The Mallinders


The Mallinders

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cumbria » Keswick June 11th 2016

We pulled up outside our home in Roaemary's car as we'd picked her up to help her convalescence after her heart op. I asked the kids to recreate the poses they struck on the morning we left the house to travel down to Manchester. It's not just the tans and long blond hair that's changed, they also look more grown up.... read more

We left Blighty on the 3rd March 2016 and we will arrive back in eight hours, on the 11th June 2016, which is a trip of exactly one hundred days. The journey tracker on the blog has our final mileage as 33,711 miles. In doing so, we've crossed three continents, visited eleven countries, crossed the international date line and jumped over the equator twice. It's hard to describe how it feels to be finishing the trip as thete is such a combination of emotions and thoughts: excited to be going back home, relived that everyone made it safe and well, keen to start afresh in the new home where we've only lived for six months; a small twinge of sadness that this particular adventure is finished; delight at the prospect of delicious home cooked food (especially ... read more

We're all a bit tired as we wait in Abu Dhabi and Hat just couldn't keep her lids open.... read more

Asia » India » Maharashtra » Mumbai June 10th 2016

Leaving Nepal we encountered some of the bureaucracy that this area of middle Asia is known for. The number of stamps needed post X-ray, the number of searches, the number of people to check the stamps and so on. None of us have ever had a bag search at the steps leading onto the plane! We're at Mumbai airport and Cas is off getting food for Tom and Hat, Bob and Ed are deep into a game of chess. Earlier today we walked into Indra Chowk and found five toiletry shops, one of which had a good bristle shaving brush. Ed and Hat also picked up their self designed T shirts. I rounded up at couple of taxis and we were off to the airport, we had the windows down as it was hot and the ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu June 10th 2016

All four of us lads started out with a bar of green soap in a lock n lock. As mine reduced I added some nice smelling white soap and some lemon soap from various hotels along the way. The resulting 'mongrel soap' was viewed with some disgust by Cas, 'only a bloke would do that'. Yes, well I am one and so I did it! However, all good things must come to an end and it's been binned as part of Operation Pack-Up And Go Home. Cas broke my razor handle a while back. It was a chunky piece of steel and a Christmas present from a few years ago. The blade was just about useable, if not a bit tricky. But it too has been consigned to the bin. Other items that aren't going to ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu June 9th 2016

We woke late after yesterday's uncomfortable travelling. We all searched for things to do in Kathmandu but drew a blank as they were either costly or involved travelling again we none of us wanted that. So, we opted to drift around Thamel and see where the currents took us. There was a little bit of last minute shopping e.g. Bob and Tom bought their mum a cashmere scarf and Ed and Hat created a design each which was then stitched onto a T shirt. We also dropped into the papier-mâché shop with the very funny owner, Bob and Tom were in stitches with his one liners such as, 'your father is so handsome and your mother is the princess of the world'! We had an early lunch/apple pie stop at Rosemary's Cafe before heading onto a ... read more

Asia June 9th 2016

Prior to going, I wondered what we'd learn as we travelled through many different geographies, met all sorts of people and saw a wide variety of plants, animals and nature. A few days ago, I asked everyone to think about this question and here are their thoughts. Cas: - The Western world has gone mad! Everyone has now got the fundamentals to be happy: a warm house, enough food, a means of transport, a means of communication and entertainment. To get these things, we had to strive to get money. But what we're not recognising is that once we've got them we can stop and spend more time actually enjoying our lives/family/friends. When we've got the fundamentals, a long commute to work or working so hard we don't see our children or are too tired to ... read more

Asia » Nepal June 8th 2016

For our final evening in Chitwan we took a jeep down to the river to watch the sun go down and have a bite to eat. It was a peaceful and relaxing way to finish the day and we soon got into a game of charades. Much fun was had as there was a fair bit of speaking by the actor. The mozzis came out as it became dark but we got quite good at swatting them as they landed. Bob and I sat out on our balaconys and chatted for several hours. We witnessed a tropical storm come in, the sky constantly flickering with lightning, almost strobe like in its frequency. The fork lighting strikes were also very big and bright and it was only about ten minutes after we'd gone to bed that two ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan June 8th 2016

We were picked up at 7.30, so not quite as early a start the the previous three days. We'd heard that there had been a landslide on the road after very heavy rains in the night, so we readied the kids for a long day of travelling. Sure enough, the going was very slow as there were loads of road projects being finished before the monsoon starts in earnest in a weeks time, plus there were a large quantity of buses, coaches, trucks and lorries on the move. We crawled, we stopped, we moved a little bit, we stopped, the engine stopped, we shunted forward and so it went on for about 3 hours. Finally, we got past the landslide and it speeded up. This is when our driver began to drive recklessly, overtaking before bends ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan June 7th 2016

A jeep picked us up at 7.00am and we headed down to the river to catch a canoe over to the park. We held a Chinese parliament last night about whether we should do a jeep safari or canyoning and the safari got the majority vote. The jeep was open sided and open topped which meant that we could stand up if we wanted a leg stretch and hang onto the handrails. Initially the landscape is grasses which grow to considerable heights. As the land rises and the ground gets drier it gave way to Sal forest. We saw lots of different deer, wild boar, large monitor lizards, birds of many colours and had a close encounter with a very warty Rhino. We didn't see a tiger, although we saw many fresh footprints and our guide ... read more

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