


Started a new life chapter in 2009 and loving it! Bye Bye China (since 2003) and the world of Communication and welcome to the Humanitarian world! Where? Well...first 13 months in Pyongyang, North Korea followed by 18 months in Baghdad. Enjoyed every minute of it & somehow looking at life with a different perspective.

If there was one sentence to summarize my state of mind, it would be this quote from Ghandi "Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever"

I am now based in Monrovia, Liberia and it is yet once more a whole new culture to discover, loving it !

Comments are welcomed (and the best way to keep improving this blog) so please feel free to post them on this blog! Cheers!!!

More to come soon :-)

Africa » Namibia » Kunene (region) » Opuwo April 2nd 2013

A « small » detour of 400 km north of Etosha Reserve and we reached the town of Opuwo, in the far North West part of Namibia. Why Opuwo? Well, outside of the fact that it brought us next to Angola (which is getting higher by the minute on my wish list), the area is known as the home of the Himba Tribe, a fascinating semi nomadic pastoral tribe that somehow seems to move through time unaffected by the modern world, with women still moving around bare breasted wearing a animal skin skirt. So how to get up close with the Himba tribe… We made our mind about Opuwo very last minute (basically the day before between two game drives) as we were initially hoping to cross the path of the Himba tribe in Outjo or ... read more
lady gathering
Himba Woman

Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park April 1st 2013

And somehow trying not to be eaten by a hungry lion in the process or disturb the large group of elephants passing along our car… Welcome to Etosha national park, a jewel when it comes to wildlife diversity and abundance set in a middle of a quite atypical landscape. 20’000 sq km in the center of which lies an immense salt desert, the Etosha pan, that gives the name to the park “the great white place of dry water”. Around it, grassland, woodland and bush home to so many species that you quickly stop counting and simply enjoy the easiness with which you can spot them. Map on hand ready to explore! Driving in the wild… The first day in the reserve was filled with anticipation, read about Etosha, chatted the night before with some South ... read more
yes this is the road...
Giraffe strolling around
Impala after the rain...

Africa » Liberia December 8th 2012

Another mission and yet another country, after North Korea and Iraq, here I am for the very first time in my life, working in West Africa! Fully settled in, time to write my first entry about Liberia, my new home for a little while, no security issues here so I am very much determined to discover step by step this part of the world! Many things have happened during my first few weekends in Monrovia, or should I say outside of Monrovia...Robertsport and its national surf contest, mind-blowing; a great farewell of a dear friend in Liberia first ecolodge hidden between jungle and sea an hour and half drive from the capital and my very first close encounter with chimpanzees in the wild... Monkey Island, Liberia here we come! The getting there part, as usual one ... read more
Paddling time together for Sunday
Chimp Family Picture
Peace & serenity along the river...beautiful Liberia indeed...

South America » Colombia » Santander » Barichara September 26th 2012

Walking through the little pueblo of Barichara, nested in the Santander area, I had to redefine my conception of tranquility. Until now, I would find peace & quiet in remote natural areas or exploring the underwater world, but Barichara had this very same effect on me. With little more than 4000 inhabitants, Barichara remains a tiny town but one that has understood that protecting its architectural & cultural heritage was the way forward when it comes to attract tourists. So here I was, rooming Barichara cobbled stones alleys, amazed at every corner by the combination of white washed facades with linear dash of colors at the base, stone works and just as colorful wooden doors & windows frame. The town is quite hilly which add an extra once of charm to it. Mid day and after ... read more
Face & colors of Barichara
Camino Real, Colombia
Barichara distinctive architecture

South America » Colombia » San Gil September 21st 2012

When it comes to outdoor sports in Colombia, don’t look further, San Gil is the destination to head to and as I rarely miss an occasion to go white water rafting, rappelling or trekking, here I was slowly making my way toward it from the Caribbean coast. A 10 hours bus ride south from Santa Marta all the way to Bucaramanga followed by another 2 hours and half on curvy mountain roads later, I finally arrived in the tiny town of San Gil. Early morning and the town is already bustling : cattle trucks are queuing to deliver vegetables and fruits to the nearby market, rancheros wearing the classic cowboy hat are going in and out of the building loaded with wooden boxes while the oldest are chit chatting on the town main square. Having heard ... read more
Slowly but surely
trying to keep my balance, easier said than done !
No turn back, behind me 70 meters down....

South America » Colombia » La Guajira » Punta Gallinas September 17th 2012

We are both by now having a really large smile on our face! Why? Well, after having nearly passed out while on foot in the middle of Colombia Guajira desert & gave up hopes to spend yet another exciting day in a melting pot of dilapidated transports, we are seated under the shadow and standing in front of us is the 4x4 car that will bring us to the next stop (and yes I am finally enjoying my first coffee of the day!). We have made it to Cabo de la Vela, a tiny fishermen village wedged between Caribbean Sea and the scorching hot desert which already felt like the end of the world, and we are now officially optimistic that we will make it to Punta Gallenas, the northern most tip of South America. By ... read more
A very classic view of Guajira desert
When the desert meets the sea...
Cuty !  "Bernard l'hermite"

South America » Colombia » La Guajira » Cabo de la Vela September 16th 2012

Getting off the grid even further & leaving the civilization behind us for well…not sure for how long actually, and that is very much part of any trip to the Guajira peninsula, the Wild Wild East of Colombia, you know when you go there but never when you might manage to come back! This huge deserted area at the northern most point of South America is the land of the Wayuu tribe, fierce & proud, they are about the only people who manage to live in this remote part of the world, even the Spanish never manage to conquer this part of Colombia and this say little about just how isolated & difficult to access the place is…but as well how rewarding it is once you managed to get there… immaculate desert & its rainbow of ... read more
cabanas where you can camp or install an hammock
Rust orange cliff plunging into the sea
Beware, goats crossing !

South America » Colombia » Santa Marta » Palomino September 14th 2012

Blame it on my Disney land experience of Cartagena but as I made my way along the Caribbean coast toward Venezuela, I was definitely in the mood for a more remote, tourist free type of experience. Palomino, a tiny undiscovered gem along the Caribbean coast was simply perfect, pristine beach, intense agate blue sea, fishermen and breathtaking view of the Sierra Nevada mountain chain from the beach. I can only be grateful that the locals met in Santa Marta shared this tip with me…What else, well, this is still off the road for most tourists so there was barely anyone and no infrastructure as such other than hammock and a few bungalows! Life sweet life… The “getting there” part Surprisingly easy! One would expect that this type of place be a hard one to get to ... read more
An interesting way to use the fishing boat!
Cooking time!
La Sirena

South America » Colombia » Cartagena September 8th 2012

Three weeks already that my Colombian adventure started and after bustling Bogota, precious Salento and its coffee area and a week filled by Colombian salsa in Cali, time to head to the Caribbean coast! First stop Cartagena de Indias that is said to be one of the jewel of Colombia, with its colonial architecture and cobbled streets, a travel through history… Arrived around 9pm after an hour and half flight from Cali on Colombian newest low coast airline (viva Colombia) and walking out of the airplane I had my first climate choc...still way over the 30 degrees and a level of humidity that makes you want to run back inside the plane! Wasn’t quite mentally prepared for that and somehow it is one of the reason why I would normally prefer to travel by bus; at ... read more
the cartagena blue...
A swing of colors on Playa Blanca
Playa Blanca

South America » Colombia » Cali September 1st 2012

Cali, one the place I had been dreaming of going to for years…not so much for the city in itself but for its salsa culture that shapes every beat of it and when it comes to Salsa, well, Cali is the most famous city in the world ! Over 100 salsa schools in Cali, 800 places where you can party and every single salsa world champion prize going to Cali, this is THE place if you want to discover or work on your salsa steps and party Cali style. Saturday, finally arrived in Cali after a four hours bus ride from Armenia. As I walk out of the bus and make my way to the taxi station, I can’t help but notice how busy the place is and how literally everyone is looking at me. Well ... read more
Street scene
Street scene by the church
A great one

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