Blogs from Managua, Capital Region, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean


For some reason we were a little wary of going to Managua. Most people seemed to leave it off their agenda in Nicaragua and there is usually a very good reason for that. Maybe it's a safety concern from a hopefully bygone era of unsettled times in the country, or maybe it's because people think there is nothing to do in the city. Well, we are pleased we made the effort although more than the two nights we had may have been pushing it a bit for entertaining ourselves. The journey from León began with a taxi to the bus station where we were faced with an enormous queue for the minibuses to the capital and constant hassle from taxi drivers looking for a fare. We were not prepared to pay $60 for what we could ... read more
The main avenue leading to the lake
Be kind to stray dogs. You don't know how they have suffered on the streets.
Hugo Chavez

My travel this year is starting with time in Nicaragua to meet with an organization that has been in existence for over 50 years. CEPAD (Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua) was started just after the earthquake of 1972 that took place in the capital; Managua. Upwards of 10,000 people were killed, 20,000 injured and 300,000 left homeless when the capital was brought to the ground. With financial support from The Presbyterian Church of America, Dr. Gustavo Paragon started CEPAD just 5 days after the disaster. A few years later the organization transitioned to development work which now includes sustainable agriculture and gardening and newly economic development of women among many things. Their goal is to work with the 'last mile' villages that other organizations do not reach. For example, one village they currently work in ... read more

First stop to my Central America "Anthony Bourdain No Reservations" Trip 2016 Managua, Nicaragua... read more

Ich sitze mal wieder im Bus von Huembes (dem großen Markt) nach Veracruz. Wir haben in den letzten Tagen viel Kokosmilch und -butter hergestellt, jetzt hab ich Zutaten für Chicken Curry besorgt und werd das später kochen. (Mittlerweile hab ichs schon gekocht, waren alle recht happy damit - ich inkludiert. Ich glaub so ein frisches Curry hab ich noch nie gegessen, war echt super zufrieden damit) Ich lasse mir außerdem auch hier am Markt einen Jumpsuit schneidern - eine Freundin hier hat mich auf die Idee gebracht. Ich brauche eh noch ein Outfit für Miami für die Abendveranstaltungen… Jetzt hab ich Stoff besorgt für umgerechnet 3€, das Schneidern kostet in etwa 20€. Bin schon gespannt, was dabei rauskommt. Wir waren heute auch auf einer kleinen Managua-Erkundungstour, weil ich festgestellt habe, dass mir die Stadt einfach noch ... read more
Im ärmsten Barrio Managuas...
Bei der netten Dame zuhause

I guess I‘ve seen better days... Ich lieg im Krankenhaus in Managua, mit einer Infusion die langsam eiskalte Flüssigkeit durch meinen Körper spült. Mein Arm und meine Finger sind schon ganz taub, anscheinend ist das ein Magenschoner, wenn ich die Krankenschwester richtig verstanden hab... Ich kann euch leider nicht verschonen - dieser unschöne, wenig philosophische Teil gehört auch zu meiner Reise. Zum Glück ist das jetzt aber schon Vergangenheit... Das Krankenhaus ist schön, erstaunlich viel Personal und wenige Patienten. Wahrscheinlich können Nicas sich die Behandlungen hier nicht leisten... Ich wurde direkt aufgenommen, durchgecheckt, hab gleich mein Bett und eine Decke bekommen. Seit dem werken 3 Krankenschwestern an mir rum. Ich glaube sie bereiten mich auf eine Magenspiegelung vor, hab ich nicht so genau verstanden, ist aber auch egal. Ich fühle mich in guten Händen und vertr ... read more
Mein Teddybärenpflaster

Willkommen in Nicaragua, willkommen im Paradies! Zugegeben, viel habe ich ja noch nicht gesehen... aber die Rahmenbedingungen sind schon mal super: Anthony (mein Host) ist super umgänglich, das Anwesen ein tropischer Traumgarten, mein Bungalow geräumig und gemütlich, Lola (die Hündin) liebt mich jetzt schon und es gibt viel zu tun. Wir haben heute angefangen die zwei Monate zu durchzuplanen und haben seitenweise Notizen gemacht zu kleinen Projekten die rund um Haus und Garten zu erledigen sind, neben den täglichen Yoga-Einheiten und den Workshops am Wochenende, für die wir ziemlich viel unterwegs sein werden - unter anderem 1 Woche auf url=, worauf ich schon sehr gespannt bin... Anthony ist für einen Latino erstaunl... read more
Arbeitsplatz als Digitaler Nomade
Wäschewaschen 2.0

Everything I read prior to going to Nicaragua said to skip Managua. Our original plan had us spending the night at the Hotel Casa Real and spend a few hours checking out the nearby Cathedral before heading off to León by early afternoon. Although we spent the night in San Salvador, we mostly stuck to that plan. We arrived at the airport around 9:30am and took a hotel shuttle to the Casa Real. They provided us some breakfast and had agreed to hold our bags while we explored a little bit of the area nearby. With the old cathedral of Managua destroyed in 1972, it took nearly 20 years for a new cathedral to be built. The Metropolitan Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception was built in 1991, and is often simply called the new cathedral by ... read more
On the road to Leon. This is a common sight.
The main highway through Managua.
Some kids (on their way home from work?)

First day, waiting for build to begin!... read more
I like papayas, I think that mangos are sweet!
Huembes market.

Geo: 12.8654, -85.2072Blogging time has been limited, in part because of limited wifi and in part due to a lack of writing time. Our first day has given us a small glimpse of Nicaragua. The city of Managua has been noted as one of the more dangerous areas and not a real tourist destination. With that said, we left the city on the first bus we could. Off to Masaya we headed, in search of our first volcano. A city famous for its artisan market, we stopped to check out the city. The market is housed within the ancient walls of an old fort whose stone walls protected the people. small in comparison to other Mercado's, it held the crafts of local artists as well as mass produced tourist items. The hand crafted item that stood ... read more
The most awesome half room ever!!
Omg, a real chicken basket.
No Bueno!

Distance driven today: 242 miles / 389 km Cumulative distance driven: 7,115 miles / 11,450 km (10,000 miles to go) Today’s trip: Tegucigalpa, Honduras to Managua, Nicaragua International border crossings: 1 Harassment by local Honduran ‘fixers’ at the border: yes, and very annoying We left Tegucigalpa this morning and headed towards the Pacific coast and the Nicaraguan border. As we got close to the coast, the temperature steadily increased and finally reached 105F/40C by 11am when we got to San Lorenzo. By noon, we had already consumed about half a gallon (close to 2 liters) each of ice tea, during the frequent hydration stops. The heat started getting unbearable, and the thermometer continued to rise. The road between San Lorenzo, on the South West corner of Honduras towards the Nicaraguan border, turned out to contain quite ... read more
Car and cow are parked firmly in Somotillo Nicaragua
Giant potholes on the road towards the Nicaraguan border - that's my glove in the middle...
Enter Nicaragua

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