Blogs from Caribbean Netherlands, Central America Caribbean


This island never disappoints. We motored over the reef in a glass bottom. There was room enough so the every could get a view. I saw my blue tang, my needle fish, lots of parrots, butterfly fish and Sargent majors. The coral looked stressed but I know the locals are doing everything they can to protect it. Lots of pipe organ corals, and brain corals. Every now and then we spotted something bright yellow or vivid purple but I couldn’t identify it. The Captain was knowledgeable and personable and I enjoyed fish spotting. And then….i caught a cold. Sore throat, coughing, and a temp. Went to sack bay and got some cough medicine, took a covid test, negative, and I’m feeling better. We are at Grand Turk. I bet the snorkeling here is outrageous. Tonight is ... read more

Bonaire Blog 20th January 2020 Our paper describes Bonaire as Unhurried - Unspoiled - Unforgettable. If you like water sports yes, but for most of the passengers/tourists here it as an island that has little to offer. Bonaire is about 50 miles north of Venezuela and only about 30 miles from our last port of call, Curaçao. It is the second largest of the island group forming the Netherlands Antilles. Where we docked Kralendijk, the capital along with another cruise ship (Norwegian Epic) is merely the gateway to all the other marine activities. It’s very compact and has all the usual souvenir shops and cafes one would expect. It relies heavily on tourism but further afield there is the Salt Lake where the salt company and flamingoes live in harmony. To the North West the petroleum ... read more

Wednesday July 3 - I did not sleep that well last night, maybe because I knew I had to get up early today. I still wasn’t sure exactly how long it would take me to get to the police station by 8:00 to check in for the boat to Saba this morning, so I ended up getting up at 5am and catching a bus at 6:45. I got there just after 7:00. So, too early indeed. There was nowhere to sit and very little shade, so I took a quick walk to try to see the marina, but the view I found was poor. I came back and just stood in some shade and read my book. A little after 7:30 someone else arrived, and we started talking. He is retired and was going to Saba ... read more
St Maarten
The Edge II boat

It seems that my post from yesterday did not send out the usual e mail alerts. So this one is a dummy! Just go back to the previous post from our Maiden Cruise, please.... read more

Just home from our first real cruise....we had a 3 day cruise out of Sydney several years ago over Australia Day to give us a taste. This was 14 days with 5 ports of call on a very big ship! Pics tell the story. Click on the first to expand. Stay tuned for our winter adventure coming up after we have been planning for several years... Ecuador; Quito, Cuenca, Galapagos and Upper Amazon. Peru; Lima, overland 12 day tour to Nasca Lines, Lake Titicaca (3812m or 12 500 feet elevation) Cusco and Machu Picchu.... read more
Gust O'Wind!

Bonaire is great island to get away from it all. It is definitely the home of diving freedom - but much more than that. The island itself is far from a tropical island which makes it so special and interesting - with a variety of things to see and do - or just relax. The people on Bonaire are very friendly and welcoming.... read more
Bonaire Vacation (2)
Bonaire Vacation (3)
Bonaire Vacation (4)

Kralendijk on the island of Bonaire is part of the Dutch Caribbean. We had a lovely Dutch guide who showed us the island travelling in an open top large lorry. The native plants are the Divi tree and the cactus which grow everywhere on this very flat island. Even some of the fences around properties are made using the cacti. It is hot but the NE trade winds blow constantly across the island. We drove to the National Park where there are flamingoes on the salty flat marshes. Salt has been an important production for many years. We also saw other native birds such as the Heron, Frigate Bird and a tiny little yellow sparrow like bird- sorry forgot it's name. There are also lots of wild donkeys on the island.The other plants which grow in ... read more
Stefan finds a good piece of coral
A cactus fence
Cactus and Divi trees

Geo: 12.1776, -68.2498 On arrive à Bonaire en fin d'après-midi. Il ne fait pas très beau... Très près de la pluie. On apprend que nous sommes dans la saison des pluies. C'est sûr que pour plonger c'est pas si grave... À l'hôtel, par contre, on nous explique que ce ne sera pas comme ça tous les jours. Le condo est vraiment très beau et bien décoré. En plus, nous sommes sur le bord de l'eau! On peut partir du quai de l'hôtel pour plonger! On nous explique où trouver l'épicerie et nous partons en auto vers Kralendjick, la plus grosse ville de l'île. Je savais que Bonaire avait été colonisé par les Néerlandais mis je ne savais pas qu'elle faisait encore partie de ce pays. Je suis surpris de constater qu'à part les gens du tourisme, ... read more
L'escalier menant à l'étage

It seems like quite some time since we’ve set foot on land, so we’re all looking forward to Bonaire and a chance to feel terra firma beneath our feet. We started the day in the Lido; or, as they now refer to it “Lido Market”. I guess it’s more up-scale and trendy and Sharon says that’s the first step to adding the NY Pizza spot to the aft deck. Mother asked for waffles, apples, oatmeal, brown sugar and coffee, and so we got her seated and off I went. I was in the waffle line and they’d just finished making four waffles, leaving two for my mom. I had them spoon on some of the cinnamon cooked apples, and went to the bistro line and got a bowl of oatmeal and had brown sugar added to ... read more
Iguana on top of hill
Iguana in drain pipe of building
Large iguana on photo stop

Sie suchen das ganz Besondere für Ihren nächsten Urlaub? Entdecken Sie die Niederlande und seine karibischen Ableger. Verbringen Sie zunächst ein paar Tage in einem der außergewöhnlichen Hotels der niederländischen Hauptstadt Amsterdam und starten Sie von dort aus in die Karibik. img= Das niederländische Königreich besteht nicht nur aus den Niederlanden selbst, sondern auch die Karibik-Inseln Aruba, Curaçao und St. Maarten gehören dazu. Seit dem 10. Oktober 2010 gehören auch die Inselgebiete Bonaire, St. Eustatius und Saba zu den Besonderen Gemeinden der Niederlande und werden voraussichtlich Ende 2015 in die Europäische Union aufgenommen. Ein Grund mehr also, um in die Karibik zu reisen und die exotische Seite de... read more

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