Blogs from Maria la Gorda, Oeste, Cuba, Central America Caribbean


Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » Maria la Gorda November 26th 2009

Maria la Gorda loosely translates to Fat Mary. Hmmm. Well, I guess me in a bikini won't be a such a big deal then. Apparently, Maria la Gorda is isolated. Isolated! Try drop-off-the-end-of-the-earth isolated! But that's a good thing. Our group is crammed into a tiny van for several hours, stopping only in Pinar del Rio for a pee, and to stock up on quintessential supplies (booze and chips). Upon arrival, a long stretch of pristine white beach greets us, fringed with palms, a couple of small buildings and a dive shop. That's it. That's Maria La Gorda. I can remember Mexico looking exactly like this about 30 years ago. Gigantic conch shells litter the beach, crabs scuttle around, it's all clean and crisp and fresh. This place was named after the legend of a Venezuelan ... read more
stairway to nowhere
storms a comin
last day in paradise

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » Maria la Gorda November 15th 2008

Dnes nás konečně čeká koupání na vyhlášené plázi María la Gorda (tlustá Marie). Balíme se, paní domácí Carmen nás počítá a ukáze se, ze neumí sčítat ani na kalkulačce. Trvá jí neskutečně dlouho nám dát účet, ale nakonec se přece jen dočkáme a jedeme. První zastávka bude v jedné vesnici u Carmeniných známých, kde se ubytujeme a rovnou pokračujeme dál. Vesnice lezí asi padesát kilometrů od pláze. Na plázi samotné je jen jeden hotel, kde se navíc je třeba nahlásit předem a není taky nejlevnější. Pláz samotná vypadala jako z katalogu. Bělostnej písek, palmy, průzračná voda, prostě nádhera. Zevlovali jsme celé odpoledne, neustále si posouvajíce lehátka, aby byly ve stínu palem. Do toho padla jedna nezbytná flaška rumu, abychom dostáli za dost stereotypu posíleném například v Pirátech z Karibiku: válet se na plázi, nic nedělat a ... read more
Maria la Gorda
Maria la Gorda
Maria la Gorda

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » Maria la Gorda April 19th 2008

After Vinales, we travelled to the very western point of Cuba to a remote location called Maria la Gorda. Known world wide for its diving, but should also be known world wide for their ancient diving gear. As we didn´t bring any gear with us, we had to hire everything. The wetsuits had giant holes in them, the BCD´s (vests) were all torn and tattered, but worst of all, the regulators would hiss leaking air when we turned on the tank! Our dive leader would jiggle them around a bit and just tell us that there was ´no problem´ We ended up going on just the one dive, there was lots to see, but we still belive the Great Barrier Reef is the best. As well as going to Maria la Gorda, we dropped in on ... read more
Cigar Rolling
Vegas man.

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » Maria la Gorda March 25th 2007

hhhhhmmmmmmm, now this is the Cuba we have been looking for. After taking a taxi from Trinidad to Piñar del Rio with a British couple, we spent the night in this small provincial capital waiting to transfer to Maria la Gorda the next morning. This town, Piñar del Rio seemed to be as close to reality in Cuba as we could get. Buildings were in varrying states of disrepair while 1950 chevy´s plied the streets alongside throngs of bicycles. People carried live chickens from coop to dinner table and lines formed for all sorts of regular civic activities. Hearing about the wonderful ice cream available at the state run ice cream parlour, Coppelia we decided to join the line of people and wait our turn for 10 cents a scoop ice cream. Waiting nearly an ... read more
Our Bungalow
Amazing, palm fringed beach
I know, life is tough

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