Blogs from Dominican Republic, Central America Caribbean


My travel plans for 2024 were to achieve my final two bucket list goals of: 1) Visiting 100 countries 2) Visiting the Central European nations of both Linda and my ancestors I figured that the most efficient and economical way to reach 100 was to cruise to the island nations in the Caribbean. We had been to Puerto Rico (see ) and the U.S. Virgin Islands (see ), but none of the other Caribbean countries. I had been researching cruise website, and the most countries I could visit in 10 or more days was six. Then last September I ran across a Norwegian Cruise Line 14 day cruise to 14 island countries which would achieve my goal. I booked it immediately! First a word about countries; There are various lists of countries; from 195 in the ... read more
Our Cabin - Small but with large porthole
The Pool Deck

(Day 23 on the road) After a fairly painless flight and a late-night Uber into the city, I arrived in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. The main reason for coming here was to take a language course for a week to brush up my Spanish, before hitting South America a few weeks later. The school was located in Sosua, on the north coast of the island; and all in all, it was the right decision to start with the course. I did learn a lot, and since my co-students did not always show up for class, I often ended up being the only student. Nice. The next couple of weeks I spent exploring the island - the beautiful Samana peninsula in the north-east, the capital of Santo Domingo, Jaracaboa in the mountainous inland ... read more
Deserted Playa del Amor
Parque Central in Puerto Plata at sunset
Preparing my fresh fish for dinner

It was a short trip of 5 days during the holidays of April 2019. Eventhough it was short,I am more than satisfied to explore this beautiful hispanic carribean country. I arrived in Puerto Plata by plane and stayed in Sosua for a couple of nights.Then,with a help from a local friend,we drove the countryside from sosua going to the capital,Sto. domingo for half day.It is a roadtrip that you will enjoy because of its scenic routes.We passed town after town,stop for photo-ops on each town name lettering landmark (like most passer-by do),dug in a cheap snacks on each stop overs and feast our ears on spanish musics while on the road. I reached Sto domingo the same day we left Sosua.I booked my hotel inside the colonial zone where i can explore and walk around the ... read more
sosua beach
View from Bellamar Hotel
Bellamar hoetl night activity

Last day of no worries! One last buffet breakfast where again the plate was a jumble. Pancakes (not very good), fruit, hasbrowns, fried cheese, rice pudding and a donut. I'm sure some people eat and eat and eat but I limited myself to one trip each time I ate at the buffet. Otherwise I would have had to buy new pants! First I was just going to sit on the beach so I wouldn't have a super wet suit to pack. Then I decided I had to get in the water and it didn't matter if things were wet in my suitcase. Threw on my suit, slapped on some sunscreen and gave myself an hour and a half in my happy place. One of the most relaxing sounds is waves crashing on the shore. Whether I'm ... read more
I love the beach!
One last feet in the water picture
One last beach pic

Almost a repeat of yesterday. Usually I like to have things to see and explore while vacationing so not having anything to do any of the days seemed strange at first but I got over it! I walked to the beach before breakfast today just to enjoy it without all the people. And I ate later since I had to go for my Covid test after. Breakfast was at the buffet again. Today I went with eggs, hashbrowns, fruit and some pastries. The Covid test really puts a pause on your trip. You have to get one to return to the US and you have to wait in line to schedule and get tested, which takes some time out of each day. An online scheduling system would improve the overall process. Anyway, I got in line ... read more
Look at that blue sky!
Got a spot at the lazy river
View from the lighthouse

Today I did a lot of nothing and it was great! Started off with breakfast at the buffet restaurant. They have a huge selection of things so if you can't find something to eat then you must be very picky. Really good fruit, some ok waffles, pastries, eggs, fish, cheeses, meats and a ton of things I had no clue on. Also some fresh made juices, I had cantaloupe. First stop after breakfast was to the lobby to schedule my Covid test. Hopefully this is the only trip I will ever take that I need to do this. There was a desk in the lobby to make the appointments but no one staffed it the two days I was there. Finally someone came and told us to go to the medical center, which was just a ... read more
Fun tree
Finally the beach!
Cove next to the resort

Time to depart cold, grey Illinois for warm, sunny Dominican Republic. I booked this trip on a whim after seeing a deal for a 3 night stay in a junior suite with free upgrade to a rooftop terrace. Kind of hard to turn that down when the price includes everything! And it was perfect timing to get a break from the rough start to 2022. My departure time was 10 am from O'Hare and I arrived early, as usual, to avoid rushing through security and to the gate, which always ends up being the furthest away from security. I parked in the relatively new Multi-modal Facility. This new parking garage houses the rental cars as well as two levels of economy parking. It is also connected to the airport by the people mover, which just reopened ... read more
Resort Entrance
Ocean El Faro

I have been on board for a week now and haven’t left the ship so today’s the day. Of all the activities offered I decided to be really adventurous and do a horseback ride on the beach. The first challenge was to get up on the horse. With the help of two of my new best friends and a sturdy step stool we were off. The ride began in the rain forest and then made it’s way to the beach where the horses followed the shoreline. Just off shore i notice a fin, just as the horse did, and he bucked me into the water.....i screamed and woke myself up. Actually it was a beautiful day like all the others. Light breakfast in my room, lunch in the Lido, dinner in the a Pinnacle Grill and ... read more

Sade jatkui. Päivällä kävin silti pienellä kävelyllä, kun kovin sade oli ohi. Vaihdoin vielä varmuuden vuoksi 10 € = 580 pesoa. Kävin katsomassa kahta hotellia siltä varalta, jos tulisin joskus uudestaan Puerto Plataan. Toinen hotelleista oli vielä keskeneräinen. Pakkailin jo ajoissa. Klo 15 sade hiljeni niin, että rohkenin liikkeelle ilman sadetakkia. Kävin leipomosta ostamassa leipää ja pullan. Otin ehkä tunnin päiväunet. Venezuelalaisessa pikaruokapaikassa kävin syömässä juusto-empanadan. Olin puoli tuntia pitkälläni, jotta saatoin vaihtaa jalkaan lentosukat. Lähtö kentälle oli klo 19.45. Hotellin isäntä oli tarjonnut minulle kyytiä überin hinnalla. Pääsin lentokentälle poliisiautolla. Matkan varrelle jätettiin kaksi työntekijää. Kun risteyksissä oli ruuhkaa, kuski laittoi pillit soimaan. Satoi vettä ja tiellä oli isoja lätäköitä. Sikäli tuntui hyvältä päästä lentokentälle isol... read more

Satoi koko päivän. Se teki laiskaksi, eikä tullut käytyä paljon missään, vaikka kaivoin kyllä esiin kertakäyttösadetakin. Hyödyllisiä olivat myös crocsit ja helposti kuivuvat sortsit. Aamupalalla Mondo-lehteä luki kanadanranskalinen eläkeläismies. Ei hän tietenkään ymmärtänyt tekstistä mitään, mutta tykkäsi kuvista. Päivitin blogia, viestittelin. Kävin sadetakissa päivällä katsomassa läheisiä ruokapaikkoja. Moni niistä oli kiinni sunnuntain takia. Huomasin kysyä hotellin lounaasta. Se maksoi vain 3 € eli 150 pesoa ja siihen sisältyi keitto, kanaa, riisiä ja spagettia. Otin sen. Se valmistui liki tunnin ilmoitettua myöhemmin, mutta minulla ei ole kova nälkä eikä kiire mihinkään. Söin henkilökunnan ja poliisien seurassa. Koirat kärkkyivät minulta ruokaa. Hotellin pitäjähän on myös poliisi ja hotellin vieressä on poliisiasema. Minusta hotelli on kodikas, rauhallinen, turvallinen ja s... read more

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