spidermiss' Guestbook

9th January 2018

Welcome back!!!
It's great to see you blogging again. We love to read about your local travels, too.
9th January 2018

Thank you! It's good to be back ?.
3rd April 2013

Ironbridge- Yikes!!!!!
Did you walk over that bridge Dawn?
4th April 2013

I did! It wasn't too bad.
28th December 2011

You posted a 2011 favourite photo!
.Check this out, and feel free to add some 2011 TravelBlog favourite anythings of your own. :) http://www.travelblog.org/Topics/30521-2.html
28th December 2011

Favourite Photo
Thanks for the nomination! One of my fave photos I took on my trip:)
29th May 2011

Great travels.
Love your blog, looks great it shows you have put alot of thought and time into it, Oh gosh I am sounding like a teacher. Keep travelling (which I know you will) and keep blogging. Great stuff, Stella
24th May 2011

Venice! Dubrovnik two great cities
Lovely to see your photos and hear about your adventures. Venice, is my favourite city and I go as often as I can, it is just magical and it history is amazing. You only have to walk a little away from St Marks square and the tourist thin out, so much beauty. I too was very moved with Dubrovnik a marvel and how it has survived recently through war and the dedication of the people to restore it. I also love exploring Greece and think will be there again in the summer, have a look at Santorin. Keep travelling!
28th February 2011

Good that you made it home safe and well. It looks like it's been an amazing trip!!
16th February 2011
Dawn Having Welsh Tea

Almost a taste of home!
15th February 2011

Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures!
6th February 2011

Wonderful pictures. So glad to see you having a great time.
6th February 2011

El-Ateneo Bookstore
Hey Dawnie, Looks like a fab start to your Argentina trip. I was particularly impressed with the El-Ateneo Bookstore. It looks and sounds amazing!
4th February 2011

Hi - thanks fo the blogs I am enjoying reading here back in windy Leeds, brings back fond memories of my trip many moons ago , great country. Just keep enjoying and taking pictures too! Emma
3rd February 2011

Choppy waters?
I'm jealous. Been dreaming of getting there, but did u say choppy waters? How long was that cruise? And if you don't mind, how much? I doubt I'd ever have the nerve to go to Antarctica even if I got the money. But Ushuaia (just how do you say that , by the way?) is worth considering.
3rd February 2011

Nice photos - there's such amazing wildlife there. You are very lucky! How long is this trip for?
3rd February 2011

Thanks for the blog. Brought back happy memories of my own trip to that beautiful place :)
19th January 2011
Manchester Cathedral

My Ancesters
Manchester Cathedral - the place where my great, great Uncle Henry Holland was married to Lavina (my generation) on October 19 1835. '-)
5th January 2011

3rd January 2011
Rockwell Nature Reserve & River Skerne

Beautiful picture.
2nd January 2011

My old town
I lived in Leeds from 1979 until 2004. Looking at your photos of the snow, I've just been trying to describe what snow is like to my work collegues here in Indonesia. One of my fellow teachers was saying that he'd like to fly to England just so that he could touch the snow and fly straight back to Java!
2nd January 2011

A White Christmas for you
Oh wow. That's a lot of snow. I wouldn't be caught outside in that weather. Happy new year!
28th December 2010
Alexander Bridge, Paris

Fantastic picture! You have got so many great pics, this is one of my favs though :-)
28th December 2010

i hope you enjoyed the museum....
28th December 2010
The Wellington Pub

I remember drinking there...not too long ago!

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