flyinghaggis' Guestbook

22nd January 2012

video and blog
All this computer hassle is worth it to seeyou in Phillipines!! Looks like an interesting variety of activities. Enjoy Hugs and love GRAMMA
20th January 2012

Looks like fun !
Looks like you are having a great time - love the pictures ! (any surfing pics??) Those hanging coffins are very unique - why did they do that ?
13th October 2011

Happy Valley
Hi Ian, Happy Valley looks beautiful. And exotic. Crowds are often hard to deal with. I hope that your trek was a good time. Love, Mom
13th October 2011

Happy Valley
Have fun on the trek Ian. I miss the smell of the tea plantations Guess I\'ll just have to sniff a teabag.
7th October 2011
Burj al-Arab

Absolutely fantastic picture.
2nd October 2011

So sick that you got to go to Dubai. Older child mature and middle child not.... :)
13th September 2011

Incredible !
Ian, your photos are out of this world! They make me think of the Lord of the Rings. Now you can skydive next and I will fly in a hot air balloon next. :)
12th September 2011

On the positive side... India, here Ian comes!
11th September 2011

Hey Ian, I love your \"citadel scarves\" and you. Mom
6th September 2011

Ian, your journey is teaching me so much ! I have never even thought about eastern Turkey. The photos are beautiful. I had no idea that you would find such sophisticated art and architecture in the desertlike setting. Remarkable. I am so glad that you are able to pick up friends in your travels. That is a beautiful talent. By the way, your writing is very entertaining, informational and insightful. Thanks for all that you are sharing and giving to me. Love, Mom
6th September 2011

Yup, he's sitting to my left in the photo
5th September 2011
IMGP6161 c

Hey Ian, this is a really nice picture of you. You look pretty tan ! Is that the English fellow to your left?
5th September 2011

Hello from SC
Great to hear from you! Glad to see that you are a ways away from Syria!
30th August 2011

Wow, sounds amazing. Yes, I have found Canadians to be just about the best people in the world. Interesting to watch your writing change and loosen and become more optimistic and free.
From Blog: I Heart Istanbul
23rd August 2011

And the travel continues.... the fulecca ride looks lovely.
22nd August 2011

Hi Ian, The view from the minaret was crazily high up. No wonder that you had vertigo. I would be interested to hear your views on the future of Egypt from your perspective. Love your blogs ! Mom
17th August 2011

have a nice trip in Egypt and you're welcome an any time
16th August 2011

enjoy your trip.......
14th August 2011

Woah, Egypt sounds intense. The photo of you and Tad on your steeds in front of the pyramids is classic.
12th August 2011

Great !
Ian, your blogs are terrific ! I have learned so much about the Middle East from your writings. They are informative, funny and insightful. Thanks so much ! Keep them coming ! Mom
12th August 2011

Enjoyed your blog.
Very nice photos.
From Blog: The West Bank
11th August 2011

Awesome, informative post Ian. It seems your trip is off to an auspicious start. It's fun traveling along with you. Keep posting!
10th August 2011

Inside Dome of the Rock
Back in the dark ages (1973) we were allowed in the Dome of the Rock. I recall that we had to take our shoes off so consequently it smelled like feet inside. The floor had blue carpeting and it was very open, yet dark, inside. I'll check my archives to see if I have any photos. I don't think we were allowed to take photos inside but it will be good to find those photos again anyway. Glad to hear that you were not hurt badly in the car accident. Perhaps that and other "luck" you've had may need to be reassessed! Love, Becky
10th August 2011

Ian, nice entry. These are some important sites you are visiting and describing. Pretty cool
10th August 2011

Wow, sick video. She makes it look so easy. Zikra sounds like an awesome organization.

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