Blogs from Grenada, Central America Caribbean


Day One of the Barbados to Panama cruise to Soufriere St Lucas So who are our crew this leg of the journey? So of course there is myself and Mike, then we also have Eric and Sue and our American contingency Cleve and Sandy who went across the Atlantic with us. Now we have more crew who have joined us Sue, Anne, Kate and Julie who are Sue and Eric’s Friends and then Sylvia and Mimi and Mike and Darleen who are the friends of Cleve and Sandy‘s. Introductions now complete. So Mike and I are up early for the sunrise and it was brilliant as no one else is there apart from another lady. It was nice to have Mike get up this early - not like when we crossed the Atlantic it is definitely ... read more
This is the photo I could take of the Zip Wire
The beach at Tobago Cays

St Georges, Grenada Blog 22nd January 2020 Grenada, Isle of Spice. You can certainly smell the nutmeg, cinnamon and mace as you walk through the terminal and out onto the streets of St George’s. Columbus named the island, which is the most southerly of the Windward Islands, Concepcion but never landed. Grenada was part of the Commonwealth until independence was granted in 1974 A good walk up the hill to the old Fort George was well worth the views over the Old Town and into the scenic Carenage with bars and restaurants to while away the few hours we were here. Just by the old fort on the steep road back into the old town is the damaged pinnacle of the old Presbyterian Kirk. Known as ‘The Isle of Spice’ it is popular destination for holidaymakers ... read more

Friday July 26 - As we pulled in, it seemed that St. George's may be the nicest looking city I’ve seen in the Caribbean. I do have a bad memory and haven’t yet walked around it, but it looks really pretty and well organized. Khalidah had written earlier to say her and a friend would pick me up, but she wasn’t there. I started to get a little nervous and decided I would get on a bus at 6pm if she wasn’t there by then - half an hour seemed like enough time to wait. I had no way to contact her, and perhaps she had to cancel. But with five minutes to go, they arrived. They were in a bus - I didn’t know her friend was a bus driver - but he wasn’t working, ... read more
St George's

Thursday July 25 - I got up at 5:00, after a poor night of sleep. I was pretty exhausted yesterday from the time in the sun, and went to bed early. At 10:30pm, my neighbor came home and I could hear her on the phone, packing, etc. The walls are so thin, and it was just me and her on that floor. Shame we happened to be in rooms next to each other and not more spread out. There was also a crash around 1:00 that woke me up and scared the crap out of me, and I thought it was her, but in the morning I realized that my laptop had fallen off the chair it was on. Probably not good. I did my packing, watched some clips from last night’s late shows, ate my ... read more
Union Island
Ashton, Union Island
Lady JJ, my boat to Carriacou

Central America Caribbean » Grenada » Saint George November 30th 2018

Our 10 day sailing adventure from St. Lucia to Grenada is done and we are now relaxing at a beach front cottage in Grenada. We fly home tomorrow.... read more
Admiralty bay
Skipper at rest

Central America Caribbean » Grenada February 18th 2018

We say farewell to St.Lucia with a beautiful sunset. Saturday 17th February - No alarm call this morning as we had nothing special planned in St.Georges Grenada. Having visited before we had seen most of the interesting sights of the island.We pulled back the curtains to see what looked like a block of flats alongside us! It was the huge vessel that we had seen in St.Lucia, let's hope we're not being stalked by this giant. The sun was shining but then a quick shower meant everything on the balcony and decks were wet so we enjoyed watching the world from the observatory. There were lots of people making for the duty free shopping mall - not my idea of a relaxing way to spend the day! We didn't recognise the area where our ship was ... read more
Hello Grenada
St. Georges Grenada
St.Georges Grenada

Central America Caribbean » Grenada January 24th 2018

Mittwoch, 24.01.2018 Saint George’s (Grenada): sonnig, Min. 24°C Max.28°C Der heutige Ausflug in die Natur von Grenada war ein voller Erfolg. Zwar musste ich wieder den Wecker stellen, habe da schon langsam Übung darin, doch es hatte sich auf alle Fälle gelohnt. Nun folgen ja wieder zwei Tage auf See, an denen wir nicht so früh aufstehen müssen. Mit einem kleinen Toyotabus ging es über die Insel in ein Regenwaldreservat. Obwohl im Moment Trockenzeit, regnete es auf der Hinfahrt ziemlich heftig. Durch den heftigen Regenguss, war der Weg durch das Dickicht sehr nass und entsprechend rutschig. Obwohl in der Tourenbeschreibung stand, dass man gutes Schuhwerk tragen sollte und die Tour für Personen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität nicht zu empfehlen ist, waren doch Leute in Badeschuhen und auch einer mit Krücken dabei. Na ja, irgend wi ... read more
Costa Luminös und die Azura.
Saint George's, vom Schiff aus gesehen.

We don’t know quite what is going on, but the BLOG still may not be working the way we expected. Now when I follow my own “subscribed link” to the new entry, it does not show me the photos. If any subscriber is having trouble seeing the pictures, when you get a blog notice, follow the manual link at, That method does show me the text and my own pictures in the posting. Sorry! Today we invaded Grenada, but less dramatically than in 1983. We will leave it to the younger readers to research the part the USA played in the “War for Grenada”. However our driver did tell us his version reflecting the opinions of a resident who was here at that time. We docked in St George’s about 7:00 this morning. This is ... read more
Guide sharing samples
Partial view of Garden
Getting off the bus

Central America Caribbean » Grenada December 11th 2017

Grenada (pronounced 'Gri-NAY-da') has been dubbed the 'Spice Island' because of its impressive production of a wide variety of spices, of which nutmeg is the most plentiful. The island is a heady mix of rainforests, fecund valleys, terraced gardens and rivers that fall away to white-sand beaches, bays and craggy cliffs. St George's, the capital, is considered one of the most attractive in the Caribbean, built around a harbor known as the Carnenage. It comprises one main island with a couple of smaller islands, has a population of just over 100,000, and lies at the southern tip of the Windward chain where, apart from Jamaica, it is the closest of the Caribbean islands to Venezuela. We took our first organised excursion here, titled 'Nutmeg and Falls', which had us first driving north up the west coast ... read more
Hard at work at the nutmeg plant
Colourful hillside houses in St George's
Taking the ship's tender into St George's

Central America Caribbean » Grenada November 27th 2017

Our ship docked in St.George's which is the capital of Grenada referred to as the Island of Spice. It is a busy town selling agricultural produce as well as all the spices.They grow nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves and many others here. At one point the island produced 90% of the world market of nutmeg but a hurricane decimated the crops and they have never really recovered back to where they were. We went to the top of the island which is volcanic and now covered in rainforest. We trekked through the Grand Etang National Park with a guide who was extremely knowledgeable about all the local plants and trees. As we walked through he showed us the nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, ginger ,papaya, banana and cashew trees to name but a few. All have good medicinal properties. ... read more
Stefan at the top pf the Rainforest
Our guide shows us a nutmeg tree
Fording the river

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