Kevin Knight


Kevin Knight

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome January 4th 2015

Having welcomed in the new year just 12 hours before, I made my way to Luton Airport for the first holiday of the year. Wasting no time and being joined for once, by other people, I was headed for the Italian capital, Rome. After flying over the snowy Alps, we eventually arrived in a chilly Rome, where we boarded our prebooked bus to the city. After stopping off for a Pizza, we eventually arrived at our apartment for the next 3 days, where we dropped our stuff and walked just 5 minutes down the road to the Colosseum. Despite it now being cold and dark on a January evening, there were still many people outside, and we of course took many group shots behind the illuminated building. Having left our selfie stick at home it was ... read more
Trevi Fountain
View of the Vatican

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen December 2nd 2014

As is almost a tradition, I once again returned to Bremen this winter for a good old catch up with my besties in Germany. Having only got back from Israel around 2½ weeks earlier, and almost exactly repeating the trip from 2012, I flew out on a Thursday afternoon from Stansted and returned on the Monday night - However this time as I was working, I did a half day in the morning, before driving and parking at the airport, catching my flight and arriving in Bremen in time to join Elena's preparty before the international day party took place in the city. Having arrived less than half an hour before, at the pre party I was already fondly reminded of how fun the Erasmus experience was, being able to catch up with my good friends, ... read more
Ghettofluff & Businessman
La Viva

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra November 8th 2014

The second part of my trip to the Holy Land took me outside of Jerusalem to explore the rest of the country. Leaving Jerusalem as another terrorist incident occurred, I boarded my bus that drove eastwards towards the Dead Sea. Whilst Jerusalem and the area around was very hilly, eventually you get to a huge valley, marking the border with Jordan, which at the bottom is the Dead Sea. As you then wind down the hill side there are some plaques denoting the elevation. And it is not long before you reach the "0m - Sea Level" sign. Fair enough, except when you look out to your left, you see the valley continues even further. Then it goes down "-200m", and you're still barely half of the way down. Passing by the Masada, I eventually arrived ... read more
Ein Bokek
Dead Sea
Israeli-Jordanian Border

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem November 4th 2014

Hi all Hope you're all fine The working world means I have much less time for holidays....but more money to spend on them! And my latest adventure took me to Israel.Whilst the country is absolutely teaming with history, it also has, as we know, a huge problem with terrorism. Unluckily for me, just a few days after it was all booked, the latest trouble erupted this summer. Fortunately by the time I went, the worst of it was over. But I had done a lot of researching and prepared myself for a lot of questioning and security searching as well have realised that as far as the everyday tourist goes, the risk of trouble isn't much greater than London or the USA. And then two days before I leave....more trouble as a far right Jew gets ... read more
Christ's Tomb
Site of the crucifixion
Via Dolorossa

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen August 18th 2014

Hi all My last excitement this summer was to visit the Fjords around Norway's second city, Bergen. Celebrating mum's 50th and my brother's 21st, we went on our family holiday in several years, and for once I wasn't travelling alone! Norway was incredibly expensive, and I guess it was very much how foreigners, particularly from Eastern Europe must feel when they come to Britain. However saying that, there were lots of good things like WiFi absolutely everywhere - from getting on the plane at Gatwick until we returned several days later at the other end I was essentially connected the whole time! Despite being Norway's second biggest city, Bergen was still remarkably small, taking very little time to walk round and explore. Hence our visit of just two and a half days was more than enough. ... read more

Europe » Belgium » West Flanders » Ypres August 9th 2014

Hi everyone One of the highlights of the summer occurred two weeks ago, when I took a day trip, along with Saman, Matt and Jenna over the channel to Flanders. And best of all....the ferry was free! Having underwhelming service on the Christmas Ferry out to Lille back in December, we complained and were awarded free, unrestricted ferry tickets for 2014. The day trip turned into a weekend for me, as I left work straight to London, staying at Matt's on Friday night before the early start on Saturday. Leaving at 5:30am we blasted out the #choons as we made our way down to Dover. As the weekend was the first day of the summer holidays it was absolutely packed, and we ended up spending the whole journey across the channel in the restaurant queuing for ... read more
Menin Gate
Commonwealth Cemetery

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London August 6th 2014

Hi everyone It's been a long time since I've written a blog, despite lots going on, so I shall start with this one summarising the general goings on this summer. The biggest thing to happen is the fact I now have an actual real job! Cramming in everything I want to do into just a few hours each day was tough at first, but I'm now used to it, and really enjoy having a routine and money to spend! It's been almost three months since I started, but I'm still enjoying it, and I get on great with my colleagues. Luckily it's only in Hemel Hempstead, so my commute is nice and short. However having this job means, as I mentioned, my socialising time is much more limited, generally only to weekends, which is the main ... read more
On the Downs
Bedford River Festival

Europe » Gibraltar May 6th 2014

Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I've written one of these, but you really haven't missed much. From Christmas until the start of May I really haven't done anything! However after going for two interviews I have finally got myself a job and not starting it for two weeks I made the decision to go on a quick holiday before starting. After booking it just a week before, two weeks ago I flew to Gibraltar for a three day holiday, including a visit to Morocco. Flying out of the Saturday morning I arrived at Gibraltar airport, and took a quick look around the centre of the town before crossing the border into Spain without even stopping to show my passport and making my way over to the windy town of Tarifa - the southernmost ... read more
The Strait

Europe » France » Nord-Pas de Calais » Lille December 20th 2013

Hey guys! Hope you're all well This is my latest blog that will detail everything in the last month since I got back from my world trip! Firstly, and most importantly, the week after I got back it was finally Graduation time! Although the night itself went far too quickly with just a couple of hours for the ceremony and drinks afterwards, we made the celebration last even longer by having a graduation night out on the Friday with almost all our Geography class! Although I clearly drank too much it was a brilliant night out and really topped off the celebrations! The following week I went with my family over to Towcester racecourse where I made £60 from my winning horse! And a couple of weeks later I went up to Birmingham to visit the ... read more
Graduation Celebration

This is my last blog about my round the world trip, and details my excursion from New York up to Niagara Falls, Washington DC and back via Philadelphia to New York. Meeting early in Chinatown, I boarded the bus that would take us on our trip with mostly Chinese tourists, but also Europeans and some Americans and Australians. Just to let you know. Each of our days involved early starts and late finishes, but crammed in a lot into just 3 days! Just to let you know. We began the trip heading north, stopping at the Secret Caverns en route...however with the trip already not being cheap, I decided that for most of these "optional excursions" as they were called, I would not bother with. Unfortunately this did mean hanging about outside on my own in ... read more
Niagara Falls
Liberty Bell
Kevin Bear Collection

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