Blogs from Eastern, Honduras, Central America Caribbean


Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Eastern February 3rd 2024

What a day that was! We are not exactly inexperienced with border crossings, but this one took the biscuit!! The ride down to the border went smoothly in relative comfort but all of that came to an abrupt halt when we reached the Honduras/Nicaragua border at Guasaule. Having established where we needed to be to get our exit stamps, we then had to wait outside in the blazing sunshine and 36 degrees. Luckily the queue was so long that we had some shade for some of the wait. The lack of progression meant we had plenty of time to find the toilets too. Not an easy task. Trish was repeatedly pointed in the wrong direction and in the end we had to go through the immigration building squeezing past the hundreds of people waiting for their ... read more
A one horse town!
The bus to León

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Eastern January 18th 2015

“The Blues are the true facts of life expressed in words and song, inspiration, feeling, and understanding.” – Willie Dixon The term colossal confluence comes to mind while reflecting on our latest journey. Although “confluence” is normally reserved for a hydrologic description of two rivers merging, it also describes a coming together of people or things…..a concourse if you will. We believe this is spot on description of a journey that involved travel, people gathering for a purpose, and most importantly, the opportunity to meet a couple who love to travel at least as much as we do…perhaps more….wait, no way! So…combine the Dancing Duo from Down Under, a cruise ship chock full of blues music lovers and fabulous blues musicians sailing the Caribbean and you’ve truly come upon a colo... read more
Wee hours of the morning
The Crossroads
Travel Blog Big Beat Band

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Eastern November 15th 2012

Boga Cay sur le banc de Vivorillo Honduras Bonjour de nous deux, Nous aimerions vous informer que sur ce blog vous pouvez clicker sur une photo et vous verrez la photo plus grande mais en plus vous pourrez clicker sur les flèches pour voir toute les photos qui sont sur cette page. Nous sommes partis de Providencia le 10 novembre, sur notre route nous avons fait détourner par 3 fois des navires cargo de 600 pieds avec qui nous avions des gisements de collisions, certain de jour et certain de nuit. Le Seaboard un bon example est passé à moins de un demi mille de nous. Vive le AIS qui est une fonction du radio VHF en relation avec notre système de navigation et qui nous permet de voir sur notre écran un bateau qui passe ... read more
coucher de soleil
un trou dans les ruines
la nature

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Eastern » Trujillo April 17th 2011

My stay at Casa Kiwi was a memorable one. I thought that this must be the end of the line or that it should be if it wasn't. After due consideration of the fact that there are no good routes east or south, which meant that I would have to go back the way I came, I got to thinking that mabe it was time to turn this ship around and sail for home. My fellow travelers advised that I should chill for a couple of days and count my marbles before making any decisions so that I did for better or for worse. The Casa Kiwi is a hard-drinking place on the edge of civilization where the expat owner and staff work both sides of the bar because there isn't much else to do in ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Eastern » Trujillo April 16th 2011

The bridge over the Aguan river to Trujillo has been out for 8 months but nobody bothered to tell us. Hazel and I faithfully followed our map and signs showing us the way to a bridge that is no more. Here we were confronted with a backwards queue of a dozen vehicles waiting to cross the river on a makeshift ferry. I was dumbstruck. The scene before me was bizarre to the point of being incomprehensible. There must be a better way! The ferry was a glorified raft. It was a small metal barge perhaps 9 feet wide by 20 feet long with an ordinary outboard motor attached. It rode so low in the water that the vehicles upon it looked like they were floating across the river under their own power. Two vehicles at a ... read more

Well, firstly I must apologise for my complete tardiness in not writing for 2 months. Time has completely slipped by and I guess an update is in order… So as most of you know, we have left Belize and are now in Honduras. The Mexico backpackers hasn’t happened yet. Basically the owner of it had no financial records at all. What he did send us was a bunch of hastily typed, inconsistent details that told us nothing. Apparently he runs his business without any financial record and does not get regular reports from the guy currently managing it. So we told him if he can get us a copy of proper financial records we may be interested and at that stage we could not validate spending around $US600 for us both to get there without knowing ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Eastern » Trujillo February 23rd 2010

We are now on Honduras’s Caribbean coast. Many of the people in this area are Garifuna, descendents of shipwrecked slaves who intermarried with Carib Indians. After we checked out of the fancy French Canadian owned Hotel Telamar, in the city of Tela, we found the Tela Beach Club visited by the Halkyard’s, writers of 99 Days to Panama, the Bible of Central American RVers, published in 2005. We never would have found the place without the coordinates they provided and the help of our GPS. It had been raining all the previous day and the dirt road to the Beach Club was so muddy Ray had to put the truck into four wheel low to get thru. Sadly, Ray had just washed the truck and camper a couple of days before we left El Salvador. It ... read more
Our home for three days during the rain
Linda’s sisters Diana and Myrna.
Restaurant staff at Tela Beach Club.

UN MARE DI PALME E BANANI Un mare di palme e banani apparve all’orizzonte, il caldo secco di Lima era ormai un lontano ricordo; S.Pedro Sula ci accolse col clima caldo umido tipico del Caribe. Il pullman partí in orario; sorpresi da questo fatto, ci guardammo stupiti e curiosi per la nuova avventura che ci attendeva. Un vecchio School-Bus giallo Americano dell’Illinois ci traghettó fino a Tocoa. Prendemmo possesso del nostro “cuarto” (camera da letto) nella Casa Curale e, rifocillandoci con tortilla e frijoles (fagioli), scoprimmo che la Missione Gesuita nella quale avremmo dovuto prestare il nostro volontariato, in effetti non esisteva! Incuranti della notizia, non ci dammo per vinti… “No hay problema!” esclamó Padre Roberto con il suo accento Americano di Alba, e dopo 2 giorni, ci ritrovammo di fronte ai computer della Fondazione ... read more
Team Emprende
Caiucco Garifuna

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Eastern » Raista September 1st 2008

The last thing I want to mention is the journey out of La Moskitia, which is an adventure for sure. We woke up at 3am in the night and kept our eyes peeled for a colectivo boat that would take us for 3hrs part of the way to Batalla. It's pitch dark except when the guy driving the boat switches on his flash light to scan the coast of the lagoon every now and then and everybody stays silent (wishing they were still in bed no doubt). After a little while we realised that our guide was just behind us in the boat - taking his kid into the city to see a doctor - which would come in handy later. At one point there was something very fishy going on as the boat pulled up ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Eastern » Raista August 30th 2008

After one night in Bélen we took a short boat ride (we really could have walked but didn't turn down the free lift) to the neighbouring community of Raista - the two communities are basically separated by the airstrip - where we would spend 2 nights and were met by a new guide. Aside from watching thunder storms and shooting stars in Yamari we had the most fun in Raista. Shortly after arriving and dumping our bags in another impressively well built room, this time in a sort of longhouse, we jumped onto a long boat and headed across the lagoon for a guided walk in the forest followed by some tubing down the river! While we didn't get to walk in pristine forest we did get to walk around for a couple of hours in ... read more
Hard Work

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