferry. Apparently you could just buy on board but we felt better with tickets in advance. Then we waited for the time to come when we could get on board. The wind was strong and the water looked pretty rough, but in the end it wasn't so bad and we had the most amazing views of both Omotepe's volcanoes as we made the one hour crossing. Russ regrets ... read more
Blue Morpheo Butterfly
Frigate Bird

We were not big fans of Granada at first. It seemed quite tatty except for a few streets around the cathedral and the main strip of bars and restaurants had music so loud at night that we didn't eat anywhere nearby! We stayed at url=;checkin=2024-03-06;checkout=2024-03-07;dest_id=9120027;dest_type=hotel;dist=0;group_adults=2;group_children=0;hapos=1;highlighted_blocks=912002705_362545423_2_1_0;hpos=1;matching_block_id=912002705_362545423_2_1_0;no_rooms=1;req_adults=2;req_children=0;room1=A%2CA;sb_price_type=total;sr_order=popularity;sr_pri_blocks=912002705_362545423_2_1_0__3780;srepoch=1708874140;srpvid=b3926b4b47ed0128;type=total;ucfs=1&#hotelTmplCasa del Agua,just a few steps from the main square and we were so pleased that w... read more
Cathedral ceiling
Horse drawn carriages

Nicaragua economy has been severely effected over the last 5 years. In April of 2018 there were violent protests and riots. It followed a move by the government of Daniel Ortega to reform social security. Following the deaths of protesters, demonstrations intensified and grew into a large anti-Ortega movement seeking his removal from office. Prior to this, their economy was growing at ~4.5% per year. The riots and violence brought the tourism industry to an almost complete halt. Foreign investment declined 90% in the second half of 2018. The World Bank estimated that the Nicaraguan economy shrunk by 6% in just 6 months. As they were attempting to climb out of this hole COVID hit. They are just now trying to repair their economy and tourism business. Currently tourism is only 14% of what it was ... read more

I crossed over from Costa Rica to Nicaragua over the land border. Except the fact that Nicaragua needs PCR test, it's an easy border crossing. My first stop was San Juan Del Sur, the famous beach on the Pacific Coast in Nicaragua. Just crossing into Nicaragua, I could see the change in the vegetation and feel the increased temperature. The soil was dry, the rainforests had given way to dry forests and the heat was intense. I stayed near the main beach on San Juan Del Sur but visited Playa Maderas where most surfers hang out. However, my trip was dampened by me getting a heat stroke and being sick for 3-4 days. It was time to just rest and recuperate. I left from SJDS for Ometepe Island after recovering. The trip included a chicken bus ... read more
Playa Maderas
Ometepe Island
Punta Jesus Maria

After Ometepe, I traveled to Granada, an old Colonia city known for its cobbled streets and colorful buildings. Granada came into being in the early 1500s as an economic and cultural hub (built by the Spanish and considered a sister city of Antigua in Guatemala). It was almost burnt to the ground later on but later revived itself to become the place it is today. I spent time exploring the Colonia history and the buildings around, ate almost every day at a place run by deaf people and made friends with people in the hostel. I also visited Laguna De Apoyo, a volcanic lake which was extremely peaceful and calm. But the most interesting experience was visiting Masaya Volcano National Park. It's one of the rare places on earth where you can see lava flowing in ... read more
Oasis Hostel Granada

Après quelques jours de relaxation à San Juan de Sur (SJDS), nous avons loué une camionnette pour partir pour la journée à une plage non accessible sauf en 4x4. Nous avons préparé des supers smoothies, des collations de fruit, hummus, et salades, et pour la journée on était très satisfaits.. En premier on a vu une maison fabriquée des pneus et de terre, mais elle a été abandonnée. Puis nous avons fait une randonnée sur un terrain à vendre (ça donne des idées, mais on n'est pas rendu là encore dans nos projets). On a vu des hiboux, des cactus, des plantes que je ne reconnaissait pas. Après on est parti à la plage Escameca où il y a une estuaire. Il y avait plein de crabes en coquille qui mangeaient nos craquelins.. Ceci était notre ... read more
Jésus mi fiel amigo
Chez nous
Planteurs Pneus

Happy Valentine's Day! I was lucky enough to get back to Pascal on February 14th after my loving parents drove me early to the airport on a cold Monday morning in NY. JetBlue's aircraft, a pretty new medium-sized affair had a problem detecting the fuel level, so there was a three-hour delay taking off. I kept thinking, maybe I won't see my husband on this romantic day after all. But no, we got off in time for me to make the second to last local bus from Liberia Costa Rica to the border at Penas Blancas. What is a Pena anyway? I got in a taxi on the other side of the border and was driven by an OK guy, can't really remember what we talked about, my Spanish is not so sophisticated so I ran ... read more
Nighttime border
Bus schedule
Morning coffee after a great night's rest

We woke up and gathered our stuff up so that we could head out directly after breakfast. The hotel included breakfast, it started at 7:30, and our ferry reservation was for 10. The dock is around an hour drive from the hotel, and we wanted to get there about an hour early (we'd read that if you're not at least 40 min early, you can lose the car reservation). We decided we'd drive a different way than we originally came, to see a bit more of the island. Timing-wise it looked like it just took about 10 min longer than the other route. Unfortunately, there was no way for us to see that half of the trip was on dirt roads. Poor Gertie! She had already been such a trooper with all the bumps and ruts, ... read more

We got up and ready to head out. We're just taking overnight bags, and leaving the rest of the stuff at the beach house. Sylvia was a little delayed in getting ready, but we still had an hour and a half to do a drive that should just be an hour, so we figured that was plenty of padding. The drive out from the beach house wasn't nearly as bad as the drive in. It was much easier to see the bumps in the road in the light of day, and navigation wasn't nearly as difficult when we'd already been on the road once. In about 25 minutes, we were already getting off the dirt road that had held us captive for probably an hour and a half when we had initially arrived. Phew! The rest ... read more

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