deejayvee's Guestbook

5th February 2019

Love the photos!
What an amazing sounding journey... and your photos certainly took me right there. Is this the end of the trip? If so, have a safe journey home.
5th February 2019

Thank you!
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I have 10 days left in Chile, but it will be much more relaxed as we are dedicating this part of the trip to wine!
4th February 2019
Gentoo Penguin Frolicking on the Beach

Nature at its finest
A cute one
4th February 2019

What action.
4th February 2019

Ice cream decorated with whales and penguins
Sign me up! What a nice captains dinner. It sounds like your last stop really was the perfect ending. I'm so happy for you.
4th February 2019

It was
It really was a great way to end the trip.
4th February 2019
Dad and I

The Falklands
What a wonderful trip to take with your father.
3rd February 2019

The seduction of Antarctica
I worked there in 1989-90 and I've always wanted to go back. It is an amazing place that seduces you by its stark beauty. I hope you go back again some day. Petral's are beautiful. You've seen amazing things. Well done.
3rd February 2019

Success! A leopard seal
Life is full of adventure. Neve give up hope. I'm so happy for you that you saw a Leopard seal. Penguins a plenty. What a joyful trip you are on. Plus you've gotten some great photography tips... those things we know and forget to do. Excellent.
4th February 2019

I feel so blessed that I got to see a puma in Patagonia and a Leopard Seal in Antarctica. Everything else is just gravy!
3rd February 2019
Adelie Penguin

An artist at work!
3rd February 2019
Leopard Seal

When we meet I will tell you of my adventures of working in Antarctica 1989-90 and doing the polar swim and worrying about the leopard seals.
3rd February 2019
Adelie Penguin

Nothing else to say. MJ
3rd February 2019

Life aboard ship
I liked hearing about processing your photos and enjoying the people you are meeting. It sounds like the guides are knowledgable. Extraordinary photos and the trip of a lifetime.
3rd February 2019
Humpback Whale

So nice
... and close. Great.
3rd February 2019

A few weeks ago Dave and I booked a trip to Antarctica next February on Quark. We can't wait so reading your blogs and seeing your photos is very exciting. I'm with you about people not listening and... being impatient. How do they go through life so self absorbed. Oh well... for another day. Photographers take hundreds of photos and only expect a handful to be good. From what I've seen you are a head of the game. Great stuff. What an exciting trip. MJ
3rd February 2019

You will have a fantastic trip, I'm sure. The wildlife experience in Antarctica is second to none!
3rd February 2019

The joys of Penguins
Stunning mountains and icy glaciers is all you had to say to have my attention. It looks like you saw everything you went for..... travel fills the soul. Thanks for taking us along on this trip and sharing your amazing photos. Are the zodiacs hard to get in and out of?
3rd February 2019

Thanks again!
From the ship, we found the zodiacs relatively easy to get in and out of, but we had very calm seas. It's not always that easy, apparently. In the next blog post, there's a more "interesting" zodiac adventure at the Falklands which was definitely harder! But the staff are there to help you and safety is paramount so if there is any safety concern, you don't go.
3rd February 2019

Chile and Antarctica
Ah the joys of a Pisco Sour. This is so wonderful that you are traveling with your father to check off his bucket list. Your photos are the best. Torres del Paine is a place we hope to see soon.
3rd February 2019

It's my bucket list too!
We could easily have spent more time here. I would love to come back and see Argentinian Patagonia too some day.
3rd February 2019

Delays have to be anticipated.
Weather in that part of the world can be wicked and ever changing. People going on an Antarctic cruise need to have a better understanding. Things happen. Sending you good energy for your trip.
3rd February 2019
Paine Massif

Stunning beauty abounds
Thanks for sharing
3rd February 2019

Things happen for a reason
We feel very strongly that you end up where you need to be. I'm so glad the other trips didn't work out. We love condors. They are amazing birds. You've taken some amazing photos.
3rd February 2019

Thank you!
Yes, it really did seem like it was meant to be.

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