deejayvee's Guestbook

3rd February 2019

An impressive drive
Enjoy the hike, stop to smell the flowers. This is not a hike to be rushed. I'm glad you called everyone to see the horses. Sorry you missed the boat ride.
3rd February 2019
Cloud Forming Over the Horns

3rd February 2019
Cloud Forming Over the Horns

Thank you!
24th January 2019

Torres del Paine
The strongest wind in the World...the most beautiful place in the World...but not necessarily the clearest skies in the World. How lucky you have been to be there David...but even luckier the skies were clear for you to see it in its ultimate glory. Your opening Panorama slide took me back there...magnificent!!!
3rd February 2019

Panoramas are the only way to come close to capturing the magnificence of this place!
I've taken more panoramas on this trip than ever before. And yes, we have been so lucky with the weather on this trip!
24th January 2019
Puma Trying to Sleep

I thought I got every image in Torres del Paine when we were there...but you got 1,047 in one day including this beauty of an elusive puma. Guess that means I gotta try harder!!!.
3rd February 2019
Puma Trying to Sleep

What a place for photography!
And we couldn't believe our luck in seeing not just one, but two pumas! Amazing place and so glad I could share it with dad!
23rd January 2019

Pretty impressive
I had to follow the cracks and wall stains to figure out which bits were the mural (apart from the people). I had to laugh at the reaction of the people to the delay. We often see their kind at airports... there's understandable disappointment and possibly frustration, and then there's all-out feet-stamping tantrum-throwing :)
23rd January 2019

I was the same with a couple of the murals! On the yellow one, I had to check which were the real windows! Fortunately people have calmed down now and accepted things. I didn't fancy a couple of weeks on a boat full of angry passengers!
20th January 2019

Patagonia Yurt Camp
Having driven over all the roads of the Torres del Paine area I was familiar with all the accomodation options available within the park when we were there. However, having looked on the internet, were you staying at Patagonia Camp on the banks of Lake Toro just outside the park? If so, looks very nice indeed.
21st January 2019

That's the one!
Being outside the park added an extra 15 minutes each way for driving, but no big deal as the landscape is still stunning outside the park!
19th January 2019
Dad, hiking up the hill

Beautiful part of the world
Great photos of the landscape and wildlife! And this one of your Dad is my favourite of the lot. Safe and happy travels :)
21st January 2019
Dad, hiking up the hill

Thank you!
19th January 2019
Puma Trying to Sleep

Fantastic Photo!
It's like you both didn't expect to see each other!
21st January 2019
Puma Trying to Sleep

Indeed... I don't think the puma was as excited as I was though!
18th January 2019
Santa Lucia Hill

One look at this pic I exclaimed "I've been here." Chile is one of my favourite countries. Peurto Natales from memory is a gateway to entering Torres del Paine. Hope for your sake that you are heading Most Beautiful Place in the World. Looking forward to seeing if your stars are aligning, David!
From Blog: Yurt’s So Good
18th January 2019
Santa Lucia Hill

Indeed we did head there! A couple of blogs about our stay are on their way...
From Blog: Yurt’s So Good
16th January 2019

Yurt life and more
Great to hear you are traveling with your father. Sounds like a great trip so far. Glamping in Patagonia sounds perfect.
From Blog: Yurt’s So Good
16th January 2019

Good start
Great to hear you have started the trip ok. I’m jelous, I wish I was there too! Loved your first blog ?
From Blog: Yurt’s So Good
16th January 2019

My Dad said that was the only place he wanted to go too. So I’ve been saving my money hoping to have enough for a trip to Antartica next year. What is your plan? I’ll follow along and hopefully get some ideas. I Like the yurt glamping and hiking, but my Dad would probably prefer a boat cabin.
From Blog: Yurt’s So Good
17th January 2019

After Patagonia Camp, we spend a couple of days in Punta Arenas before joining a cruise with One Ocean Expeditions. There's no internet onboard, so I will have a bunch of blogs to publish when we finish the cruise. Hopefully that will help you decide what's best for you and your dad!
From Blog: Yurt’s So Good
16th January 2019
Santa Lucia Hill

What a lovely thing to do with your Dad :) Looking forward to reading more about Chile and your eventual trip to Antarctica.
From Blog: Yurt’s So Good
10th October 2018

Clydesdale festival
This festival looks fantastic. Thank you for telling us about it. We've never heard of it. Great photography. Thanks for taking us a place few go. Good to see you blogging again.
From Blog: Where is that?
10th October 2018

It was great to have a break after a few hectic months at work. It's also reminded me of the value of blogging even when I don't fly halfway around the world. I will be trying to write more often!
From Blog: Where is that?

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