Roslyn Amiss


Roslyn Amiss

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Wiltshire » Salisbury May 29th 2013

It is a long flight from Brisbane to Heathrow - used my stop over time in KL to catch up on e-mails and things I didn't get finished before leaving home. We were quickly through customs and met Michael's brother and wife in the departure area - although we had planned to meet at the airport - we just "bumped" into each other. We all stayed together in an airport hotel and had a good catch up - but it was early to bed for me. The hotel was soo hot - even though it was raining there - the heating was on - we were looking to open some windows and get some fresh air.......this has been a regular thing for us so far - opening windows in rooms wherever we go. With breakfast done ... read more
Display Museum of Army Flying
Display Museum of Army Flying
Salisbury Cathedral

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy November 7th 2012

On our way to Kandy we passed through Matale and visited the Hindu temple – Sri Muthumariamman Thevasthanam. There is always someone on hand to show you around the temple (for a price of course) and this temple was very ornate and well supported by locals. Hidden away are five enormous and colorful ceremonial chariots which are pulled along by people during an annual festival. Shoes off – and this time an entrepreneural young man noted our western Tiva sandles and took them to safety in a cardboard box only to be disappointed when we took them back without payment – but many thanks as we thought they had been stolen….. We arrived in Kandy (still raining) with plenty of time to spend at the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic and attend the nightly cultural ... read more
Entrance to Tooth Relic Temple
Shrine to Tooth Relic
This is where the tooth is kept

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Dambulla November 7th 2012

Spent the afternoon at the cave temples at Dambulla. Reading Lonely Planet on the way there I was expecting a series of caves somewhere in the hills - open and exposed - and it was still raining. So I wasn't really looking forward to getting out and about exploring in the rain for another day. Pulling into the parking area we were confronted with a rather garish large Golden Buddha (30m high aparently) sitting on top of a museum. The area around it also contained a restaurant and their own Buddist Radio station - looked more like a Disneyland-type venue complete with fake concrete rocks and a long line of new fake-looking images. However, what a surprise (and I have left my camera in the car...).....again umbrellas up and start walking up the rock face behind ... read more
Golden Temple
View on the walk up to the caves
At the top temple complex built into the side of the rockface.

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Sigiriya November 6th 2012

We spent 2 nights at the Lion Rock Guest House – close to Lion Rock and just a little way out of Sigiriya. Another surprising little guest house in the middle of nowhere – only 8 rooms – each building was painted aqua green with white trim and our room was painted lime green and the bathroom was peachy/orange….but the only thing I really wanted when I arrived there was to peel myself out of my clinging wet clothes and get into a nice hot shower….which we did and then followed that up with a nice cold beer. It was still raining heavily and we were getting a bit concerned about climbing up Lion Rock – this is the place that I really wanted to see on this trip and I was a little worried….but…thank goodness ... read more
Lion Rock
Moat around the rock for fortification.
Right side of garden area

Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province » Polonnaruwa November 5th 2012

Spent the night at the Thilaka Holiday Home in Anduradhapura – don’t know where Feroze gets these cute little guest houses from – but they are all small (under 10 rooms), clean and friendly. Today was spent finding our around the ancient city of Polonnaruwa. For three centuries it was the royal capital of both the Chola and Sinhalese kingdoms and its life started last in the 10th century. In 1982, UESCO added this ancient city to its World Heritage list. It continued to rain during the morning but by the afternoon we were soaked through – umbrellas were really only used to try to keep our cameras dry. Even the souvenir sellers were having a hard time and by late afternoon we all decided it would be a better option to go home and have ... read more
The Royal Palace
The Royal Palace
Audience Hall decorations

Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province » Anuradhapura November 1st 2012

Arrived in Colombo at about 4am after a 10 hour stopover in Mumbai airport. Found a quiet “sleeping” area with couches to try to get some rest but the others resting there spent most of their time on their mobile phones and talking….but did manage to get a few minutes of shut eye. Feroze of Bobby Travels was at the airport to meet us – which was great – he took us straight to our hotel and we went to bed at about 5am – slept straight for 7 hours. Hot and steamy in the middle of the day but a nice walk along the beach late afternoon and a couple of drinks and dinner and then I settled in for a couple of movies. Negombo is on the beach and is only about 10kms from ... read more
Fairly new Hindu Temple
Hindu Temple

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel October 16th 2012

While I have been working Michael has been exploring Kathmandu and re-tracing some of our steps from our last trip here in 2008-2009. He took himself off to the Monkey Temple which is the nickname for the Buddist temple of Swayambhunath, which high on a hill to the west of the city. And we say hill...we mean hill....although the benefit is a great view overlooking the city of Kathmandu. There is a steep stairway leading up to the top of the temple complex and along the way you will encounter monkeys and the usual stalls selling handicraft and souvieners to the tourists. Monkey Temple is so called because of the large troop of monkeys that "guard" the hill and temple and amuse or scare the tourists with their antics - but I prefer to give way ... read more
Gateway to the eastern stairway
Attractive door decoration

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel October 9th 2012

We have been in Kathmandu for about 2 weeks now and are settling into a bit of a routine. But, firstly, back to the beginning. We had a good easy flight with a stopover in our favourite little "airport" hotel - The Floral Shire Resort - not fancy but clean, breakfast and free transfers to and from the airport. Thai Airlines had offered us an extra 10kg each free because we were volunteering but I completely misunderstood their regulations and all our baggage had to be booked direct to Kathmandu from Brisbane to get the extra kgs - so a mad dash around the airport to buy toothbrush, deodrant, etc for an overnight stop in Bangkok. Met at Kathmandu airport by my very excited friend, Manoj, and Buddha (president of the Gandharba Cultural Art Organisation.....we were ... read more
Hindu Shrine
Things Michael Likes

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel September 18th 2012

Tomorrow, Michael and I fly out to spend 5 weeks in Nepal - mainly Kathmandu. Other than our several return trips to Vietnam - this is the first time we have returned to a country that we have previously travelled to. But this will be a trip with a difference. Early this year I was successful in winning a place in the School of Social Entrepreneurs based in Melbourne for 2012. I was very excited to be given this opportunity and have been travelling regularly to Melbourne for my block sessions. 2012 is the first time people living outside Melbourne or Sydney have had the opportunity to participate in their lucky am I? SSE's vision is - to see a world powered by passionate people, creating real and tangible change throughout society and in their ... read more
My friend Manoj
Gandharba Village Life
Michael 2009-2010

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An June 19th 2011

Michael and I sadly left Vietnam towards the end of April – this trip had turned out to be a lot more interesting than we had anticipated. Our original reason for this trip was to attend a friend’s wedding…and we were very honoured to be invited to this wedding…..more about this in my next blog…… So, as you know from my previous blog, the four of us (Michael and Roslyn Amiss and Russell Ellett and Merri Hogan) went ahead and built a small shop attached to Hien’s parents-in-law house. The building was nearly completed prior to our returning to Australia. We were very surprised how quickly the building went up. Hien’s husband worked every day on the building aided by two talented assistants. We tried to go out to the building site at least every second ... read more
Inside Hien's shop
Floor is down and the walls and shelving go up.
The shelving that I was soo worried about.

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