San Ramon Waterfall and other stuff!

Published: February 2nd 2018
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Hola Chicos,

It has been a few weeks since the last blog, so just a short one with some activities I have done past few weeks.

Spent the last few weekends seeing more of the island.

Sherri and I rented bicycles one Saturday to go and see the San Ramon Waterfall.

We caught the bus for a few stops to a bike rental, $5 per day.

The waterfall is 50 metres high and situated partway up the Volcan Maderas, on the opposite side of the volcano from the farm.

The road was paved for approx. 25% of the journey, the rest being rocky and rough!

It took just under 2 hours to get to the waterfall entrance, a Biological station, but with a stop so probably an hour and a half, 14km.

Oddly if you google map it cycling is not an option lol.

It was then another one hour or so hike, starting with a casual hill but getting steeper, definitely a knee burner!

At parts of the hike the path went up a dry stream bed and through beautiful forests.

Finally at the waterfall, well looks like 2 and changes dependant on the season there is a small pool you can bathe in but gave it a miss and just sat on a rock eating.

After spending some time at the falls then time to head back down and then ride back, the ride was a killer after the hike especially on the rocky roads!

Had a food and beer stop on the way back then dropped the bikes off, another 30 min walk and finally a well earned beer and food at El Bamboo afterwards,

meeting up with the finca gang.

We did well for a couple of oldies, as another group from the farm tried the same trip the following week and 2 had to come back as brake failure and some scuffed skin meant abort the trip for those 2, bless em.

The following weekend we also hired bikes and rode to Altagracia the second largest town on the island, the whole island population is 42,000 so was still quiet here.

Maya joined Sherri and I for this trip, approx 14km but all paved, took about an hour with some horrible hills and hot!

We walked around the market and the girls checked out some shops, a quick ride around town then stopped for food and beer.

Another trip was a walk to the nearest ATM as running low on dosh. About an hour and half walk, but when got there it had no money!

So another 15 min to next one.

I did get a short backy on Levis moped on the way and also the way back, but was a hot hike, luckily couple of shops en route so a couple cans of Tona to keep me alive.

Life continues at the farm, similar activities but have some small projects for myself, couple of showers need doors and walls re-erecting or replacing, will show some before and after pictures next blog.

I also helped out on a temporary roof for the Aula which had been damaged in storm Nate and is needed for the Permaculture Design Course.

We had to collect palm leaves from the bottom of the farm and carry them up for splitting and then laying on the roof.

This course is run every year, approx 12 people attending this one. Means only 3 volunteers left and 2 may be leaving next week! So just moi!

Bad thing happened the last week, Scarlet the sexy looking chicken disappeared!

Then we found her, dead, think was a scorpion sting, I had to remove her and throw her for the vultures.... :o(

I have 2 weeks left at the farm, last blog I mentioned my options, I have finally decided and booked......

Leave the finca 15th Feb and have 3 days in Granada about an hour north from here. Then one night in Managua for a flight to Costa Rica. Spending 3 nights in San Jose then flying back to Nicaragua, it is much cheaper!

I have booked 2 Air BNBs , one in Granada for a month and one in a place called Masatepe for 8 weeks, near a live volcano in Masaya.

Both are apartments so I can cook my own food, own bathroom, hot shower and the second one has a pool!

Also the second one has 2 bedrooms so anyone nearbye welcome to stay!

I have been enjoying the farm, my next blog will have more info about the farm and the people and animals who are part of daily life here.

However I am ready to move on but I see myself coming back here in the future.....

Adios for now

Marky larf

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Photos: 37, Displayed: 25


3rd February 2018

Good to hear from you Mark. Certainly looks as though you made the right decision with your places to go. Beats nipping over to lLydals but don’t come across too many creepy crawleys thank goodness. Anyway continue with your adventure. Good to see how happy you are. Anyway love to you and yours. Wendy and Dave not forgetting mistie
6th February 2018

Good Afternoon Marco
Good to see you Bro, i'm glad you all ok. Again awesome pictures i love the one with road and volcano looking above. in UK is really cold at the moment like in Poland during the winter :):):) i.m not sure dod i mentioned before but i got the new bike, well is not "new" just different. Honda CBR 1000rr Fireblade 2005. :) waiting for the better weather :) From reading your blog i assume that your knee is better now, remember to be careful and enjoy every minute over there. Take care Marco. :) J.
19th February 2018

hi buddy glad you got the bike you wanted, shame you cant ride it in the shit weather? :o)

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