sue lim


sue lim

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand February 22nd 2024

It's four years since I last left Chiang Mai and made my way back to Herefordshire as the Covid pandemic trailed behind me from Asia to Europe. But the airport in Chiang Mai still looks the same and it didn't take long to get to the taxi rank and to be on my way across town to Baan Songjum. I was greeted by Nui and Kung who were wondering what had happened to me, and I was starving because there was no food on my budget airline, delayed flight from Singapore. Luckily for me Penn, a permanent resident at Baan Songjum, was just off out on his scooter to buy some supper and he brought back a Pad Thai for me. It's at least 10 years since I first found my way to Baan Songjum and ... read more
Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai

Asia » Singapore February 21st 2024

After delay and uncertainty about whether the plane would ever leave the runway, my flight from Siem Reap to Singapore eventually took off, about an hour and a half late. It's only a two hour flight and no drinks or snacks to pass the time. The online entry visa meant that progress through the airport was exceptionally speedy so I was in a taxi , driving through the night-lights of Singapore in no time. I was there for about a month to help a friend recuperate at home after an extended stay in hospital following a major operation. The days flew by and the daily monsoon downpours made getting out and about subject to precise timing and careful study of gathering clouds. These downpours take no prisoners, and if you are caught in one the only ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » North » Battambang January 19th 2024

Susan got a taxi to Chantaburi bus station to catch a bus bound for Bangkok. She would have one night in Bangkok and then a flight back to Kazakhstan and her job at the University. Lisa and I were waiting outside the 7/11 store for a minibus to the Cambodian border crossing when we saw her fly by in the taxi! Our mini bus stopped and we squeezed in, luggage on the back seat. Our fellow travellers greeted us and smiled and Lisa had a bit of conversation with the man sitting beside her. I had a single seat to myself. We seemed to collect trays of eggs and collect and deliver parcels along the way. A sort of rural Amazon delivery. We were heading for a border crossing into Cambodia, Ban Pakkad, where our friends ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Chanthaburi January 15th 2024

It was now New Years Day 2024. Susan, Lisa and I picked up a song theow from Chanthaburi bus station and the driver took us across town to a little hotel - the Ploy Buri. Only one young woman on reception when we arrived, but we later realised that the hotel was run by about 5 or 6 women of different ages( maybe generations of the same family) Anyway they were all charming and the first young woman we met was very very helpful. And one of the older ladies gave us a bunch of longans from her garden. We seemed to be the only people staying there and only once saw a family in the reception area who looked as if they were fellow guests. So armed with Google maps and a recommendation from the ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Ko Mak January 4th 2024

I've been to Thailand many times..... but never actually had a beach holiday there. I thought it wasn't for me. Ha ha! It's been so good to really relax, eat, drink, sleep , watch spectacular sunsets and hear the gentle swish of the waves on the beach just ten paces from our room, and enjoy the good company and conversation of my fellow travellers, Susan and Lisa. We arrived on Christmas Day and left on New Year's Day. And every day is just a day and doesn't need marking on the calendar. In fact it's really cathartic for me not to know what day of the week it is and not to be bothered by that! Every morning we had a breakfast of fresh local fruit, yoghurt and muesli and then the day stretched ahead until ... read more
Map of Koh Mak
The beach
Koh Mak Beach

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Ko Mak December 28th 2023

Since I last travelled to SE Asia my world has changed a bit. Covid came along , fast on my heels as I got back to the UK in March 2020. My little gallery, blue-ginger, changed shape, went on line and slimmed down and I had time to take stock of life. Time to close up shop and move house. Thirty five years and happy memories at Home End Farm were hard to leave behind, but the move to a little house in Hay-on-Wye heralded a recognition that sometimes life just changes direction. So my first real travel opportunity came up, and feeling a bit nervous of the whole process I was delighted to be catapulted into booking a return flight to Bangkok when Lisa (Australia) suggested meeting up with Susan (Kazaksthan) and spending Christmas on ... read more
Just a little glass of bubbly
Oriental Hotel
Oh Christmas Tree!

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Herefordshire January 1st 2022

This is my second winter of non-travel. The New Year came in like a lamb - unseasonably warm (15 degrees in some places) and I was actually in bed but awake at Midnight and watched the fireworks over the Thames on my laptop. Kenji sent a New Year message , and Stevie in Tokyo and Maureen in Worcester. It was good to have some purpose in getting up this morning. I did some yoga, had a shower and waited for Carrie to come by and pick me up to go to a vintage car rally at Much Marcle. Carrie's vitality and interest in doing things and going to new places was one of the things that kept me going through last year, with long discussions and stories of our past lives and walks along the canal ... read more
Much Marcle Vintage Car Rally
walking with Millie
Millie looking for bunnies

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai February 24th 2020

It's a Monday morning in Chiangmai ...... and my last Monday here for this trip. The sands of time are visibly running out now and each day is precious. How shall I fill it? Well, Monday morning was filled with finishing off my last blog and downloading photos. I sat under the old house and had good company from the dogs. Nui was watering her garden and Kong was tidying up the empty rooms. The only guests this week are me, Ronda ( who leaves on Wednesday) and Richard who is a long term resident. The water on one side of the house (where Ronda and I are staying) has been turned off as a crack developed in a pipe last night, and a water feature was created behind the building! So the sisters are waiting ... read more
Frankie. Baan SongJum
BamBam relaxing on his Chinese daybed
Dear Frankie

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai February 22nd 2020

Start Saturday with a challenge.The plan is to walk up the mountain trail of Doi Suthep to the temple , Wat Phra That Soi Suthep, high above the city of Chiangmai. When I first came to visit Dorothy with Kath and Bob five years ago, Dorothy was in training for her own personal challenge: to climb to the summit of Kilimanjaro to celebrate her 70th birthday. She would trek up and down the mountain about 3 or 4 times a week, at dawn when it was still cool. Kath, Bob and I joined her on one of these hikes up the trail, and I found it really difficult, although I was wearing silly little canvas slip-on shoes with no grip, which kept falling off my feet. Dorothy stepped lightly on ahead ... seemingly no effort. And ... read more
Dorothy and Paul in the forest temple.
Dorothy in the forest temple
Forest temple statue .

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 9th 2020

After a night on the train it was wonderful to just enjoy a hot shower and brush my teeth properly. And in a little while I had a message from Jiab, a young Thai friend who used to be one of my students at Home End. I arranged to meet her, her children and her parents at a nearby restaurant , only 5 minutes walk from where I was staying. I felt thoroughly spoilt as they piled delicious food on my plate, and Jiab's two little children were absolutely delightful. Alba and Alfie. The family stayed with me for a night on a visit to the UK about 18 months ago, and I'd been captivated by Alba then. Alfie arrived only eight months ago I think, and although he wasn't joining in with the lunch food, ... read more
Jiab’s mum with Alfie
Lunch with Pat, Jay and their mum and dad
Alba and Jiab

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