Blogs from Jamaica, Central America Caribbean


Central America Caribbean » Jamaica » Ocho Rios February 27th 2023

And just like that, our quick little trip to Jamaica was at its end. So, what did we do on the last day? First thing, we slept in. Like way in. This was really our only chance to do so. With the lost day (Miami day), our Friday became another hectic travel day. That made Saturday the day we were too eager to go out and see stuff. And then Sunday was church. Monday, the last day of our trip (Tuesday was to be another travel day), became the "sleep in" day. Then we wandered through town looking for souvenirs to bring home for the boys and my parents. It was another gorgeous, sunny day, but much quieter than Saturday because the work week had started. We stopped by Calabash Ital Rastarant one last time for ... read more
Trail up to Blue Hole
Chelly at the Falls
Posing for the Memories

Central America Caribbean » Jamaica » Ocho Rios February 26th 2023

3 Visions In the past two years before this trip to Jamaica, I had experienced two visions of Haile Selassie I in my dreams. This is not counting those visions that came upon me during meditation or from scripture reading, induced by plant medicines, rituals, music, or narratives. Just two natural visions in a dream, as the kind Joseph had interpreted. In the first vision, His Imperial Majesty was in New York City in 1963, approaching the headquarters of the United Nations, and I was amongst the crowd to witness HIM enter the building, but not to see HIM speak. I stood across the street from the UN headquarters building. Both sides of the street were barricaded and secured by police, with large crowds crammed behind the barricades. In this dream, His Imperial Majesty singled me ... read more
Presenting Gifts of the Clergy
A Distinctly Ethiopian/Jamaican Orthodox Iconostasis
Flying the Imperial Ethiopian Flag

Central America Caribbean » Jamaica » Montego Bay February 26th 2023

One of the important lessons of travel in the "developing world": don't plan to do more than one thing in a day. We had already visited the Orthodox Church today, and that was realistically all we were going to get done. For some reason, we forgot this rule and also planned to go to Montego Bay in the afternoon and visit Ras Flako Tafari. Unfortunately, that did not work out. I have known Ras Flako for probably 15 years. He visits Seattle rather frequently in his capacity as an Ancient of the Nyahbinghi House. We also talk from time to time over Facebook Messenger video calls, but I've never visited him in Jamaica before and this sounded like a good idea. He said Sunday would be the best day to visit the Nyahbinghi grounds in Pitfour ... read more
Good Food
Jah making the food and the woman look so beautiful to I today Rasta
Good Vibes

Central America Caribbean » Jamaica » Ocho Rios February 25th 2023

I decided to do an entire post dedicated to this restaurant and shop that we found in Ocho Rios. We did a lot of things on this trip and every day was packed with activity (what we didn't do was sleep very much). However, not everything we saw or did was worthy of its own post. This place was. Due to the fast of Ab Tsom (Great Lent) that began in February, I was eating no animal products on this trip. This can get challenging in a lot of places, but I knew that in Jamaica I'd be able to find some Ital restaurants. I've already explained what Ital food is in one of my previous blogs, also going into detail about Tsom. Essentially, Ital is natural, organically-grown food, usually consisting of no animal products. And ... read more
Lion Image
The Smoothie Bar Menu
Roots Tonics

Central America Caribbean » Jamaica » Ocho Rios February 25th 2023

Now that we had made it all the way here, and all those headaches of the airports and roads were far behind us, we really began to enjoy our time in paradise. This Saturday was a beautiful, sunny day and it seemed like everyone was out there enjoying it. We needed to find a beach. But where do you go to find a good beach in Jamaica? It is a tropical island in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, so logic would dictate that it's probably covered in great beaches. But, I'd learned years ago from some of my Jamaican friends, and from my earlier trip here in 2012, that almost all of the beaches on the island were private property. Large resorts and wealthy landowners controlled most of the little patches of sand where one ... read more
Beach Yoga
Beach Babe
River Kitchen

Central America Caribbean » Jamaica » Ocho Rios February 25th 2023

So many parties for this birthday girl. We'd already been out one night in Miami, and one night in Ocho Rios. Now it was our third night going out to find dinner, find music, and dance. Pretty sure we started with a nap 😂😂😂. That's how every day was going on this trip, and man did we need it. Our lives back home are so busy these days, and even on vacation we're running around like we're on fire. It would be nice to get an actual break on our "break", but that's how it goes sometimes. We did our best. Now is good time to mention that I was drinking marijuana. DRINKING, not smoking. This is because I feel that smoke has caused me too many problems--with my cardio and with my sinuses--and I want ... read more
Herb for my tea
Ready for another birthday party!

Central America Caribbean » Jamaica » Kingston February 24th 2023

Ahhh. This feels nice. After all the unexpected delays and hassles, we were finally arriving in Jamaica. 24 hours late. Looking out the window at all that green, I was thinking, "could that really all be weed?" Not really. That's a dad joke. What I was really thinking about was the sun, the heat, the ocean, and the comfortable bed that was waiting for us somewhere down there. Of course, it couldn't be that easy. The bed was still really far away and there would be some... hurdles. More on that later. The first thing we saw in the airport was this cool mural about Kingston, so I snapped a photo of it. That was about 2 minutes before we discovered our next travel hassle. The line at the rental car office wasn't very long, but ... read more
Can't get tired of this view
Getting closer...
Art on the airport halls.

Central America Caribbean » Jamaica » Kingston February 24th 2023

When Bob Marley moved onto Hope Road in Kingston back in the 70s, it was a big deal. This was the rich, fancy neighborhood, the place for the politicians and business owners, inheritors of plantation-power and colonial power. They didn't like this little Rasta boy from the ghettos moving in. And it wasn't just him, he brought all his people along with him. From the stories I've read and photos I've seen of Bob Marley's house in the 70s, it was a gathering place for Rasta people and many others, including the working-class Jamaicans who weren't normally welcomed in that neighborhood. Musicians went there to rehearse and record. Poor folks went there to get a little assistance from Bob. Gangsters went there to work out peace treaties. The hip & cool set from abroad went there ... read more
Statue of Bob Marley
The door of Bob Marley’s house in Kingston.
Linking with Bongo Herman

Central America Caribbean » Jamaica » Ocho Rios February 24th 2023

This trip to Jamaica was Chelly's long-time dream for her 40th birthday and she got like 5 birthday parties in a row! :) The first party was Thursday night in Miami (technically her birthday after midnight), when we went wandering around Wynwood, checking out music spots, dancing, eating tacos, looking at graffiti, and all that. I wrote about it in a previous blog. The second party was on Friday night (still her birthday), when we went out dancing in Ocho Rios. But, we're not there yet. Getting to Ochi This was absolutely the hardest day of the trip. We were wrecked from the thing, and all the other things (the first flight getting canceled, airport hassles, then the layover in Miami, getting very little sleep in hotels 2 nights in a row). We'd been through a ... read more
These are the right words
Dinner at the Mongoose

Central America Caribbean » Jamaica » Runaway Bay February 16th 2023

Tuesday 7 February Another good night's sleep. Nothing planned for today, so we had a slow start. Ambled off to Orquidea for breakfast. My current favourite breakfast is cheese & onion omelette, from the egg station prepared at your request. Followed by one pancake covered in syrup. After breakfast we went through the reception area. The second week of our cruise would have started today. The ship is back in operation and some people are transferring to the ship. This is not an option for us due to us cancelling the whole thing and taking a different holiday. A guy in the bar last night, who had done the same as us, said they had spoken to TUI to try and get back on the cruise, but TUI said No. Then off to the beach to ... read more

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